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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. I installed the apachephp docker and it is working for me, but the banner and icon files appear to be corrupted or non existent.
  2. So what does Auto Mount on do? I'm hoping it will mount the drive on bootup when set on and mount/unmount with the array start/stop events.
  3. I understand the mount and unmount upon plugin, but I want to run a script on a cron to a sata drive. The drive I use for a backup is an sata built into the server and is not 'pluggable'. I think what I can do is have the drive auto mount and copy my script to the daily cron like I do now. It can then do what it needs to do to back up data. In SNAP I was mounting and unmounting the drive because it would be shared if left mounted. It looks like you allow the choice to share or not share. I will work with this some and see if I can get it to do what I want. I believe I can.
  4. I have a sata drive plugged constantly in that I use to backup some data on a daily basis. Is there a way to execute a script at the daily cron event? The sequence of events should be: - Mount the drive. - Execute a script. - Unmount the drive. This should be set up to run on a cron basis. Preferably on a daily or weekly basis, etc. The reason I'm asking is that I intend to deprecate the older SNAP before V6 final. SNAP was written years ago and is very out of date. This ability seems to be the missing piece for this plugin to replace SNAP completely.
  5. I've had the same issue. I disabled then re-enabled and got the apps working again. Haven't figured it out though. I think the Docker reloads the apps file structure and wipes out any changes made. When it does that the calendar and contacts directories in the apps directory are lost.
  6. When I enable the calendar and contacts apps, they work just fine. If I do any kind of an update on the owncloud docker, the calendar and contacts apps directories get deleted. I then have to disable and re-enable the apps to get the directories re-created. I also have a files move app that I use that has to be re-loaded. Is there a better way to do this? I'm not sure how the docker files are updated, but if the files and directories in the apps directory that are not part of the distro could be respected, it would be better. Could the apps directory be moved to /mnt/cache/appdata/owncloud?
  7. It worked. I just had to use the 64bit cpio package. installpkg /boot/packages/cpio-2.11-x86_64-2.txz
  8. cpio works fine for v6. I did that to check out the updates before being able to install them on my server. The only difference if there ever was any would be in what compression level it uses. Ok. I'll give it a go.
  9. I think that applies to v5 and not v6. I believe the packing/zipping mechanism has changed along the way in v6.
  10. Can someone give me the method of unzipping bzroot and then zipping it back? I want to make some adjustments and save the changes for testing.
  11. Ok. This is off the wall but I have a hunch. Disable UPS in the UPS settings and reboot. EDIT: Sorry, set Start APC UPS Daemon to no.
  12. If I remember correctly, I used to see FTP file transfers in the Active Streams. I am not seeing these now. Did they used to be in the Active Streams?
  13. All the script does is to set some parameters that affect a parity check and then start and stop a parity check. It's no different than running a parity check while Dockers and VMs are running. EDIT: You will get better results with Dockers and VMs stopped.
  14. When I saw 'fatal', I thought it might be important. No problem, just wanted to see if it was really an issue. You once told me you run headless and can't see these messages. I use cache_dirs, but not the s3_sleep plugin.
  15. I am seeing the following error message on the console when I boot up unRAID. "awk: fatal: cannot open file '/proc/mdcmd' for reading (No such file or directory)" I do not see this message when I reboot without plugins. It does show when plugins are loaded. The only plugins I have installed are Dynamix.
  16. Powerdown offers some additional functionality like keeping a log history. http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=31735.0
  17. Powerdown has been and still is optional.
  18. I like that better. Thank you.
  19. Pff, copied the wrong file to github ... wait for version 'c' No problem.
  20. lol - Really!?! I'd actually prefer not to clear the cache, as this is better LOL, there is a version 'b' available now with the old cpu/mb icons resized to match the new fan icon. Agreed it looks fancier Just updated. Icons are still all the same in the /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.system.temp/icons.
  21. It looks like the temperature icons are the same as the fan indicator; all are fans.
  22. I think the stats actually are more appropriate for the network utilization because it shows transmit and receive utilization in a nice graph. I believe bonienl set up the Dashboard to give a quick overview of the operation of the array, and I think he did a good job. The Dashboard is full of information and will only get overly busy to be useful if too much is added.
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