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Everything posted by ahab666

  1. Thanks - it happened either during the initial parity run or slightly afterwards .... 😄
  2. THX for that idea - but my server is in an unheated basement and its winter time ... even during summer HDD temperatures rarely reach 32 to 35 C .... cheers
  3. Sorry did not consider that .... 2nd try
  4. After changing my parity drives - because the last ones i used produced read errors, even though they passed the full pre-clear routine. With the factory-new drives I did a resynch without a preclear and it seemed to work, BUT now I am getting an error notification array health report = FAIL Can anyone explain that to me please, attached 2 files and if you need additional dumps please name them including their location(s). cheers tower-diagnostics-20221204-1227.zip
  5. Hello Mr. Binhex, thx for the very fast response .... now i am really confused - copied the file, and edited the deluge settings from within the gui. starting the docker seems to work but starting the the gui brings up the notorious error msg website cannot be reached (sorry ger->eng) , check firwall and proxy settings ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED can i delete the supervisord.log file without breaking delugevpn - just asking because it is allready 200 KiB in size and i dont wanna post such a monster here in the forum .....
  6. Hello, as a newby to docker and vpn use and after a moot 45 minute chat session with their so called support i have a very odd question for all you unraid / *.nix wizards : how can one translate my VPN providers ovpn files to use it with delugevpn ? example : **************************** start ******************************** client remote nl2.jumptoserver.com 4443 proto udp dev tun auth-user-pass tls-client resolv-retry infinite remote-random nobind tun-mtu 1500 tun-mtu-extra 32 mssfix 1450 persist-key persist-tun ping 15 ping-restart 0 ping-timer-rem reneg-sec 0 comp-lzo cipher AES-256-CBC auth SHA256 <ca> -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIFQjCCAyqgAwIBAgIIUfxepT+rr8owDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEMBQAwPzELMAkGA1UE BhMCS1kxEzARBgNVBAoTCkZhc3Rlc3RWUE4xGzAZBgNVBAMTEkZhc3Rlc3RWUE4g Um9vdCBDQTAeFw0xNzA5MTYwMDAxNDZaFw0yNzA5MTQwMDAxNDZaMD8xCzAJBgNV BAYTAktZMRMwEQYDVQQKEwpGYXN0ZXN0VlBOMRswGQYDVQQDExJGYXN0ZXN0VlBO IFJvb3QgQ0EwggIiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4ICDwAwggIKAoICAQC1Xj+WfPTo zFynFqc+c3CVrggIllaXEl5bY5VgFynXkqCTM6lSrfC4pNjGXUbqWe6RnGJbM4/6 kUn+lQDjFSQV1rzP2eDS8+r5+X2WXh4AoeNRUWhvSG+HiHD/B2EFK+Nd5BRSdUjp KWAtsCmT2bBt7nT0jN1OdeNrLJeyF8siAqv/oQzKznF9aIe/N01b2M8ZOFTzoXi2 fZAckgGWui8NB/lzkVIJqSkAPRL8qiJLuRCPVOX1PFD8vV//R8/QumtfbcYBMo6v Ck2HmWdrh5OQHPxb3KJtbtG+Z1j8x6HGEAe17djYepBiRMyCEQvYgfD6tvFylc4I quhqE9yaP60PJod5TxpWnRQ6HIGSeBm+S+rYSMalTZ8+pUqOOA+IQCYpfpx6EKIJ L/VsW2C7cXdvudxDhXPI5lR/QidCb9Ohq3WkfxXaYwzrngdg2avmNqId9R4KESuM 9GoHW0dszfyBCh5wYfeaffMElfDam3B92NUwyhZwtIiv623WVXY9PPz+EDjSJsIA u2Vi1vdJyA4nD4k9Lwmx/1zTc/UaYVLsiBqL2WdfvFTeoWoV+dNxQXSEPhB8gwi8 x4O4lZW0cwVy/6fa8KMY8gZbcbSTr7U5bRERfW8l+jY+mYKQ/M/ccgpxaHiw1/+4 LWfbJQ7VhJJrTyN0C36FQzY1URkSXg+53wIDAQABo0IwQDAPBgNVHRMBAf8EBTAD AQH/MA4GA1UdDwEB/wQEAwIBBjAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUmVEL4x6xdCqiqu2OBLs27EA8 xGYwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEMBQADggIBABCpITvO1+R4T9v2+onHiFxU5JjtCZ0zkXqR CMp/Z0UIYbeo1p07pZCPAUjBfGPCkAaR++OiG9sysALdJf8Y6HQKcyuAcWUqQnaI hoZ2JcAP7EKq7uCqsMhcYZD/j3O/3RPtSW5UOx6ItDU+Ua0t9Edho9whNw0VQXmo 1JjYoP3FzPjuKoDWTSO1q5eYlZfwcTcs55O2shNkFafPg/6cCm5j6v9nyHrM3sk4 LjkrBPUXVx2m/aoz219t8O9Ha9/CdMKXsPO/8gTUzpgnzSgPnGnBmi5xr1nspVN8 X4E2f3D+DKqBim3YgslD68NcuFQvJ0/BxZzWVbrr+QXoyzaiCgXuogpIDc2bB6oR XqFnHNz36d4QJmJdWdSaijiS/peQ6EOPgOZ1GuObLWlDCBZLNeQ+N6QaiJxVO4XU j/s22i1IRtwdz84TRHrbWiIpEymsqmb/Ep5r4xV5d6+791axclfOTH7tQrY/SbPt TJI4OEgNekI8YfadQifpelF82MsFFEZuaQn0lj+fvLGtE/zKh3OdLTxRc5TAgBB+ 0T81+JQosygNr2aFFG0hxar1eyw/gLeG8H+7Ie50pyPvXO4OgB6Key8rSExpilQX lvAT1qX0qS3/K1i/9QkSE9ftIPT6vtwLV2sVQzfyanI4IZgWC6ryhvNLsRn0NFnQ clor0+aq -----END CERTIFICATE----- </ca> key-direction 1 <tls-auth> -----BEGIN OpenVPN