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Everything posted by WarDave

  1. How do you update the php version in chvb/docker-apache-php ? I have tried apt-get update / upgrade php and php -v lists it as # php -v PHP 5.5.9-1ubuntu4.14 (cli) (built: Oct 28 2015 01:34:46) Copyright (c) 1997-2014 The PHP Group Zend Engine v2.5.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2014 Zend Technologies with Zend OPcache v7.0.3, Copyright (c) 1999-2014, by Zend Technologies Extracting templates from packages: 100% Preconfiguring packages ... Setting up tzdata (2017c-0ubuntu0.14.04) ... mv: cannot move '/etc/localtime.dpkg-new' to '/etc/localtime': Device or resource busy dpkg: error processing package tzdata (--configure): subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1 Errors were encountered while processing: tzdata E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) Ideas?
  2. Its working its just so out of date I wouldn't trust it for anything.
  3. Your DokuWiki version is from 2014 and its a pain to update php and Dokuwiki with in the docker, apt-get update php isn't working from the docker console.
  4. Cool ty, was just double checking before I went nuts in a docker container and didn't want to screw up my unraid setup.
  5. when you open a docker console the terminal window that opens is just for that docker alone right? So I should be able to update stuff for example apt-get update and upgrade with out it messing with the main unraid os correct?
  6. Yes but for example Docker Hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/openvpn-as/ shows a setup guide nothing like it is for unraid, for example Usage docker create \ --name=openvpn-as \ -v <path to data>:/config \ -e PGID=<gid> -e PUID=<uid> \ -e TZ=<timezone> \ -e INTERFACE=<interface> \ --net=host --privileged \ linuxserver/openvpn-as You dont have to do this to set it up on unraid and none of the boxes to configure it shows a password box so you can edit the default one or the txt at the top doesnt show what its set to.
  7. On the unraid docker I have tried to login to the admin ui with admin/openvpn with no luck as it shows in the wiki. Whats the default password? It doesnt state it in the directions or any of the settings boxes on the unraid plugin setup.
  8. So I added a cache drive and set a few folders to Use cache disk: ONLY like appdata,domains,system and used the mover to try and move those files over to the cache drive with undocker and vmmanager turned off. The fix common problems feature shows the drive as read only. Any ideas how to fix this? Also the drive is not full. /dev/sdh1 on /mnt/cache type btrfs (rw,noatime,nodiratime) so appears to be set for rw here. unraid-diagnostics-20180408-2345.zip EDIT, so it turns out the ssd wasn't seating just right. I have this case with hotswap bays in it and the i put all the screws to old the ssd to the mounting sled but reseating it where it latches in seems to have corrected the issue. https://www.amazon.com/Rosewill-Rackmount-Computer-Pre-Installed-RSV-R4000/dp/B00N9CXGSO/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1523253547&sr=8-2&keywords=hotswap%2Bcase&dpID=4123piu8S7L&preST=_SX300_QL70_&dpSrc=srch&th=1 Is the case I'm using
  9. That appears to have fixed my dashboard issue ty, now to track down why it wont do a clean shutdown. I think once I get back on a stable version of unraid I'm not upgrading again for awhile. =)
  10. Thanks didn't know that was out, Will wait on my cache drive to finish its move and upgrade. Unraid didn't tell me about the upgrade yet.
