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Posts posted by bally12345

  1. I just bought the HDHomeRun CONNECT QUATRO to add to Plex and also with a few TVs that don't have an aerial point in our house.


    Anyone else using the QUATRO or DUAL version?


    Read there is a separate docker to handle the recording engine which I might look into.


    In the UK so will be interested to see how Freeview works on Plex for myself.


    I am hoping channel zapping is faster than when I tried this 5 odd years ago.


    Sent from my SM-G973F using Tapatalk



  2. Just checked mine and doing the same

    root@Server:~# sensors
    Error: File /etc/sensors.d/sensors.conf, line 2: Undeclared bus id referenced
    Error: File /etc/sensors.d/sensors.conf, line 4: Undeclared bus id referenced
    Error: File /etc/sensors.d/sensors.conf, line 6: Undeclared bus id referenced
    Error: File /etc/sensors.d/sensors.conf, line 8: Undeclared bus id referenced
    Error: File /etc/sensors.d/sensors.conf, line 10: Undeclared bus id referenced
    Error: File /etc/sensors.d/sensors.conf, line 12: Undeclared bus id referenced
    Error: File /etc/sensors.d/sensors.conf, line 14: Undeclared bus id referenced
    Error: File /etc/sensors.d/sensors.conf, line 16: Undeclared bus id referenced
    Error: File /etc/sensors.d/sensors.conf, line 18: Undeclared bus id referenced
    Error: File /etc/sensors.d/sensors.conf, line 20: Undeclared bus id referenced
    sensors_init: Can't parse bus name

    Copy of sensor.conf

    # sensors
    chip "w83795adg-i2c-0-2f"
    ignore "fan2"
    chip "w83795adg-i2c-0-2f"
    ignore "fan4"
    chip "w83795adg-i2c-0-2f"
    ignore "fan5"
    chip "w83795adg-i2c-0-2f"
    ignore "fan6"
    chip "w83795adg-i2c-0-2f"
    ignore "fan7"
    chip "w83795adg-i2c-0-2f"
    label "temp1" "CPU Temp"
    chip "w83795adg-i2c-0-2f"
    label "temp5" "MB Temp"
    chip "w83795adg-i2c-0-2f"
    label "fan1" "Array Fan"
    chip "w83795adg-i2c-0-2f"
    label "fan3" "Array Fan"
    chip "w83795adg-i2c-0-2f"
    label "fan8" "Array Fan"


  3. same issue as well! Supermicro X9DRH-iTF w/ 2x Intel Xeon E5-2650v2. I have sensors populate when following the wiki's instructions but they all disappear when I click done.  An uninstall/reinstall of the plugin did nothing, but a reboot brought it to the same state, all my sensors present but whenI click Done they all disappear and nothing is configured.
    I have this same issue, not quite sure when it started but I have ∞°c for all temp values.

    Had a quick lol at the wiki page and I am wondering if perl package needs to be updated via nerdpack?

    I have Supermicro X8DT3-F motherboard with Dual Intel Xeon x5690

    Sent from my SM-G973F using Tapatalk

  4. Got the card plugged in and checked the nvidia plugin settings and its detected.



    GPU is the first larger red box and the LSI card for my backplane in the bottom. I am assuming this is correct.




    The only issue I have now is I cant RDP to my Win10 VM, I changed the setting for Graphics card from VNC to NVIDIA GeForce GTX1650 but I cannot connect to the VM using RDP do I need to add ROM BIOS or do I need to get dummy HDMI dongle as nothing is plugged into the card?



    Followed SI video on YT for Plex set up and confirmed transcoding working correctly.


    Looks like I can't do both at same time.



  5. I picked up a GTX 1650 low profile as it will fit in my 2u case... Should come by weekend

    I probably could have waited a few weeks or even a month or so but got bit restless and been wanting to add a GPU for for awhile.

    Need to do some reading before then to see how to install the nvidia version, I thought it was just a CA plugin

    Sent from my SM-G973F using Tapatalk

  6. Bump on this... Saw a GTX 1030 could be had for £90-100


    Still tempted to go with a GTX 1660 just because I am sure I read its similar performance or better than the older 1080 but cheaper?




