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Everything posted by IamSpartacus

  1. Dude you are awesome. This works perfectly. Now I guess I just need to schedule a cron job to make this run constantly? And the last piece would be a cleanup of the folder it's moving from. Otherwise I'm going to wind up with a ton of empty folders in /mnt/DownloadsPP/TV and /mnt/Downloads/Movies.
  2. I've tested this with handbrake. Say the following file/folder exists: /mnt/cache/Media/TV/The Daily Show/Season 24/The Daily Show - S24E86 - Bernie Sanders.mkv Then handbrake will output the converted file to: /mnt/user/DownloadsPP/TV/The Daily Show/Season 24/The Daily Show - S24E86 - Bernie Sanders.mkv And the same with movies, it will match the exact folder structure. So all I need is a script that will watch the /mnt/user/DownloadsPP/TV and /mnt/user/DownloadsPP/Movies directories and move the entire folder structure underneath into /mnt/cache/Media/ or /mnt/use/Media/
  3. Thanks. I'm thinking all I really need is a simple script now that watches two folders. Something like: If file exists in /downloadsPP/movies/Movie_Title, move to /mnt/cache/media/movies/Movie_Title/ if file exists in /downloadsPP/series, moves to /mnt/cache/media/TV/Series/
  4. Wow thanks so much for this @zacharyd3. Really appreciate the work. Is there a container for this? I don't actually need the naming piece as that's already done by Sonarr/Radarr. I just need to be able to place both TV shows and Movies into a folder and then have that folder automatically move the my Media share. Handbrake can output to the same folder the input was from. My handbrake watch folder has a series folder and a movie folder. Once I set the output folder and use the SAME_AS_SRC option, it will put the encoded file in the output folder under the same directory. So if the watch folder is /downloads (which has series and movies under it) and the output folder is /downloadsPP, handbrake will output a file found in /downloads/series into /downloadsPP/series and a file found in /downlods/movies to /downloadspp/movies. Maybe this would solve the issue @zacharyd3 with regard to parsing movies and tv shows?
  5. First off I appreciate your assistance with working this out with me, so thank you 👍. Yes my tv directory is setup like you have it and for movies it's /mnt/cache/Media/Movies/The Dark Knight/The Dark Knight.mkv. I can output the files back to the Sonarr and Radarr directories but how would I signal to either of them to import the files since they've already done so?
  6. For the purposes of this process I have a TV and Movie directory under media. So new media shows up in /mnt/cache/Media/TV and /mnt/cache/Media/Movies. So i need the converted files to go back into those spots for them to be correct for Plex.
  7. I guess that make sense. I can test that. For now though, my roadblock is the handbrake /watch and /output folder being the same. They can't be the same. So I need a PostProcessing directory and a script that will watch that post processing directory and when it a sees a file in there, copy it back to the original destination under /mnt/cache/Media/. Not sure how to accomplish this.
  8. Got it. So I'll need a PostProcessing output folder and a script that will copy (and overwrite) the file back to /mnt/cache/Media/ after it's done.
  9. Ok so I have handbrake watching my /mnt/cache/Media directory now. The issue I'm running into is using the SAME_AS_SRC key value for AUTOMATED_CONVERSION_OUTPUT_SUBDIR. It can't start the conversion because the file already exists (obviously since it's trying to name the new file the same as the old one in the same directory). Trying to figure out a way to make this work.
  10. But would I want a file that was paused during the encode and then resumed? That wouldn't cause issues with the file?
  11. Thank you for this. I've been thinking a lot about how I want to accomplish encodes and I've come up with a little bit of a different configuration that I'm looking to implement. I don't want handbrake to run the moment a file is downloaded because I don't want handbrake running during "primetime" hours. So having a script waiting for a file in the watch directory isn't really great because I won't have control over when handbrake is running. However, what I don't want is for movies and tv shows to take longer to be available because with OMBI for requests my users (and myself) have gotten very used to requesting a movie and having it available in 5-10 minutes (thanks to Gigabit internet). So what I'm thinking is to sort of take advantage of the intermediate period where media sits on my cache pool (I only move files once a day) and have my handbrake "watch" folder be something like /mnt/cache/Media. This way, Sonarr and Radarr will add those files to Plex as soon as they are downloaded and users can watch them. Then I'd have a script set to startup handbrake and convert all new media sitting on cache. Then once the conversions are done, handbrake shuts back down and then the mover kicks off.
  12. Yes thank you that would be super helpful!
  13. Does anyone have a User Script for scheduling the startup/shutdown of a container at certain parts of the day? Would love to do this with my Handbrake container so it's only encoding overnight.
  14. Does anyone have this setup on some sort of a schedule so the container is only encoding say overnight when one's server is more likely to be idle?
  15. Just set this docker up and my conversions from the watch directory are failing with the following error: mktemp: No such file or directory [autovideoconverter] ERROR: Failed to create temporary directory under 'SAME_AS_SRC'. I'm using the variable value SAME_AS_SRC for the key AUTOMATED_CONVERSION_OUTPUT_DIR. Thoughts?
  16. Here you go. https://gist.github.com/Xaero252/9f81593e4a5e6825c045686d685e2428. You can put this script in User Scripts so that you can run it each time Plex gets updated. And yes, I'm seeing that GPU memory usage is about what I'm seeing as well.
  17. What's the current easiest method to be able to constantly monitor watch nvidia-smi? Netdata docker?
  18. Thanks for the tip on where to find the latest firmware. Updated to and the latest BIOS and that fixed my issue. PHEW!
  19. I got it from this post because I couldn't find the page for this card on Broadcom's website. I have dual links connected to this card and then mini SAS to 4 SATA cables connecting to a UNAS 810a backplane.
  20. I updated the card with p20.00.06 from the LSI website but I didn't completely flash the card to delete the old firmware first so maybe that's something I can look to do next.
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