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Everything posted by Ryan2207

  1. They would be things such as photos, documents maybe isos such as linuxs distros but i could see my maximum size going over 5GB
  2. Hello All Just wanted to get some opinions on what is the best ft[/cloud option to transfer files to and from unraid over the internet ? Cheers
  3. When i first set up unraid it defaulted to the video card once i switched it to onboard the graphics card was free for vm output, if you have a second card give it a shot you can use the same card for 2 vms just not at the same time
  4. Hello All I'm looking to setup email notifications for alerts and hopefully have my log files sent to me as well i've tried to set it up using both my hotmail account and gmail but have had no success it asks for a sending email and a receiving one to which ive entered the same email address does anyone know how to set it up properly... or is there a docker app that will do the same function ?
  5. Are you saying you want to have each graphics card output a different os ?, if so i believe you need to have a graphics card for each vm. onboard graphics needs to be allocated to the server for the motherboard to boot... however don't quote me on that, its just what i've seen in my case
  6. I looked at that, but i was looking more along the lines of a plugin or docker container to do the job, i don't necessarily want to mess with the unraid server os itself
  7. Hello All I'm looking to create a tftp/pxe server to boot vm's and openelec natively to some low powered machines i have can anyone point me in the right direction ?
  8. Does it matter what size your cache drive is ?, for example could i buy a cheap 120GB SSD just to speed up the write speed to the server ?
  9. Hello I was wondering if someone could please clarify what the specifics of the trial version is as of 6.1.6. Is there a 30 day time limit ?, the storage capacity limitation is okay im hoping to convert my brother in law to unraid but i need to showcase it's awesomeness so i can convince him to buy
  10. Damn how did i miss that!...I'll give that a go thanks mate !
  11. Hello im trying to use crashplan to backup to my NAS from unraid, i have the unraid unassigned devices plugin installed and the shares mount correctly inside the docker container however crashplan can't see the folders i've attached screenshots any advice would be appreciated
  12. I used to use both, after a bit of tweaking i got a nice theme/skin for kodi and intergrated plex and netflix into it... ive since switched to the plex app since i like it better, in my opinion i can't see anything taking over these 2
  13. Hello Everyone Last night i posted a review on unraid 6 as a sort of tribute, soon ill be posting some more videos on some of the things i've been able to do with my server in the past few months https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9_X37ZZSfA Enjoy!
  14. Are you able to backup to a NAS ?, i've read crashplan doesn't have that functionality
  15. Hello All I'm looking to create a backup strategy for my unraid system, i'd like to backup my usb flash drive setting and some of my data, important documents photos etc... my 2 backup destinations will be a 4 bay nas with 2tb of storage and a usb dock with 1tb what would be the best option to backup using these 2 things im looking into using crashplan over the weekend but im open to all kinds of ideas Please Share your backup experiences Kind Regards Ryan
  16. Thank you so much, im gonna try your guide tonight, i figured out where i was going wrong, i was expecting crashplan desktop to have a webui but it doesn't... feel like a goose now lol
  17. I can setup crashplan, but crashplan desktop is what im having trouble with
  18. Hello I was just wondering if there are any how to guides on setting up crashplan and crashplan desktop on unraid ? Kind Regards
  19. Hello Everyone I'm looking to setup a remote support system where i can connect to clients pc's easily either via rdp or vnc, there are a few ways that have crossed my mind either a vpn or some kind of dynamic dns. teamviewer isn't an option as this will be commercial use not personal use. is there a way to use unraid to host my own dynamic dns server or some variant of a vpn that will allow me to connect to client pc's without giving them the ability to navigate to my router or unraid server via the browser ? Kind Regards
  20. Hello I was wondering if there is a way to use remmina or some other rdp/vnc connection program to save and list my connections rather than going through the browser ? Kind Regards Ryan
  21. I would recommend using the docker version, i had various problems with the plugin version. but once i switched to the docker version it works much better
  22. Hello i was wondering how do update the version of make mkv inside the container ?, or even better only update it to beta versions
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