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Everything posted by spotopolis

  1. Thanks for suggestion, but I'm afraid this will not work, looking at the addition suggested to the GO file I checked around my file system and "/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/webGui/phaze.page" does not even exist on my system. Hopefully we will see native support of b12+ within this plugin soon, until then I'll wait! I just tried it on v6b14b and it worked for me! Thank you! Down side is even though the page is showing up, there hasn't been any compatible Virtualbox releases for it, so it still will not run. At least the page is showing up now.
  2. plex install and temp DIRs are located on my 2nd HDD and not on the flash drive. as far as apache and phpVB Im pretty sure I have moved their DIRs to the 2nd HDD as well. At least as far as I can tell.
  3. On my main page I am seeing 102284 writes on my flash drive as of now. If I go back now as Im typing, it has already jumped to 102287. This number keeps climbing. Im not seeing anything in the log that would be doing this. I dont run much on my unraid setup. I use it mainly for Plex (64) and also have phpvirtualbox runnin on apache. those are the only add-ons I have. its all stock besides that. Is this normal? I thougth once booted it ran off RAM mostly? I just had a flash drive die a couple weeks ago and had to rebuild my setup. Im thinking this may be why. I just cant seem to find what it is. Its now at 102300. @11:59pm, 12 minutes later from OP, I turned off both the virtualbox and apache plugins and the writes are still going up @ 102350. I still dont understand why. My Apache webserver root dir is located on my 2nd HDD, and my virtualbox symbolic link is on my 2nd HDD as well.
  4. Got excited cause it looked like I could finally use it again too, but the github looks like all the latest 64bit plgs were removed 2 days ago. I tried the above method bot my webGui will not start now.
  5. Got it up and running with your new plg. had to run "chgrp nobody /var/lib/php" after I had everything setup to get past the invalid username/pass error. but I am at the VBGui now.
  6. HaHa! Figures that happens when Im running maintenance myself. I was having issues getting virtualbox to work correctly with your plugin though. I could get to the PHP virtualbox login page, but the username and password admin/admin was coming back invalid. Still trying to figure that one out. Rebooted my server and it threw the apache_64.plg in the broken folder.
  7. Your Apache.plg is broken. It will not install due to some of the changes you made in your github file structure. the plg is still trying to access a 2014.09.24 archive. I tried removing that from the plg with notepad++ and then I started getting errors because it wasnt pointing to the httpd folder correctly. after i fixed those in notepad to the correct path in your github, i started to get this error /tmp/apache-install: line 7: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `"' /tmp/apache-install: line 33: syntax error: unexpected end of file plugin: run failed: /bin/bash retval: 2 this part is beyond my knowledge as I am a self taught novice.
  8. I am trying to remember if this was the same problem I had but for the heck of it try this: chgrp nobody /var/lib/php Now try to log into the web pgae I had to put that in my go file as it turned out to be a permissions issue as the root cause and the invalid username/pwd was just a side effect Go file? can I change this through a windows explorer page on the share, or do I have to do this command through putty?
  9. Yes on config.php rename. The VBOXWEBSRV is started. I am getting to the Vbox log on screen, it just wont accept a username and password. I tried admin/admin, but it says that combo is invalid. I tried the recovery.php file to reset the admin creds, but that didnt work either.
  10. I am currently running the latest UNRAID 6beta9, and trying to get virtualbox 64 running using the Apache plugin for the webserver (since there isnt another 64bit webserver that I could find) . I think I have everything setup correctly, but I keep getting invalid username and password errors when trying to log into the virtualbox webserver. I tried admin\admin, but its not working. Is there something else I need to change? If anyone could point me in the right direction that would be great.
  11. Username: admin Password: admin AWESOME! Thank you! up and running. Time to play around and see if I cant get this server imported.
  12. Now thats done and I'm getting a credentials error using default vbox and pass
  13. okay, so i dumped all of the contents of the phpvirtualbox.zip into my web root directory and renamed the config to config.php. now Im getting a SOAP error.
  14. Where exactly are you stuck? Have you downloaded phpvirtualbox and put it in the Dynamix webserver? Is phpvirtualbox still not part of the virtualbox package? I thought it was. I thought that was one of the items that it installed from the virtualbox gui. I see it mentioned a lot but dont see how to get it or install it. EDIT: okay I got phpvirtualbox from sourceforge, and have it extracted. what do I need from here? do I dump all of it into a location, or just a select few items?
  15. I have been trying to figure this out for 4 or 5 hours now. Im a slight noob with linux. I have had my unraid server running for about a year to run my plex media center. Now Im wanting it to run a VM as well. I have the latest virtualbox plugin installed and the Dynamix webserver installed... but I cant figure out how to launch the virtualbox web. I see people mention the config.php file but have no idea where it is. Im running unraid 5.0.4. Any help would be great. Im not one to normally ask because I like to figure things out for myself and I've Googled the hell out of this... but I'm stuck.
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