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Everything posted by bally12345

  1. I'm using Amazon Fire tv Gen1 but same issue with a Gen2 on Virgin media 100mb download connection... Il try a few other clients. Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  2. I was wondering if anyone could help with a little troubleshooting, seem to be having some performance issues which is super annoying as I just upgraded the CPU... Think its down to transcoding or the way direct play is handled not entirley sure. I used to have a Intel i3 with just over 4k passmark, now upgraded to an intel i7 4790 with just over 10k passmark. However still getting your connection is too slow... Isnt this when it should just transcode? I have transcode setup to its own share on an SSD so in lsio plex docker path looks like name: /transcode container path: /transcode host path: /mnt/user/transcode/ access mode: read/write In plex Transcoder quality: automatic Transcoder temporary directory is set to: /transcode Its not my ISP as I have 20MB/s upload ok just noticed Limit remote stream bitrate was set to: Original (no limit) changed that to 8 Mbps (1080p) Is there anything else I could do to improve performance? I have 16GB memory installed and have read people transcoding to /tmp using ram disk but then I will probably need double my memory if not more? Any help would be great as at the moment the i7 upgrade seems wasted. Hopefully I have just done something wrong.
  3. Small world! Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  4. Ah yes Passthrough is an issue but that dissappeared for me when I moved and no longer had 5.1 set up. So no longer notice it. Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  5. Iv never had any audio issues with plex. Kodi now has a plex add-on too. Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  6. I use SMB shares on Kodi using my Fire TV box but to be fair I tend to use plex more these days. When I used to use a RPi I'm sure I read NFS shares are better to use but cant remember why. Only thing now is my setup has kinda changed as my server in a different location to where I live and to access libraries using FTP isn't advisable. Hence why I'm using Plex. Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  7. Iv made the changes and rebooted. Will keep an eye on it and see how I get on. Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  8. Hi hoping to get some help with these errors... For some reason I am getting and The syslog seems to be quite large and goes back over a month, dont know if I can change anything but unraid been up for 29days and I dont want to reboot it just in case I need more details. I have attached the diagnostics and hopefully I reboot should sort it but need to know if I possibly have hardware issue and need to replace the RAM. Thanks in advance server-diagnostics-20170320-1455.zip
  9. As a plex pass user I have enabled Plex DVR, im using HDHomerun I got from amazon uk and set up went fine but is there an option to live stream as well as DVR option? I tried accessing plex through my Samsung Galaxy android 6.0.1 but cant seem to access DVR options what so ever... as I have to VPN into my unraid machine to acess Plex I might return the HDHomeRun unit as I cant seem to get it working outside my network. Correct Ports are open UDP but I dont want to manually use VLC each time either. Was hoping plex would allow you to record and live stream.
  10. It seem extreme but its very quick as all the appdata and docker templates are saved so its quickly back up and running. Less than 10 minutes. If it works I'm happy. I did delete the docker and change it from latest to plexpass but still had same issue at 23:00 last night.
  11. Plex was unreachable again. So deleted docker.img and started again everything looks ok for now... Will post back if it happens again.
