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Posts posted by primeval_god

  1. On 6/18/2018 at 9:36 AM, playmake said:

    Can someone point me in the right direction to make function the NUT plugin? i've already the NUT plugin working in Unraid but i would greatly appreciate to monitor my ups also in netdata. but I can't figure how to do it :'(


    Netdata's existing NUT module will not work when Netdata is running inside a docker as in unRAID. I did come up with an alternative that has been working for me however. See the post i made on the previous page of this topic. 


  2. On 6/2/2018 at 4:36 PM, primeval_god said:

    Before everyone jumps ship from traefik here, I want to chime in and say that i believe there is a way to shore up the security to an acceptable level. Unfortunately i haven't gotten it to work quite yet. I believe the key lies in a program called docker-proxy-acl which provides can restrict access to certain endpoints on the docker socket. At the moment traefik does not function correctly through this proxy but I hopeful that the issue can be fixed in short order.

    Check out the docker-proxy-acl container available here https://hub.docker.com/r/dcflachs/docker-proxy-acl/ . I believe that it prevents the type of attack described above. This particular container has a version of docker-proxy-acl that supports traefik, which requires the containers, info, version, networks, tasks, events and services endpoints.

  3. 12 hours ago, thostr said:

    I was wondering if it was possible to use "dockername"."serverhostname".local on LAN and "dockername".domain.com if I connect from internet?

    Yes it is, the "traefik.frontend.rule" label can take multiple host names in the form "Host:subdomian1.domain1.com,subdomian1.domain2.local"


    12 hours ago, thostr said:


    And how does it handle http vs https requests? does it forward http requests automaticly to https, or do I need to specificly enter https adresses in order to use https?

    Though i havent tried it myself I believe it does have a setting to allow redirecting http -> https

  4. Before everyone jumps ship from traefik here, I want to chime in and say that i believe there is a way to shore up the security to an acceptable level. Unfortunately i haven't gotten it to work quite yet. I believe the key lies in a program called docker-proxy-acl which provides can restrict access to certain endpoints on the docker socket. At the moment traefik does not function correctly through this proxy but I hopeful that the issue can be fixed in short order.

  5. Is anyone here running ECC RAM on their Ryzen machines? I am considering Ryzen for my next server build, but ECC is a must. I have read so much confusing information online about Ryzen and ECC I am simple not sure what is what. If anyone does have an ECC setup, what MB, CPU, and RAM  combo are you using? What is your understanding/impression of the state of ECC and Ryzen?


  6. On 3/12/2018 at 8:11 PM, Djoss said:


    Did you tried this:




    Yes that would be possible.  You can do pretty much what you want in the notification script...

    I finally got back looking at pushover on the other image I was working on. I got it working pretty quickly using the method that you linked to. I am now looking at how to use it with this handbrake image. The one thing that I am still not clear on regarding your handbrake image is whether or not it is hooked into the notification backend. That is to say, I know that this image outputs some status to the docker log, but does it also write that log somewhere internally? Is it possible to tail the docker logs with the notification script?

  7. Yes I believe that you would use curl to call the pushover API. I am currently trying to do exactly that to get notifications from another docker container I use. Thus far however I dont have a working example of using the API with curl. 


    An additional reason I was asking was that i was considering trying to integrate pushover notifications with the notification backend feature of your base image. I use a container based on your base image that i am considering using the notifications in and I was wondering if that work would map over to this container.


  8. 1 hour ago, Squid said:

    Zero point (and not even recommended) to add anything to the Docker Repositories section at all.

    I have a github repo of templates which I have created for my own use and thus far have not shared. Currently I use the Docker Repositories section to give myself access to this repo.

  9. Since this image is base on jlesage/baseimage-gui:alpine-3.6-v3.3.4 does it make use of the notification backend feature of the base image to output its status to the log? I ask because i am looking for a way to get notifications for the start and stop events out to pushover.

  10. 8 minutes ago, jpeltoniemi said:

    Thanks for the clarification. Certainly not how I imagined it would work. Can someone tell me what are the advantages of having a rule of one copy of a file in array and cache vs what seems to be actually happening, i.e. some kind of layered file system with the cache drive as the top layer?

    I couldnt say for sure, because i am no next to nothing about how the filesystem actually works, but my guess would be that it is less of a rule and more a natural extension of how the file various disk file systems are fused/layered together. One thing to note, and anyone else please correct me if i am wrong, is that the cache system works only on complete files. Once a file has been moved (by the mover) from the cache to the array, any future writes to that file bypass the cache drive and go directly to the parity protected array. Unless the file is deleted and then recreated of course.

  11. 1 hour ago, jpeltoniemi said:

    Of course, that much is expected. I meant it like would it be reasonable to expect some kind of reply from the developers, if pinged, in the next week or so, or if the thread stays relevant?

    Sorry one last off topic, just an FYI since it sounds like you are fairly new here. In case you were not already aware, Limetech is an incredibly small company; incredible particularly in regards to the product they have created and the community they have fostered here on the forums. Unfortunately due to their size, and despite the best intentions, communication from them here on the forums tends to fall by the wayside, especially on topics that fall lower on the priority scale. Luckily the community engagement here is fantastic, one of the best features of unRAID in my opinion. 

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, ice pube said:

    Thanks a bunch for this docker, it is working very well. Is it possible to send links to this docker via Firefox? I have just been copying links into the docker using the Clipboard tool, just wondering if there is a quicker way. 

    I think there is a Jdownloader2 Firefox plugin. Otherwise there is always the My jdownloader website, thought that is only marginally faster.

