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Posts posted by Jorgen

  1. I use macOS, my Unraid server is really really slow, but I mean, a lot. Sometimes it goes down to 2-3 mbps. How can I do? Does a cache drive fix this?

    I haven’t looked at your diagnostics yet, but I think you need to give us a bit more info about the scenario.

    - What version of Mac OS are you using?
    - How are you connecting to the unRAID server? WiFi or ethernet? Are you sure your network is ok?
    - Have you tested if you are getting the same or better speeds from a different computer/OS?
    - How are you mounting the share on the Mac? I assume via SMB?
    - What exactly are you doing when you see those speeds? E.g. copying one 10GB file from your Mac to the unRAID share, or copying lots of small file from unRAID to the Mac?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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  2. Are you using iCloud to sync photos from your phone? In that case you can do what I do. I have Mac VM on unRAID that runs for a few hours per week (scheduled start and stops). On the VM I run Photos that syncs with iCloud. The storage is a disk image on the unRAID array.
    So any new photos/videos on my iPhone are immediately synced to iCloud, then synced to unRAID once a week.
    I also run TimeMachine to a separate unRAID disk, which is probably overkill. But I’ve lost irreplaceable photos in the past from phones dying and really don’t want it happening again.
    In the unlikely scenario that my phone dies AND apple somehow loses all my iCloud storage at the same time, I’m now only losing maximum one week of recent photos. Which I’m ok with.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  3. Hey, is it possible to add a VPN to Jacket ? I don't use a locally P2P client so I can't use DeluveVPN or something else.
    Thank you ! [emoji3]

    Probably the simplest solution is to use binhex privoxy docker to create the VPN tunnel and then configure Jackett to use it as a proxy.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Anyone having issues with rarbg as an indexer? It has been working great for 6+ months. Now it won't search. A test fails. But the test on radarr for it works fine. Any ideas? I removed it and added it again but it wont save because it wont pass the test. I've restarted the server and the docker and nothing. I'm trying not to wipe the entire thing off and start again but I will if I have to.

    I had problems with rarbg when using binhex-privoxy as proxy for sonarr. Maybe worth a try to disable the proxy for a test, if you are using one?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. So upon installation of Macinabox, CPUS 0 and 1 are assinged to the VM. When I got to change this default from 0 and 1 to, say, 8 and 9 and start my VM, I have a display error. Do we have to keep CPUS 0 and 1 assigned to Catalina since we set it up with those CPUs?

    No, you can change CPU assignments, but the XML contains other custom bits that gets wiped out when changing CPUs via the unRAID GUI.
    So you have two options:
    1. Edit the CPU assignment directly in the xml (swap to advanced view in unRAID)
    2. Make a copy of the original xml, then edit CPU assignment in the GUI, save, switch to XML view and paste in all the bits that got removed from the original xml (from memory it’s the ovmf path and the block of custom arguments at the end of the xml)

    Either way you need to understand a bit about the xml structure, and it helps using a text editor that lets you compare two text files.

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    • Thanks 1
  6. Hey Guys looks like I am having the dreaded unpacking issue with the NZBGET docker container. Does anyone know of a fix for this yet?

    I think the commonly accepted workaround is to restart the docker once a day. Using CA User Scripts to automate it.

    No one has ever been able to pinpoint the root cause, and it doesn’t affect everyone.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. I just started using deluge (and unraid) yesterday but I have some behaviour that seems odd to me and I'm hoping someone can help out.
    1. When I enabled a plugin (label) and restart the docker for any reason, the plugin disables and has to be reenabled. Its frustrating but not the end of the world. Is this behaviour normal, it seems like it should keep any plugin enabled.
    2. I can't add a plugin. I want to add a copy plugin and no matter what I do (use the plugin section of the UI or even drop it into the plugin folder) nothing happens. The plugin doesn't appear and even restarting the docker doesn't change anything which brings back up 1 above.
    Can someone suggest how to solve both of these issues please. I can't be the first person to ever have this happen. Maybe I missed something when setting up unraid. Do I need something else installed that I don't have?