  12. Guys having a bit of weird issue with plex. For some reason for the last 2 nights around 11pm GMT my plex server has lost connection. Yesterday I looked at the logs and noticed a sub zero subtitled plugin was showing up so disabled that. Checked for updates and even restarted docker. Same thing at 11pm it stopped again... Docker log showing it cant find files from this location: ..time="2016-09-30T20:43:41.451830194+01:00" level=error msg="Failed to load container dc29381480278797ba93b290cb6c1cd4783330cd07b9be606c93c933b9845bea: open /var/lib/docker/containers/dc29381480278797ba93b290cb6c1cd4783330cd07b9be606c93c933b9845bea/config.v2.json: no such file or directory" time="2016-09-30T20:43:41.452939334+01:00" level=info msg="Loading containers: done." time="2016-09-30T20:43:41.452972176+01:00" level=info msg="Daemon has completed initialization" time="2016-09-30T20:43:41.453008143+01:00" level=info msg="Docker daemon" commit=ceb0ccd-unsupported execdriver=native-0.2 graphdriver=btrfs version=1.10.3 time="2016-09-30T20:43:41.458652051+01:00" level=info msg="API listen on /var/run/docker.sock" Iv attached full diasnostics as I'm not 100% sure if its plex related or something else. tower-diagnostics-20161001-1220.zip
  13. Just an update, upgraded to lastest unraid version and turns out all my docker images were out of date. I assumed they were being updated after docker restart but think there was a bug mentioned and switching to 6.2 fixed that. Also reset the options in CP looks like it was deleting failed downloads or stalled download. I think everything is working ok now. Just need to figure out how to use categaroies so I can move Movies and TV shows automatically for CP and Sonnar to process. Thanks for the help
  14. I have got into the habbit of restarting docker when ever I make any changes to mounts and paths but think in this case will upgrade this machine [Rig 2] in sig to v6.2.
  15. Yep, Sabnzbd is mapped to same share but /mnt/disks/SERVER_Downloads/SAB/ The wierd thing is it downloads and if I go to incomplete folder thats auto generated its there but as soon as it completes I have no idea where its going and manual folder search wont find the file either
  16. So I have been using Transmission for awhile because the ease of configuration etc... But now all of sudden my downloads keep disappearing, cant find any incomplete or failed downloads, once it does complete it disappears. Before it stayed in the GUI so you could keep track but when I go back to after a few hours to check the status I come back to blank list. Check the download folders and all empty? Re-installed the docker, cant find any logs. Is it possible its more of an CP issue? The download stats show 91.2 GB but I cant find anything even if I search my whole server. /config = /mnt/disk1/appdata/transmission /downloads = /mnt/disks/SERVER_Downloads/transmission/ /watch = /mnt/disks/SERVER_Downloads/transmission/WATCH
  17. Can someone help with a permissions error I keep getting Cannot change permissions of /downloads/SAB/incomplete-downloads/examplefilename.rar Permission set to 777 and did run "Docker Safe New Permissions" but still keep getting the error. The only thing I have changed was moving from NFS mounts to SMB using unassigned devices plugin.
  18. docker lost track somehow of the name of the app and picked one by itself Is there a fix? As it no longer detecting version either. Easiest solution is to delete the docker.img and then recreate it, and re-add your apps via CA's previous apps section. Since you've downgraded to 6.1.9 from 6.2.x you probably should do this anyways Sorry to be jumping from 2 threads. Will my plex data be safe if I delete image and container
  19. docker lost track somehow of the name of the app and picked one by itself Is there a fix? As it no longer detecting version either.
  20. For some reason my application name is now "modest_ritchie" after I downgraded unraid 6.1.9 plex is working but not quite sure what I done wrong.
  21. I set this up last week with no issues following the instructions from this post, expect I changed from PAM to local and created new user from the web GUI: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=43317.msg451171#msg451171 The connectivity test within the app doesn't work, it always fails for me too. All sorted now, for some reason my router wasnt saving the port forward changes, did a firmware update. Changes saved. Connected straight away!
  22. Thanks will start from scratch and follow those instructions
  23. How do you download profile for android? I'm pretty sure I have the VPN config set correctly when I navigate to myddns:943 login with my username and pass I created but then attempt to download "Yourself (user-locked profile) but it fails.
  24. How ridiculously easy was that! Thanks The machine with plex only has 1 SSD, no cache, no parity. I just assuming any transcoding will automatically happen, is that correct?
  25. Look for some support and advice on my plex setup. I have got Fix Common Problem plugin installed and its telling me I need change my unassigned mounts to slave but not quite sure how. My general setup is MACHINE1 (AMD NEO cpu) has all data/videos etc no plugins and MACHINE2 (intel i3 cpu) has plex docker. Eventually I will probably migrate everything to a single machine but for now this will do the job. I have attached screenshot of what my plex docker screen looks like. Any help or tips to improve setup would be great.
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