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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. When a UD device is removed without being unmounted first, it is a very messy situation and you are right, the only way to clean it up correctly is to reboot. I'll take a look and see what might make sense to most users.
  2. I'm looking into it now. I think you are right in that Unraid is using NFS version 4.0.
  3. If guess I don't understand how you are wanting to mount things. Can you explain in a little more detail what you want to mount RO and where? And on what server? Also, the NFS rules apply to the NFS access from one computer to another. The UD Read Only applies to the local mount point.
  4. The Read Only switch applies to the local mount point - '/mnt/remotes/share'. The remote server can have rw access with rules, but local access to the mount point will be read only.
  5. What is your use case? The script 'ADD' action lets the script know if the it was executed by auto mount or the user clicked the 'Mount' Button. With that and the Auto Mount switch, it appears to give the control you need.
  6. Works for me. I can browse a UD share, click "Parent Directory" to go to the array. Select what to copy, then select the destination which includes mounts at /mnt/remotes/. If you clicked on the remote share mount point, you should see the contents of NAS1_Volume_3. How did you initiate the file manager to get to /mnt/?
  7. Install Unassigned Devices Plus from Apps and you can mount exfat file systems.
  8. Why don't you leave the remote shares unmounted and then mount them and use the device script with rsync to do your copies and then unmount the device when you're done?
  9. Go to the UD Web page, click on the mount point of a mounted device and you can browse the UD device with File Manager where you want.
  10. You can leave the 'Main' tab and the refresh of the UD devices will stop. For example, go to the 'Dashboard'. This also applies to any Browser that has the 'Main' tab open. Having multiple sessions of Unraid GUI open on the 'Main' tab on a single computer or multiple computers will cause refreshes.
  11. The refresh will not happen if you are off the 'Main' tab. Don't leave a browser open just sitting on the 'Main' tab.
  12. It's a bug that will be fixed in the next release of UD. To get around this: Turn the 'Auto Mount' switch on. Detach the disk. Attach the disk. The disk will be mounted and you can access the data. Click the 'Unmount' button on the second partition to unmount the disk.
  13. Thre's a timer to wait for a while until the network settles. It defaults to 5 minutes. Extend it and see if it helps. Try 30 seconds. It's called "Remote Share Mount Wait Time" at Unassigned Devices->Settings. If that doesn't work, post your diagnostics.
  14. It's no different because one User share is one disk. Spin ups won't occur on other array disks when accessing one disk. The same as disk shares.
  15. Yes, but you cannot share disks in a root share. Set up a user share for each hard disk and set the share to be exclusive to a disk. For example: User share 'Disk1' exclusive to disk1. Once all of them are set, turn off Disk sharing and enable User sharing. Then use UD to add a Root Share on the other server. All your disks will be at '/mnt/rootshare/diskX'. You can access them there for file copies.
  16. Yes, that's expected. You can mount it again by setting the 'Automount' switch on, detach the disk, then reattach the disk. It will auto mount. The 'Udev' marker is only on the mount button and doesn't affect auto mount. I'll have it fixed in the next release of UD. Because of some users whinning about too many updates, I'll hold off until it becomes a necessity to update. Right now you have a work around.
  17. For now, use the 'Unmount' button on the second partition to unmount the disk.
  18. It refreshes the size, used, and free space on the a remote mount every 90 seconds based on when it was last checked. They are not alll checked at one time. A lot of things have changed - your remote servers are full. That will slow down the 'df' command with a lot of directories and files it has to go through. Do you have cache_dirs installed on your servers? That might help. Switch to NFS on your remote share mounts. SMB is too much overhead.
  19. Post the output of this comand: lsblk -f and mount Yes, the disk shows as being mounted, but the partition doesn't show a file system or the disk stats.
  20. There is a situation with some USB disks that I've seen where udev does not report the correct file system. That 'Udev' indicator is to indicate where UD detects the actual file system on the disk is different than that being reported by udev. The solution is to click on the double arrows icon on the upper right corner of the UD page. That causes udev to refresh UD with the disk status and should clear up the 'udev' indicator.
  21. Try today's update and see if it is resolved. Once you update, it may take several minutes for UD to show the online status.
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