  11. I have seen unraid start to do this for me recently, where the dashboard apps wont show anything at all with docker enabled and running. and if I go to the docker tab it just has the spinning icon forever. It seems to like to do this when the server is under heavy load, like at the moment I have a move process going moving stuff off the cache drive to the array. If I go to reboot it it will do a unclean shutdown and make me do a parity check after rebooting. I even went into the disk shutdown time and set it for 420 like this post recommended and its still doing unclean shutdowns. I do have a handful of reiserfs drives I still need to switch over to xfs but will have to get another drive before I can start that. Ideas? this is from the logging file Apr 6 06:38:39 UNRAID nginx: 2018/04/06 06:38:39 [error] 4852#4852: *433671 upstream timed out (110: Connection timed out) while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: , request: "POST /webGui/include/DashboardApps.php HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock", host: "unraid", referrer: "http://unraid/Dashboard" I also recently put in a sas card and flashed it into IT mode that seems to have fixed the UDMA CRC error count errors I was getting from the smart data across all drives. But the issues I'm having was going on before I added the sas card. unraid-diagnostics-20180406-0656.zip
  12. Well I'm not taking anymore of anyone's time on it, I reinstalled the docker I was using for plex in the first place and it installed with no issues, I just get errors on other peoples docker container versions of it. Odd stuff, but I will just TS myself and if I can't track down whats been making the server unstable lately I will just move to windows. It would be easier to troubleshoot at least. Thanks for all the suggestions and help
  13. Rebooted and tried another plex docker and /usr/bin/docker: Error response from daemon: error while creating mount source path '/mnt/user/appdata/binhex-plex': mkdir /mnt/user/appdata/binhex-plex: no medium found. also as you can see it was binhex-plex's plex docker container. Tempted to clear out my unraid usb stick and my docker img and start over, but as I recall when I go to put the drives back into the array it will want to clear them or something as I recall but its been I while I forget how it does it. Just don't want to wipe out like 10 TB's of data on a mistake.
  14. Thanks for the info. I have attached my unraid diag zip. Ran fix common problems and fixed everything I could in the list. I was thinking about just blowing away my unraid install and starting from scratch but afraid I'm going to make a mistake and lose some of my data. unraid-diagnostics-20180319-0651.zip
  15. So I was using another version of plex and was having issues with it and saw the limetech version so I removed the plexmedia folder at my appdata/plexmediaserver directory. After I removed told old version and had the option checked to remove the img also, but the folder remained until I removed it myself. After that I tried to install the limetech version and it gives a error on install of /usr/bin/docker: Error response from daemon: error while creating mount source path '/mnt/user/appdata/PlexMediaServer': mkdir /mnt/user/appdata/PlexMediaServer: no medium found. So I went to the /usr/bin/ folder and see that docker isnt a folder in this area. My last version of plex had its config mapped here /mnt/user/appdata/plexmediaserver . Also by default it doesnt have anything pointing to a config folder So I gave it one matching my old install of /mnt/user/appdata/plexmediaserver It didn't like that also. I have been having lock ups recently where it makes me cold reboot it and do a 14+ hour parity check three times so far this week. Every time I pulled up the process list plex had a cpu or two pegged most of the time. So figured my other version of plex "old one was needo/plex" that was doing it so figured I would switch over to this version. But this version seems to be a lot harder to configure vs the last one.
  16. The last few days I have had issues with mine locking up on me. For example as of right now if I go to pull up the dashboard tab it just spins in the browser forever and doesn't load any info. But all the other tabs seem to work fine most of the time. pulling up the terminal most of the time it has one cpu pegged for a long time. Even when trying to stop the array it took over five minutes to do so and after that the dashboard tab works fine again. Rebooting it seems to clear it up for a while then it comes back again. No idea whats causing it. Only thing I have changed recently is putting in a bigger cache drive and another 4tb drive. But the parity build and everything went ok, took about 12 hours. The last time I rebooted it locked so bad I didn't have any other option but to reboot by the reset button on the pc itself. After rebooting it went into a parity check found like 200 something errors, assume that was from the lock up and bad reboot and after that ran for a bit before starting to have issues again. But this machine has ran fine for a long time with no issues. To me it behaves like its a drive issue but they all are coming out ok on the heath checks. Also I have two VM's one that's a ubuntu server other is a windows 7 vm. This time around I didn't start them and so far no issues but will have to run it that way for a bit to see. unraid-diagnostics-20180313-1138.zip
  17. I just had this same issue myself and I'm on 6.4.0, it started behaving really sluggish so I went to reboot it and went into a parity check upon reboot. It also took like 7 to 10 mins to mount all the drives on boot.
  18. So my drive 7 is my latest drive but I cant get it to hide the main drive from the SMB Security Settings menu. Soon as select export no and hit apply it gets switched back to yes. I also tried putting the system into maint mode then doing it with out luck. Also have attached my unraid diag file unraid-diagnostics-20180114-1624.zip
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