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Everything posted by Tjlejeune

  1. I use an old Android phone running Tasker to do this. Works great
  2. Why not just have two separate folders. One that only exists in the cache and one that uses the array then use a script to copy any older file from the cache folder to the array folder
  3. Hey everyone. Recently ran filebot manually and noticed they've launched a Patreon to help with Linux development. If you're a filebot user, you should definitely consider pleading towards this project https://www.patreon.com/filebot/overview
  4. It would be nice if unraid had a away to automatically manage files in specific folders based off of user dictated conditions . For example, move *.PDF files from download folder to document folder, delete files smaller than x, delete folders smaller than x, or run filebot when new video is added to a folder. There's a few programs for window (file juggler, Belvedere) and Mac ( Hazel) that already do this, but unfortunately I've yet to find a linux alternative.
  5. UnRaid is already more than just network attached storage. Why not also give users the ability to easily manage files without dealing with docker or network privilege settings? Kinda seems like the web UI for a NAS OS should include an built in way to manage your files. Also +1 for ability to disable it if desired
  6. unraid really needs a better way of browsing files than using a docker file manager, using the command line or using another pc on the network. would be great to have a simple file browser built into the web ui that allowed you to browse your local files and do simple functions like copy, move, delete, rename, and open some files (documents, videos, music, and text files for example). Basically something like dissident.ai built right into the webui.
  7. Anyone know how I can install python-miniupnp on unRAID? I'm trying to get this putio automator working in unRAID and I can't get past this roadblock. I've tried installing miniupnp through pip like I did for every other dependency but I get the error "python setup.py egg_info" failed with error code 1 in /tmp/pip-build-9EgZ25/miniupnpc/ . I've tried installing miniupnp manually with a .txz file, but it didn't seem to work. Any help would be appreciated. Hell, if someone could package this as an unRAID plugin, Im sure a few people would appreciate it. Put.io automator https://github.com/datashaman/putio-automator/tree/master
  8. I'm having the same issue with Filebot. Failed md5 checksum
  9. I'd love to see a put.io download manager template https://sourceforge.net/projects/putiodwnldmngr/?source=navbar It's a jar app. Seems like it would be easy to get working with docker but I have no clue on how to make a docker image
  10. Odd issue. I got GPU pass through working but moonlight only displays video when the GPU is plugged into a monitor. Odd part is that the monitor doesn't even need to be on to work. Anyone have any idea what could be causing this?
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