Static key V1----- 697fe793b32cb5091d30f2326d5d124a 9412e93d0a44ef7361395d76528fcbfc 82c3859dccea70a93cfa8fae409709bf f75f844cf5ff0c237f426d0c20969233 db0e706edb6bdf195ec3dc11b3f76bc8 07a77e74662d9a800c8cd1144ebb67b7 f0d3f1281d1baf522bfe03b7c3f963b1 364fc0769400e413b61ca7b43ab19fac 9e0f77e41efd4bda7fd77b1de2d7d785 5cbbe3e620cecceac72c21a825b243e6 51f44d90e290e09c3ad650de8fca99c8 58bc7caad584bc69b11e5c9fd9381c69 c505ec487a65912c672d83ed0113b5a7 4ddfbd3ab33b3683cec593557520a72c 4d6cce46111f56f3396cc3ce7183edce 553c68ea0796cf6c4375fad00aaa2a42 -----END OpenVPN Static key V1----- </tls-auth> **************************** end ********************************* I watched space invaders videos - where he just put 3 files to the deluge config directory .... Can the *.cert and *.pem file be created from the above file - are there changes to be made etc. cheers and thx upfront
  7. Hello, i use a combination of different array disks all check out well with smart self testing. As parity drives i use 2 18TB Seagate Exos drives - both checked out fine during the pre clear run. The SATA/SAS Conrtoller is from LSI - SAS2116. here is some of its specs : --------------------- <node id="storage" claimed="true" class="storage" handle="PCI:0000:01:00.0"> <description>Serial Attached SCSI controller</description> <product>SAS2116 PCI-Express Fusion-MPT SAS-2 [Meteor]</product> <vendor>Broadcom / LSI</vendor> <physid>0</physid> <businfo>pci@0000:01:00.0</businfo> <logicalname>scsi1</logicalname> <version>02</version> <width units="bits">64</width> <clock units="Hz">33000000</clock> <configuration> <setting id="driver" value="mpt3sas" /> <setting id="latency" value="0" /> </configuration> <capabilities> --------------------- Are there any issues known with that drive/controller combination ? Are there any HDD tune or controller or global tweaks that might help ? i will preaclear the both Parity drives once again so you can take your time (about 48 to 60 hours) with any answers or solutions. Feel fre to asl for any log or diagnostic files - and please tell me where to find them. cheers ahab666
  8. Hello, besides the "work-around" with a login with the servername and the ip address is there any other solution besides the optional windows unix/nfs feature ? cheers aleX
  9. So far unbalance did a great job - but since the hard coded and preferred https:// connection requirement is in most main stream browsers things got a bit inconvenient to say the least. Only solution for me so far : 1 run the Unraid-Gui and Unbalance in two separate browser tabs in the browsers private mode by right click the UNB button in the Unraid-Gui or 2 use a bookmark for the UNB part. In both cases one needs to click twice for the browser to use the "unsafe" web page ... as it is in private mode one needs to to this in every "new" browser session. Bug or feature in UNB ? The elapsed time starts always with some 8 to 12 hours offset rather than with 0:00:00 At the moment i am "rescuing" a failing 3 TB disk and I observed another strange phenomenon in the Unraid Main view : Take a look at the reads and writes for the 2 parity disks, then the read and writes for disk 10 (source) and disk 01 (target) and all the other disks. In a perfect world all drives but 10 and 01 should be and stay spun down and the transfer speeds should be between 120 and 180 MByte per second rather than 30-50 MB/sec average. Another nice thing would be nice if the read errors defective files or HDD segments would not be UNB "moved" and one could find out the name of the "lost" files. I attached 2 screen shots to explain what i mean ... cheers
  10. Thank you so much - the last link to the wiki enabled me to start the rebuild - re-enable process ... fiy - the weirdest thing though - I was able to see the files in dolphin and even on my win pc (emulated probably) via Samba and NFS. Now my most stupid Question - how can i tag the thread as solved (=edit the topic line ???) ?
  11. hmmm - how can I find out if the data are still correct ? And how can I start the rebuilt process ? I thought the parity drives allow to replace complete failed/defective disks ....
