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Everything posted by Netix

  1. Hi there. Is it possible to add a HBA Adaptec check into Update Assistant ? I upgraded to 6.12.6 without knowing it had problem. https://docs.unraid.net/unraid-os/release-notes/6.12.6/#known-issues Would have been nice to know beforehand. Just wondering if it's a possible thing to lookout if there's an Adaptec HBA installed in the server and warn the owner. Thank you for your time
  2. Hey there. It passed the extended SMART self-test. Retried the script, still going at 1.5 mb/s.. what are my options ? I would really like to remove that drive without going 0 parity.. netplex-diagnostics-20230220-1116.zip WDC_WD80EMAZ-00WJTA0_7HJXZWMF-20230217-2146.txt
  3. Had an unsafe shutdown, had to run a parity check and just restarted the script. It still run at 1.5 mb/s.. Here's my diagnostics while the script is running
  4. So I'm running the updated Shrink array that was posted in the last pages. I shrinked one 6TB drive that had error and it went well. Now, I'm trying to Shrink away another 8TB drive but I'm getting some really slow speed.. ~4 MB/s.. For the 6TB it was way faster then that. I'm wondering how to troubleshoot the low speed.. Any idea? Turbo write is activated.
  5. Thanks ! Had permission issue and that did the trick. I managed to reroute my download folder to an unassigned device.
  6. So I shouldn't use this drive as a parity drive in Flexraid right ?
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