    See Q4 here: https://github.com/binhex/documentation/blob/master/docker/faq/delugevpn.md

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  8. the controller docker  is loaded as a custom:br0 with a IP address (its running now, didn't change the default options other than the custom:br0 ip address)
  9. In the controller sw, added  the Controller Hostname/IP = (the ip of the current UGS) and checked the two boxes "Override inform host with...." and "Make Controller dis..." .
  10. Any Help would be greatly appreciated. 

    I think the Controller Hostname/IP setting should be set to the custom:br0 IP of the docker container. It should be the IP that the other devices need to use to connect to the controller.
    But I’m not sure you need to set that at all when using a custom network.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. 8 hours ago, Nelinski said:
    I want to run two instances of Radarr through my VPN container (qBittorrentVPN). It doesn't work though as I can't change the container port, only the host port.
    What's the best way of getting around this as I'm struggling to find a way. Thanks!

    You would have to change the application port from the Radarr UI under settings/general:



    Then map the host port to the new application port, but you need to do that on the VPN container when you are using it’s network (not the Radarr container). I don't believe the container port mapping is actually used at all when using the network from another container.
    Here's an example to illustrate.


    If you are using two Radarr containers, you need to add two custom port mappings to the VPN container.

  12. . Also, does changing the preset via the GUI actually do anything? If that preset doesn't match the docker settings, what does it use?

    The preset you select in the GUI is only used for the file you manually load and process via the GUI.
    The docker setting controls which preset is used by the automated watch folder.
    The two are very separate and setting one does not influence the other.
  13. Before I bought unRAID I thought this was a trivial feature as I've been using Time Machine over SMB for years with 10.11?
    So is there no way to get it working?

    You couldn’t have, smb support was introduced in 11.12.
    You probably used AFP to backup to a network share? That works for all Mac OS versions, but is deprecated and shouldn’t be used.

    Sounds like the best way for you to get this working is to update to High Sierra.
    I understand you probably want the backups working before upgrading so I’m not sure what to suggest. Maybe set up time machine to an external HDD temporarily?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. I don’t know if this is actually how it works, but it’s how I think about it. And I have no problems running this docker on bridge mode.

    When running UniFi in a docker in bridge mode, the docker IP is something on the bridge network, e.g. 172.x.x.x.
    I think the unifi app detects it’s own IP and broadcasts it out to all APs that are listening. This is how auto-adopt works.
    But of course, the AP can’t talk back to unifi on 172.x.x.x. It needs to use the unRAID host IP.

    The controller override settings in unifi neatly fixes this problem by broadcasting an IP that the AP’s can actually reach.

    So in summary, bridge mode works well but you HAVE TO set the controller override options correctly.

    Again, this is how I think about it, I don’t know for sure that it’s how it works behind the scenes.

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  15. FWIW the version I'm having issues with is 10.11 El Capitan.
    Presumably Time Machine functionality is meant to support more than one macos release.

    It does, but time machine over SMB is only supported from Sierra and up.

    For what it’s worth, I’m having no problems with time machine to smb unRAID shares from multiple macs running either High Sierra or Catalina.
    But the original time machine jobs was actually created on High Sierra and the Mac later upgraded to Catalina. Don’t know if that makes a difference.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. @mbc0 Jackett has a setting for allowing "External access". Not sure exactly what it does, but if I turn it off I can't get to the Web UI either when using the delugevpn network. If I turn it on the Web UI is accessible again.


    If you can't get to the UI to change it, you can edit the config file directly in config/ServerConfig.json and restart the container.






  17. 10 hours ago, mbc0 said:

    Hi, all the dockers are starting, I can use the console to check the IP address and can confirm all working just no webui


    am on 19.03.5 docker version as well



    And what does the Jackett logs say, like IceNine451 suggested? It's possible for the container to start and use the delugevpn network, but the Jackett application itself might be having problems.

    This is what my logs look like on a successful start:

    2020-04-13 13:19:55,749 DEBG 'jackett' stdout output:
    04-13 13:19:55 Info Jackett startup finished in 2.927 s
    2020-04-13 13:19:55,749 DEBG 'jackett' stdout output:
    Hosting environment: Production
    Content root path: /usr/lib/jackett/Content
    Now listening on: http://[::]:9117
    Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.