  12. Okay here we are sir ;) ..... new tower-diagnostics-20200811-1320.zip
  13. No they are still marked as unmountable - as there is no (or a corrupt) file system present. I wonder what the parity discs are for if not for repairing corrupt data ?
  14. Hello, using my unraid mostly for data storage and streaming I was puzzled about the fact that 2 drives fell into an unmountable status without former warnings. The filesystem is XFS - so I tried to repair them without the -n option. That did not work, so I used the recomended -L option. The 2 drives are still not mountable but the content is still there provided by the parity discs. I attached the diagnosis file called "tower-diagnostics-20200810-1216.zip" , if you need something else ..... Please provide me with an easy to understand - repair using the parity discs protocol ... cheers alex tower-diagnostics-20200810-1216.zip
  15. Hello, I'd like to use unassigned Disks (NTFS) to feed Data to my Array. Here are my questions : 1. where can one find the unassigned and mountes disk(s) in Crusader or dolphin starting from / 2. would a program like unbalance work in one way unass. disk ---> array or even <---> ? 3. many Android driven tv-media boxes are able to read and write to NTFS formatted disks - so doable in Unraid ??? cheers alX
  16. hi johnny black at al, following up on the cache hw update i added a *.txt file of the preclean message-summaries - i wonder if the big difference in the zeroing speed will degrade the pool performance to the slower write speed ? the second question is for the "migration" part - what happens if i have stored the docker img file in the root of the existing cache drive ? and what will happen if i add 2 512GB drives to the one slow old 256GB drive - and then after building and balancing the pool remove the small one. Will i at least get the 512GB Capacity of the 2 remaining larger ones ?? cheers ahab666 Preaclen Summery.txt
  17. @strike root@Tower:~# du -h /var/log 0 /var/log/swtpm/libvirt/qemu 0 /var/log/swtpm/libvirt 0 /var/log/swtpm 0 /var/log/samba/cores/winbindd 0 /var/log/samba/cores/smbd 0 /var/log/samba/cores/nmbd 0 /var/log/samba/cores 0 /var/log/samba 0 /var/log/plugins 0 /var/log/pkgtools/removed_scripts 0 /var/log/pkgtools/removed_packages 0 /var/log/pkgtools 0 /var/log/nginx 0 /var/log/nfsd 0 /var/log/libvirt/qemu 0 /var/log/libvirt 436K /var/log root@Tower:~# and my diagnostics. The constant 100% utilisation of my log partition went back to 1% after a reboot - and i know about the faulty drive (5) in my array. tower-diagnostics-20190429-0238.zip
  18. Hello, Can someone explain what the 3 bar-indicators (Dashboard in the GUI) of the Flash Log Docker mean ? And what does it mean when the 2nd Bar is at 100% all the time ? cheers - ahab666
  19. @Constructor and all I attached the latest diagnostic file and yes the one disk I removed was electrically dead - no spin up .... cheers tower-diagnostics-20181201-0610.zip
  20. Hello I am planing some upgrades and wonder if anyone could be of help, i am still a NIX noob ... 1. i found 4 HDDs with read errors atm i am moving the data to the working HDDs. as i have already removed 1 dead HDD physically i wonder how i can remove it from the array i get some error messages about a missing Drive. 2. i am planing to buy 3 big HDDs, one as a parity drive and 2 for data - best and fastest way to add, move content and remove the older smaller disks 3. i have 1 250 GB cache SSD and want to replace it wit 2 512 GB SSDs safest way to do that because i have 2 user shares in cache only mode .... thanks ahead ....
  21. Hmmm, I dad some 12 REDs with 3 TB, They were well crash engeneered because 4 of them failed within 6 months after the warrenty expired ...
  22. Hi, is anybody using such big HDDs in an existing Unraid scenario ? if yes any brand/type preferences and/tips for me ? cheers ahab666
  23. No not a typo but a f*'ed up USB flash drive ..... There are "only" a few files missing on the defective flash drive .... So here is another question for you specialists .... is there a file that contains hdd serial numbers and the names of drive like sda, sdb a.s.o. ? I just got a new flah stick and installed the latest version of unraid - now i just to add the correct hdd to the correct array slot .... Same as above about shares .... thx in advance - ahab
  24. Hi, I changed my LAN settings from DHCP to static in the HTTP user shell. I filled in all parameters like IP, DNS, gateway etc., and at my next shutdow-reboot I was baffled ... None of the offered modes worked and I get a bonding error during the starting attempt. The new IP address looks like the one windows put in when the card is set to use DHCP but no DHCP server is running on the network. I can still login as root admin ... Here are my questions : is there a file that logs the complete boot text ? if yes name and location please how can I reset the LAN Parameters to use DHCP again as root admin ? or easier by editing the specific config file(s) on my USB boot stick your help is very much appreciated ahab666 aka alX
  25. Hello Folks, i am relatively new to Unraid and a complete Unix/Linux noob - i can use a terminal app from windows to comandos but i do not know them .... my question - could anyone help me with the installation and the config part of deluge and how i use deluge on my unraid server .... cheers - ahab666
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