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Posts posted by mbc0

  1. Hi,


    I have seen this question answered with conflicting results, I would like to install an NVME drive to store my photo's on for Immich for response times (waiting for drive to spin up) I don't want a drive spinning 24/7


    I have 20 or so HDD's currently 4XNVME's as 2 cache pools and would like to add an NVME drive into the array for protection, has anyone here done this for a good amount of time to give any advice?


    Many thanks

  2. ok! Update, despite hours of googling before posting, I found a discussion on metrics straight after! 


    This is my new routing table and it appears to now be working as intended! 


    All except being able to communicate with 192.168.0/24 from 192.168.8/24 (eth1 to eth0) can anyone help with this please?  I am able to do the reverse no problems.


    Many thanks 🙂



  3. Hi!


    ***NOTE If I was able to assign a mac address to each docker none of this would be an issue as I am able to use Sophos to route traffic to either my DSL or 5G router but I am currently on ipvlan as macvlan caused me major issues a year or so ago, even though I have tried swapping back to macvlan out of desperation I could not see a way to assign a mac address, even with the extra parameter.*****


    Due to being behind a GNAT I have introduced a new 5G router that I would like to use on certain dockers and keep my DSL for unraid and everything else.


    I have 2 network cards in my unraid server

    1, 10GBe for unraid and everything else on 192.168.0/24 (eth0) Gateway (Sophos)

    2, 1GBIT-ONBOARD for the 5G router ( (eth1) Gateway


    I need to be able to access both ip ranges for lan access to the dockers (although I can currently only access from 192.168.0/24 it doesn't work the other way around, it would be great if they could access each other!)


    The problem I have is that although the dockers are working great using the new 5G router but for some reason the whole unraid server and all dockers are using the 5G router gateway?


    As you can see, the 10GBe interface is set to use the DSL on eth0 but for some reason it is using 5G router on eth1?


    Can anyone please see where I am going wrong?


    thank you!










  4. 13 hours ago, Vr2Io said:

    You say have 4 NIC, assume 3 interface for 3 subnet. There must have routing in the table, but your screen miss both. Unless you route those thr gateway ( you bridge eth0 eth1, no eth2 and eth3 )



    The 4port NIC is in my other unraid server (HP Microserver) which basically just runs Sophos XG Firewall, Home Assistand, etc very on resources, but that is why the routing table is not showing that.


    I have disabled the on-board NIC, re-installed the 10gbe card deleted the network.cfg file and let unraid recreate it on reboot and now everything "seems" to be working as expected!  I have stopped/started the docker service 10+ times and all seems stable so will se how it goes for a few days, I hope this is the end of it!

  5. OK, another update!


    I have disabled all the containers, disabled the docker service and rebooted unraid, on reboot the network is working as expected but as soon as I enabled the docker service with no containers running at all the network problem above re-occured. I stopped the docker service again and everything is again working as expected so at least I now know the docker service is causing the issue, how would I go about resolving this? it there a problem with my routing table? (I really don't understand it)



  6. Ok, 


    Woke this morning to see it has happened again and it appears it is triggered by cabackup (probably just where it is stopping and starting dockers)


    I have Sophos XG Home running on a 3rd Unraid Server with a 4 port NIC which is setup to these ip ranges (This has been my setup for years)

    192.168.0.* - Local LAN

    192.168.1.* - Local WiFi

    192.168.8.* - 5G Router


    I am able to use & ping all these ranges from all devices and all 3 unraid servers until this error occurs.


    When this issue occurs I am unable to ping the outside world and any other ip addresses that are 192.168.1.* & 192.168.8.* as the destination is unreachable


    ONLY 192.168.0.* will continue to work. I can even still ping which is my Sophos installation for DSL Broadband but still have no internet access.


    When this error occurs, all other Unraid servers & devices can see each other and have zero problems.


    I currently have the issue as I type this and have stopped all containers but left the docker service running and the problem still exists.


    As soon as I disable the docker service the networks are available again and I can ping everything as expected!


    I cannot see anything to help me in the diags, really would appreciate some help here 🙂


    Thank you

  7. Hi, 


    I am having this weird situation every few days where my dockers and unraid lose internet connection and some dockers are losing connections (Agent DVR loses contact with 4 of my 6 cameras) Plex loses connection to the internet etc.  Unraid console is unable to ping most of my lan or the internet.


    I have noticed that all 21 disks are spun up all the time when this happens, the auto spin down stops working.


    If I stop my docker service I am then able to ping the internet and the cameras that were unavailable whilst the docker service was running and then start the docker service and everything is back up and running as normal.


    I have attached my diags and could really do with some guidance please!




  8. 7 hours ago, CK Villa said:


    Yes had been using flubsters repo since shrmn/gsdock had this bug (https://github.com/shrmnk/gsdock/issues/93). I was not able to activate my account. Now flubster has a very old version of gsdock.


    Hence I have crated my own docker "sonnyck/gsdock" just replace this in the repo and then let it update. The image is the most recent one released by GoodSync.


    Git Link: https://github.com/cksonny/gsdock

    Docker Link: https://hub.docker.com/r/sonnyck/gsdock/

    Thanks buddy, I appreciate it!


  9. I am having problems on "first" boot where my docker contairs cannot talk to each other (i.e. radarr to sabnzbd) 


    Test was aborted due to an error: Unable to connect to SABnzbd, Error: ConnectFailure (No route to host): '**intentionally deleted**&output=json'


    This happens EVERY time I reboot the server until I reboot again and then everything is great until I need to reboot again.  


    Can anyone please help?




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