    And if you run top from the docker console, you should see jackett listed as a process


    Screen Shot 2020-04-13 at 1.28.35 pm.png

  18. I can confirm (like others that cannot get this working) that each docker I try is using the vpn tunnel but I just cannot access the webui of each docker

    And just to confirm, your unRAID IP is and you are using v6.8.3?

    No ad blockers or similar used in your browser?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. For what it’s worth, I just set up binhex jackett using the network of binhex delugevpn following spaceinvader’s video. Can access jacket UI without problems and have confirmed it is using the VPN tunnel.


    And I left the port mappings in place for jackett.


    Am I missing something, there seems to be lots of conflicting information... are the dockers correctly routing through pivoxyvpn and mis-reporting their endpoints? If so, is there another way to prove all is working well?


    Thanks in advance




    The underlying OS of the dockers aren’t routing through privoxy, but the application itself is. So sonarr will go through the VPN, but the curl command from the OS level won’t.

    Same in your VM. The browser is using privoxy as a proxy, but not windows itself.


    You CAN configure both the VM and the dockers to use privoxy for all network traffic, but it’s not needed for the docker apps you mention as they have built-in proxy support.


    Edit: Binhex explained it better :)

    • Like 1
  21. Just reporting a successful (but long) 3-cycle preclear of a Seagate 8TB archive drive.

    Triggered with:

    /usr/local/bin/preclear_binhex.sh -f -c 3 /dev/sdd

    It's been a few years since I last precleared a drive, and this docker was very easy to use, thanks for making it available!

    I remember using the script directly before and I was never really sure I had managed to get the right version of it from the forum threads.

    • Like 2
  22. 15 hours ago, Dwiman89 said:

    What I cant get working is getting other dockers to use its privoxy such as Sonarr, Radarr, Jackett, and Hydra2. After I set these dockers to use the privoxy, I've tried "curl https://ipinfo.io/ip" in the consoles for those dockers, and its still displaying my physical IP and not the VPN IP. Using "curl https://ipinfo.io/ip" in the console for Deluge displays the VPN IP, just not the other dockers.

    You can't set those docker containers to use a proxy, so I guess what you have done is setting the application within the container to use the proxy.

    The curl commands show you the containers networking not using the proxy, which is expected.

    Except for the deluge container itself, where the whole container is using the VPN tunnel (not via a proxy).


    I don't know how you can test if Sonarr etc. is actually using the proxy correctly, your best bet might be to look at the application logs to see if something useful is logged?


    For what it's worth, I am using the deluge proxy for both Sonarr and Radarr, but I haven't actually checked if the traffic goes via the VPN tunnel or not. But I can't see any reason why they wouldn't.


  23. One of my disks (disk4) suddenly reported going form 0 to 168 errors for SMART 197 Current_Pending_Sector AND 198 Offline_Uncorrectable, both at the same time. Here's the unraid notification:

    2019-09-06 08:38	Unraid Disk 4 SMART health [198]	Warning [TOWER] - offline uncorrectable is 168	ST8000AS0002-1NA17Z_Z84102P2 (sdd)	warning	
    2019-09-06 08:38	Unraid Disk 4 SMART health [197]	Warning [TOWER] - current pending sector is 168	ST8000AS0002-1NA17Z_Z84102P2 (sdd)	warning	

    There wasn't much activity on the array at the time, and nothing is logged in the syslog for that time period.

    I've run a short and extended SMART self-test. The extended test reported errors:

    Num  Test_Description    Status                  Remaining  LifeTime(hours)  LBA_of_first_error
    # 1  Extended offline    Completed: read failure       90%     18661         2896134552
    # 2  Short offline       Completed without error       00%     18631         -

    Can someone with more experience in this confirm that the disk is indeed on its' last legs and should be replaced immediately?

    Extended smart report and diagnostics attached, let me know if you need anything else.


    Thanks in advance




    ST8000AS0002-1NA17Z_Z84102P2-20190908-0923.txt tower-diagnostics-20190907-2350.zip

  24. 16 hours ago, Merijeek said:

    Small question/issue with this container, and the answer may be somewhere in the 183 pages of this thread, but not on the FAQ. 


    It looks like Radarr really wants labels to be enabled in Deluge. However, I can enable labels, but that add-on gets disabled upon a delugevpn docker reboot. 


    Is there a way to fix that? 

    Yes there is, on page 175 😉


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