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Posts posted by ken-ji

  1. On 5/4/2020 at 1:56 AM, cinereus said:

    Why is there no access to logs from the Docker tab only Dashboard?

    Because at the right most column of the Docker tab/page says LOG, and in basic its a picture of a log file

    On 5/4/2020 at 1:56 AM, cinereus said:

    This version of dropbox doesn't seem to like XFS. Is there no solution to have Dropbox and Drive sync to XFS on unRAID at the moment?

    I don't know what you meant by this, since accdg to Docker: https://help.dropbox.com/installs-integrations/desktop/system-requirements#desktop

    A Dropbox folder on a hard drive or partition formatted with one the following file system types:

        zfs (on 64-bit systems only)
        eCryptFS (back by ext4)
        xfs (on 64-bit systems only)


    What is not supported is the shfs (User Share filesystem) exclusive to Unraid, so you can no longer run the Dropbox container on a user share (/mnt/user/*), but needs to be on either the cache drive (/mnt/cache) , a physical array drive (/mnt/diskX) or an Unassigned Drive (/mnt/disks). As I've discussed above, placing the Dropbox sync folder on a user share was never a good idea due to mover moving files between the cache and the array, effectively making the files disappear from Dropbox's point of view, causing files to be deleted and reuploaded/downloaded

  2. Some thoughts to accomplish what you want.

    • First I'd rather use an actual domain, and get DNS records for it. This way I am able to use Let's Encrypt using the DNS challenge to sign a domain wildcard cert *.domain. Admittedly in my case I'm using a VPS to run acme.sh as my LE client.
    • This cert I'll feed the nignx reverse proxy for all my LAN services.
    • Then my router (which is a mikrotik) contains the DNS mapping for all the apps to the nginx proxy. Alternatively, like the builtin unraid TLS mode, you could disable domain rebinding protection, and publish the local ips on the global DNS. Maybe pi-hole could work here too.


    If you don't want to spend on a domain, your next alternative is to create your own wildcard cert for your personal domain name. But then you'd need to install the self-signed CA into all your clients, which might not work as easily as you might think, particularly adding certs to dockers can be a real challenge.


  3. quick questions. how is your linux VM connected to your pfsense router VM? over the vibr0 bridge?

    if so, you are running two DHCP servers (KVM has its own on vibr0, while pfsense has another if you enabled it.) and it will be a toss up of which gets picked.

    what you should do is define a guest only bridge.

    I haven't used this in a while, so not sure if I'm missing some steps.

    Create a file /tmp/gbr.xml

      <bridge name="vmbr0" />

    Run the commands

    virsh net-create /tmp/gbr.xml
    virsh net-autostart guest-bridge

    You should then be able to link your VMs to this guest bridge and use the pfsense as the router (dhcp and gateway).

    (However, the gui for VMs will not show the new bridge unless a physical network port is added.)


    See here too:


  4. If you are using ssh-agent (or equivalent), you should keep the number of keys loaded under 3, maybe 5 at the most.

    ssh will attempt every single key in the agent, and every recognizable id_* private key file from the .ssh directory. Most ssh servers will close the connection after 3 attempts of keys or passwords


    This is because if you don't specify a key file to use in the command line or the ssh client config, it has to try everything in order. and if you have a lot of keys... it would have try them all, looking like someone who doesn't know what the correct / valid key is to the server.

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  5. Without more details its hard to make recommendations, but based on what you said, you seem to have a multi NIC Unraid server.

    So, the best solution is to enable VLANs (I don't know if your router supports this), and have Unraid create a vlan interface br0.x

    Then configure docker to have a br0.x network and connect Calibre there.

    This is practically the same as running an extra cable from the router and creating a separate br interface for the Wifi subnet.

  6. This means you need to revert your dropbox application version which is cache in your appdata to allow the application to update itself

    this would be /mnt/user/appdata/dropbox/.dropbox-dist (or your equivalent) folder

    This folder contains your current version of the Dropbox app

    You can stop the container, then proceed to delete the folder /mnt/user/appdata/dropbox/.dropbox-dist, then restart the container.


    I am working on fixing the image as it seems fixable (by adding the missing X11 libraries - why a headless app needs X11 libraries is beyond me)


  7. Seems I triggered the automated build on the master branch by mistake.

    I re uploaded my last working version as the freeze tag and the latest tag.

    So you can edit the template to use the freeze tag (or just delete the current image and try again)


    This is what I don't like about the automated docker build system, there's no going back unless you built it into your workflow.

  8. How many IP addresses are assigned to Unraid, and what do you get when you run

    # netstat -lntp | grep smbd

    You should get kinda like

    tcp        0      0 *               LISTEN      30554/smbd
    tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      30554/smbd
    tcp        0      0 *               LISTEN      30554/smbd
    tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      30554/smbd

    which should only list your IPs to the bound interfaces.


