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Everything posted by CHBMB

  1. Can check the progress of the outage here https://status.digitalocean.com/incidents/sb6p4w9ksqlg?u=d1yxkjzvvdxr
  2. Yeah, Digital Ocean has an issue at the minute with it's spaces, and that's where our builds are. Sent from my Mi A1 using Tapatalk
  3. Yeah, Digital Ocean has an issue at the minute with it's spaces, unfortunately that's where the builds are. Sent from my Mi A1 using Tapatalk
  4. No, this is a server not a client Sent from my Mi A1 using Tapatalk
  5. @Telcar You can pick up a used Intel dual NIC card pretty cheap on eBay which is what I did. (I actually have dedicated hardware for OPNsense, but still needed a decent dual NIC card to put in it) Here's the one I used and can confirm it works fine with a virtualised Pfsense/OPNsense on Unraid. (I have a backup virtualised firewall just in case my bare metal one goes down) https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=m570.l1313&_nkw=Dell+X3959&_sacat=0
  6. I'll try and make builds for each rc series, home/work/family gets in the way sometimes, and if there are changes to the build in terms of out of tree drivers or other issues then it can take longer. To make the builds takes about an hour, so I left it running when I went to bed last night after making so many silly errors before as I needed to sleep. Woke up this morning and checked that it's working as expected so uploaded it.
  7. Just uploading v6.8.0rc3 Took a while as any time there is new OOT drivers added I need to work out how to add them.
  8. v6.8.0rc3 uploaded. Still no TBS Crazy Cat....
  9. @bass_rock is the MVP, he understands the inner workings of this way better than me. Sent from my Mi A1 using Tapatalk
  10. Sorry. Forgot to post I uploaded this a few hours ago.
  11. TL:DR I'm an idiot, Tom includes the Unraid MD source in Unraid, and I already sync that directory to my kernel source, so I was already compiling it without realising. Still needed to fix the Tehuti driver source, so forked my prev source and added it to my own repo (Tehuti download links don't work well in bash) and add the RocketNSVMe driver, which I did last night. Just building now, fingers crossed.
  12. LibreELEC, TBS-OS, Digital Devices v6.8.0rc1 all done. TBS-Crazy-Cat broken at the moment.
  13. No, because it's missing the Unraid MD OOT driver.
  14. Have got 2 out of the 3 OOT drivers working for v6.8.0rc1 , once I get some info from @limetech on the Unraid MD OOT driver should be good to go. LibreELEC, TBS OpenSource and Digital Devices compile fine. CrazyCat still needs some work, hopefully should get something worked out for that though.
  15. Have got 2 out of the 3 OOT drivers working for v6.8.0rc1 , once I get some info from @limetech on the Unraid MD OOT driver should be good to go.
  16. You guys need to test the actual v6.8.0rc1 release and report a bug. Sent from my Mi A1 using Tapatalk
  17. @bass_rock Has fixed it, I've just built and tested it, and now uploaded v6.7.3rc4
  18. Due to underlying changes with Docker/Nvidia our builds aren't working at all right now. No ETA, so 6.7.2 is the only option right now.
  19. And no cards show up. I don't know of any other way to get the UUID for the card other than to go to the plugin so I can't brute force test it with the docker. And I've verified that the GTX 1070 shows up in the "Tools > System Devices" page. Let me know what else I can check or test for you. (I'm a application software engineer but not a lot of experience in system software development but I'm comfortable in a terminal so i don't mind digging) Thanks for that. I'll have a think about whay to do next..... Sent from my Mi A1 using Tapatalk
  20. TEST BUILDS FOR NVIDIA/DVB COMBINED People have asked if I'll produce a combined Nvidia/DVB build. Here's the thing, I have no intention of producing separate and combined builds, the workload is just too much for something I have no need of. It would need 8 builds on top of the Nvidia build to do so. I will however produce a combined build, depending on two conditions. 1. People don't mind an increased download size. 2. It works reliably. However I no longer have any DVB hardware so I can't test. So I've produced some combination builds for people to try out. I am only doing this for v6.7.1rc2, so if nobody tests each build then it's not going to happen. So if you want it, YOU need to test it. HOW TO USE 1. Install the Nvidia Plugin 2. Download the Nvidia build of v6.7.2 (Important - Do not use any other version and NOT the DVB version) 3. Once the build has downloaded and the window indicating the copying to flash has happened and before you reboot, download one of the attached zip files depending on which DVB build you use, unpack it and copy across the bzmodules and bzfirmware files to your flash disk. 3. Reboot I know that the Nvidia Plugin will not report the correct version number, that's an easy fix in the future if this works. Once you've rebooted I need to know two things for each build. 1. Does the Nvidia hardware encoding work with Plex/Emby/Jellyfin? 2. Does the DVB hardware work? Note: TBS-OS currently won't compile. Nothing I can do about that. https://github.com/linuxserver/Unraid-DVB/tree/master/DVB-Nvidia-Test
  21. Well, yeah, I know, but @deviltje did say he did a umount before copying the file, so that will be in RAM. At boot Unraid mounts bzfirmware as a read only squashfs file system.
  22. Just can't be possible. /lib/firmware is RAM. Reboot and whatever is there is gone.
  23. I'm trying to take another look at DVB/Nvidia integration no ETA at the moment.
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