  13. @dadarara If you are still looking for a way to get netdata to show UPS data, and you are using the NUT Plugin, I may have an answer for you. After mulling over the limitations for a while I decided to write a netdata python.d module to allow showing NUT UPS using the NUT Server functionality. In order for this to work you would need to have the Nut Plugin installed and configured in the 'Netserver' UPS Mode. For the docker configuration I created an app data folder /mnt/cache/appdata/netdata and in it a folder named "override". Then copy " /etc/netdata/python.d.conf" from the inside the netdata container, put it in the "override" folder, and add "nutserver: yes" (without the quotes) to the end of the file. Create a folder "python.d" within override and place the "nutserver.conf" within it and configure it with the proper settings. Place "nutserver.chart.py" in /mnt/cache/appdata/netdata. Finally you need to modify the volume mounts for the netdata docker container. Mount the host path "/mnt/cache/appdata/netdata/override" to the container path "/etc/netdata/override" Access mode read only. Mount the host path "/mnt/cache/appdata/netdata/nutserver.chart.py" to the container path "/usr/libexec/netdata/python.d/nutserver.chart.py" access mode read only. Restart the netdata container.



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  14. On 8/22/2017 at 12:58 PM, mrangryoven said:

    I have mapped the config dir /etc/netdata to /mnt/cache/appdata/netdata and i have put in my own config file and i need netdata to send data to my influxdb server but its not using the config i have set?


    Any ideas?

    @mrangryoven I know this is an old question but in case you are still wondering I think can across the answer. You need to remove the mapping from /mnt/cache/appdata/netdata -> /etc/netdata and replace it with /mnt/cache/appdata/netdata > /etc/netdata/override

    Then recreate the folder structure of /etc/netdata in /mnt/cache/appdata/netdata  and place your conf file under the proper directory. Make sure the permissions allow reading by the netdata container.

  15. On 10/25/2017 at 6:26 PM, aptalca said:

    For intel, follow the instructions in this thread about fixing permissions, then you enable the setting in plex gui. 


    On unraid, you can't use non intel gpus for hw transcoding in docker because the necessary drivers for them are not loaded. 


    You can,  however, pass them through to a VM and do hw transcoding in plex in a VM. You can load the drivers that way. 

    As mentioned earlier in this thread...

  16. On 12/10/2017 at 1:29 AM, dadarara said:

    how do I update the netdata ?  its not autoupdating. 

    how to actually install a plugin ?  (looking to show UPS data)


    Your question is confusing. This is a thread for the netdata docker container. To my knowledge it does not "autoupdate". Nor does the application within the container update apart from the entire container being updated. Updating the container is done in the docker tab. So far as installing plugins goes, I am assuming you mean netdata data collection "plugins". Those typically are auto-detected / configured by netdata on startup/restart of the container. For more information on that you can go first to the github page listed at the start of this topic. It lists the features and usage of this container in a more indepth way. As a final note, I am not sure if getting UPS monitoring to show up in netdata is possible with this container. Since netdata is encapsulated in a docker container it only has limited access to the underlying unRAID system. I looked into UPS monitoring a while back and i seem to remember that there was some big obstacle to getting it working in a container, but I cannot remember exactly what.

  17. Here is the output of /etc/rc.d/rc.nut start

    Writing nut config
    Network UPS Tools - UPS driver controller 2.7.4
    Network UPS Tools - Generic HID driver 0.41 (2.7.4)
    USB communication driver 0.33
    Can't claim USB device [0764:0501]: No such file or directory
    Driver failed to start (exit status=1)


    upsmon.conf is as follows

    MONITOR [email protected] 1 monuser monpass master
    SHUTDOWNCMD "/sbin/poweroff"
    POWERDOWNFLAG /etc/nut/no_killpower
    NOTIFYCMD "/usr/sbin/nut-notify"


    I have tried a different port it did not help the situation, no USB3 on the server.


  18. I am having trouble getting this to plugin to detect and use my UPS.

    • When I use the AutoDetect button it chooses Blazer_usb for the UPS Driver. From looking on the internet it should be choosing usbhid-ups.
      • When i run nut-scanner from the console i get the following
      • nut-scanner
        Neon library not found. XML search disabled.
        Scanning USB bus.
        No start IP, skipping SNMP
        No start IP, skipping NUT bus (old connect method)
                driver = "usbhid-ups"
                port = "auto"
                vendorid = "0764"
                productid = "0501"
                product = "CP1000PFCLCD"
                serial = "000000000000"
                vendor = "CPS"
                bus = "004"


    • Regardless of which driver I choose, the autodetected or the one i believe to be correct, I cannot get the service to start. No matter what settings I apply the Status remains Stopped.

    I would be grateful for any help you could provide.

  19. Hi rutri,

    I am sorry that you are encountering radio silence here, we are normally quite a helpful group. The original thing you were trying to do is very non-standard and i would guess that no one really knows how to help. To my knowledge using unRAID in a domain network is fairly rare to begin with. As for your second question it is still way above my head, but if I understand correctly you are having issues passing through folders to a VM and then sharing those folders from the VM over Ethernet (using SAMBA?). You might have better luck posting a new question about the passthrough issue specifically in the "VM Engine (KVM)" subforum https://forums.lime-technology.com/forum/51-vm-engine-kvm/ . I think that would be more likely to get the correct eyes on your issue.

  20. 1 hour ago, 2twisty said:


    How can I track down where the failure is?


     Have you recently made any notable changes to your system setting or configurations wise? Or have you made any major upgrades to the OS or plugins or added new apps? My first guess would be that something new is keeping the array active. 

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