    Sent from my SM-G973F using Tapatalk





  7. So I haven't actually bought a graphics card for maybe 10+ years and don't do gaming at all but have a Supermicro server with X8DTI-F-P motherboard, dual Xeon x5690 and 64gb ddr3 which is mainly used for Plex and a few different VMs.


    Can I use add something like a GeForce GTX 1650 and use it to Transcode plex and also passthru to VMs at same time.


    I only have 2u chassis so guessing it will have to be low profile card.


    Sent from my SM-G973F using Tapatalk



  8. 4 hours ago, binhex said:


    if you use pia and you are seeing the above in your log then the issue is that the pia api is down, looks like they are having technical difficulties right now, see here:-



    For now your only option is to set STRICT_PORT_FORWARD to 'no', this will allow you to connect but you will NOT have a working incoming port, so speeds will be slow at best.


    Just to be clear, there is nothing i can do about this guys, its a vpn provider issue.

    Thanks for update, set the value to "no" and can now open the gui again. Only getting around 8MB/s down but better than nothing

  9. Bad memory module I think took out one by one and think iv identified the correct one


    Not and its Booted.


    Think it's time to get rid of the 4GB sticks


    Could plex transcoding to RAM cause issues with older sticks?


    Sent from my SM-G973F using Tapatalk



    Must be another dead stick as only showing 36GB ram instead of 40GB


    Will look for some more sticks 16gb or 8gb x 6 ddr3 ecc on ebay.




  10. I noticed this morning my unraid server was not responding.

    I have just checked it and everything is running except I cannot not connect to GUI or using putty.


    Restarted it with no gui waited until login screen appears.


    Few mins later tried to access (unraid static ip) and get 

    This site can’t be reached took too long to respond.


    Pinged it from command prompt and confused why it saying

    Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
    Reply from Destination host unreachable.
    Reply from Destination host unreachable.
    Reply from Destination host unreachable.
    Reply from Destination host unreachable.
    Ping statistics for
        Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),

    Can't access any logs, re-seated memory dimms, the only thing I am cautious about is the MX500 SSD I added. I wonder if thats failed but surely that wouldn't cause the system to stop responding.


    Just going to remove the SSD drive and see what happens.

  11. Hi recently radarr has been replacing movies from x264 to x265, checked in total 111 movies are now x265. Not issue for me but have some family users on plex who have issues. I have now added x265, x.265, h265 and h.265 tags in must not include which will stop any more movies being changed.


    Is there a way for radarr to now re-scan for x264 format or do I have to delete the files then search for missing?

  12. 3 minutes ago, michaelmcq said:

    The max available resolution for get_iplayer is 720p, the BBC don't make anything else higher available through the web version of iPlayer only SmartTVs etc

    Thanks for the reply, that;s annoying but also not too much of an issue. You don't happen to know how I can fetch the --subtitles?

  13. Hi used this for the first time, only needed a single show but for some reason its downloaded 1280x720. Anyway to force Full HD or 4K if available?


    I would like to know where I can add the following --tvmode=best --subtitles or equivalent too if possible 

  14. I have the exact same router with asuswrt-merlin running, mine is still rock solid and really doesn't need upgrading but LTS has stopped and as already have some Unifi APs I am thinking of getting the UniFi USG router instead.



  15. I currently use ASUS router running Asuswrt-Merlin will see if I can get hold of another and link them up.


    Just done a quick google search and the Unifi USG look super easy to setup for site-to-site vpn 

  16. Removed the plugin and using their CLI and getting expected results. With the plugin no matter what version of the script I used I was only getting around half the speed.

       Speedtest by Ookla
         Server: Virgin Media
            ISP: Virgin Media
        Latency:     7.30 ms   (3.51 ms jitter)
       Download:   384.10 Mbps (data used: 526.9 MB)                               
         Upload:    36.07 Mbps (data used: 19.1 MB)                               
    Packet Loss: Not available.


  17. Hi does anyone know if it is possible to setup something like openvpn so the network looks identical at 2 locations and will allow something like a Set top box to think its connected at property one when its actually at property 2?



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