    In my case I have two interfaces and smbd is only bound to br0 and lo; but then again I only one IP assigned to Unraid, so the other VLANs need to use the router to reach Unraid, even it was a local container or VM (unless the VM is Linux and I'm using Plan9 mounting)

  9. A VLAN is a different subnet just sharing the same physical connections as the main subnet.

    So when a new VLAN is configured, you'll need to configure the router (in your case pfSense) to know about the VLAN and support it as well.

    So for devices on different VLANs / subnets to reach each other, it absolutely needs to go through a router. If the devices are on the same VLAN/subnet they will ignore the router and communicate directly.

  10. To limit host to VM and VM to host communications, you want them to go through a firewall - this can be done on the Unraid level via iptables, but that's a non scalable ugly hack.


    What you want is easy to do if you have VLAN support on your switches (or at least they happily pass VLAN tagged packets)

    Enable a VLAN in Unraid network settings. Make sure not to add an IP address to the new VLAN. (this will create a new network interface eth0.2/br0.2 for VLAN ID 2. Configure pfSense to support this VLAN (DHCP, DNS, gateway). Connect a VM to this network interface. the VM should then get a DHCP IP from pfSense. You can then firewall the IP/Subnet as needed.


  11. One way to do this is to configure Unraid to enable VLANs on your NIC, so it will create an interface like eth0.2/br0.2 (VLAN ID=2)

    Then make sure the configuration for the VLAN interface does not have an IP address (Most people assign an IP which may prevent this solution from working)

    So the VLAN is also configured and routed by pfSense (ie, the VLAN is a subnet, and pfSense has an IP in that subnet - probably acting as DHCP/DNS server as well). Finally the VM is connected to the VLAN sub-interface eth0.2/br0.2 - it ill get an IP on that VLAN and pfSense can route and filter traffic to and from that IP (or even the VLAN subnet)


  12. 1 hour ago, dnLL said:

    Can't dockers get IP addresses assigned by my DHCP server (which is my pfSense router) rather than having Unraid just giving them the first "free" address (which bypasses completely the DHCP server which can create IP duplicates if not configured in a separate subnet)?

    This seems to be caused by the simple fact that there is no DHCPv4 client running in any container. Add to the fact that usually userland processes are not allowed to touch the network settings of the container, so the engine has to assign the IP (or the container specifies the IP to be assigned. I guess that its possible to have a DHCP-like plugin to the docker network system, but the developers were never interested in developing such a plugin.


    In IPv6, the same is in effect with the exception of the fact that SLAAC is configured at the kernel level, so the container can auto learn and set IPv6 networking, but again, DHCPv6 also doesn't assign IPv6 addresses to containers.


    1 hour ago, dnLL said:

    What if I would like to have my router (pfSense) in-between my dockers and the LAN? I guess it's just a limitation of the docker engine since it shares the host's ressources such as the NIC.

    Still won't work as the container engine does not actually consult with what's on the LAN and just obeys how the docker network has been configured.

  13. 10 hours ago, kokonautor said:

    I have paid for unraid. Could please anyone give me an answer why it is impossible to use VM with LInux? Why it crashes anytime during installation? (KVM problem). It is paid product without support? I asked few times without answer how to install LInux in VM and I´m not alone. There i sno solution in here. This is only VM I know which has this problem.


    So I have to use Docker for ISP but I must define FQDN. Is it possible to edit Docker file in Unraid to get this? https://github.com/moby/moby/issues/29100


    Really don´t know why is someone still deleting this question? Do you want to cover that Unraid is useless for Linux? Maybe you should tell it before someone pay...

    I've run various VMs under Unraid and I've never seen an issue (Windows 10, Slackware Linux, Apline Linux, Debian Linux, CentOS, MacOS Mojave and Catalina). Granted I've only started using the Linux and Mac ones a lot more since I upgraded to an i7 from a Pentium (I only have two cores initially) and they are used as test network devices, not HW pass-thru or similar.


    I've run crazy network instances on docker and its just usually a mix of arguments you need to pass to the docker run command

    and setting the hostname is just adding to the Extra Params

    --hostname name.domain

    This your great google fu should have found easily as its a very basic docker topic



  14. If you don't want to troubleshoot a lot - stick to the latest stable release

    HW accelerated transcoding has been there since, but its a premium feature ( you need  to subscribe )

    I'm not too sure about Radeon cards, but Quadros do work , though I am only using Intel iGPU for this as its cheap and more than good enough for me

    FYI I'm on a Mini-ITX board and have a HBA installed so can't even install a GPU

    • Thanks 1
  15. I guess its technically a never seen limitation as most users either upload files via Samba; do OS level disk to disk; or download the files from the internet.

    So I guess you should submit and Feature/Enhancement request in the correct board, and enable manually the UTF-8 setting.

  16. You should go to Settings | Date and Time and turn off NTP to be able to manually set the date and time. Apply. Then Re-open the date and Time settings and turn on NTP.


    NTP doesn't work if you have a very large gap in time (or the date in this case)

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