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Everything posted by mukow

  1. Check out BedrockConnect, you can connect Xbox Minecraft to a custom server by using DNS manipulation
  2. Unraid is what got me started on Docker. I had zero knowledge prior to starting with unraid 3 years ago. Now I have around 30 containers running on 3 unraid systems. I can't wait to see Docker compose support on unraid. It would help management of Dockers heaps.
  3. Will this prevent you from modifying the files outside of the container?
  4. Just a bump, would love to see support for this driver added. I can see that this has happened for a similar request previously, let me know if not possible.
  5. For my setup I have a share on my UNRAID for Photos. I then run a docker of CrashPlan to backup my photos to "CrashPlan" cloud, you could backup to another crashplan device for free, for example on your desktop or vice versa. I have a Nextcloud docker running on the UNRAID I have Nextcloud mobile app to automatically upload photos from my phone to Unraid.
  6. Hi All, I am trying to attach a 3D Printer (wanhao i3 plus) to unRAID to then pass through to a Docker (http://octoprint.org/). Connecting the printer I can see the USB device attached; Bus 001 Device 006: ID 1a86:7523 QinHeng Electronics HL-340 USB-Serial adapter But I never see a driver assigning a TTYUSB0 or TTYACM0. From my research this uses a CH341/CH340 driver which I do not believe is included in unRAID. I have had a look at compiling Kernals but I think this is over my head, any help would be appreciated.
  7. Unraid is 6.1.3. Swapped to a new USB thumb drive and initially only had the issues when turned on docker. I have disabled it since but still had reboots. Definitely no USB3 on this PC but I tried the front USB instead of the back and still have the faults. Not sure what steps to take next even to try and diagnose.
  8. Thanks jtech, I don't have physical access to the older server, but will try out a trial on a new thumb drive. PC has USB 1.1 and 2, but will test other ports.
  9. Hi everyone, Been using Unraid on a setup for around 2 years now and just purchased a second license to run up another machine. Currently with this PC I am experiencing random crashes anywhere between 2 minutes to 14 hours. The attached pictures is what I see on the console when it crashes, I am unable to access the WebGui or telnet so not sure if I can gather logs before it restarts. I am more of a hardware person so have tried replacing the NIC, RAM, PSU and even M/B with a spare. The PC I am using is an HP Z200 workstation. Browsing through the forum I saw similar issue users were having that were resolved by converting to XFS but I can confirm that I am already using XFS. SMART checks on the drives seem to be OK. If someone is able to let me know what the best way is to gather logs in this situation it would be much appreciated. Thanks, Tim Images (too big to attach)
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