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About nlink0714

  • Birthday 07/01/1987


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    NY, USA
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    First, do no harm...

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  1. Hi all Noob unraider here but i could use some help on some issues Ive been having over the past 6 weeks. I have a 10 drive system with 8 drives and 2 parity drives. 8 of the drives are the same (SEAGATE EXOS 18tb) and connected via an LSI SAS 2308 PCI-E card. The other 2 data drives are WD red 18tb drives connected via SATA to my MoBo (ASUS Z390M). I also have 2 SSDs connected via SATA and an NVMe drive (which I put in because I literally couldnt find a use for it; I dont use it and quite frankly I think im gonna get rid of it because Last month I had an issue where random drives would get disabled with either read or write errors. I took the suggestion of a few fellow unraiders and would stop the array -> "remove" drive -> start in maintenance mode -> stop array again -> "replace" drive and then do a data rebuild. But when I would do this, another drive would have errors and disable. Finally, i took the suggestion on reddit to check all the cables and took it upon myself to replace my LSI SAS card with an identical one that I had sitting on an unused unraid server that I had from long ago. During this time I had multiple panic attacks that the server was going to fail and my data would be lost. But everything worked out. Things were working well until this week when my Parity 2 drive came up with 2500 read errors and then disabled itself. I'm not sure what caused it. I'm not good at reading logs but I also noted that my system log in memory is at 100% and I see a bunch of errors. Im super hesitant to go through the method described above and wondering if some saavy users here can help me understand what to do and how to fix this, or if I need to do hardware exchange. I also want to fix my issue with the logs. Fix common problems directed me to here. My thought was to change out the motherboard thinking that its a PCIE issue but i want to ensure its not something that I can fix here before trying to convince the spouse to let me buy a new motherboard (she thinks I spend too much money on this as is :P). I'm attaching everything I think will be helpful including images ST18000NM000J-2TV103_ZR54ZAC2-20230202-1653.txt syslog.txt
  2. Hi All Newbie unraider but I had an issue and I wonder if all is lost! Im hoping not because I can see the actual data on the drives by clicking on drive view for most of the disks. 3 days ago I noticed that the server had disabled Disk 5 (red X). The contents were being emulated. I also noticed that disk 1 was getting alot of data written on it. For all my shares I use High Water so this was very surprising. I looked at help and it was suggested I stop the array, remove the disabled disk and re-start in maintenance mode. The array started no issue and drive contents were emulated. I then stopped the array again, re-selected the disabled disk and started it. Now Im undergoing a data rebuild but my disk 1 is now disabled. Oddly also, Disk 3 has alot of errors. Lastly my shares are not visible anymore Im not sure if i messed up and really could use some help! Im not writing anything new to the array (docker is off) until I can sort this. My array is a dual parity 10 disk system with Seagate EXOS 18 tb drives (8 total) and 2 WD red NAS drives 18TB. I did get the entire diagnostics before I made any moves Im attaching them and can get others (I just don't know what to get) If anyone can please help i'd really appreciate it! Disk 5 Smart pre-stopping.txt Disk 5 post stopping and connecting.txt Disk 1 post stopping and connectng.txt
  3. im using the linuxserver one that has nvidida integration. i have tried without success either
  4. Hi all, Could use some help. Recently had to change my Plex account password for security reasons. This completely messed up my unraid Plex server. I’m getting the dreaded no soup for you issue. on 6.9.2 i have a p2000 in my system. I had this issue before and learned how to fix it by rebooting the server and logging into Unraid GUI mode. This let me then boot into GUI desktop where I would login into the Plex localhost webpage at localhost webpage and then log in to fix this (https://support.plex.tv/articles/204281528-why-am-i-locked-out-of-server-settings-and-how-do-i-get-in/?_ga=2.154064241.895418352.1578872015-948817944.1554855054) This time, im having difficulty starting GUI mode. Every time I try to do this all I get is a black screen. I can’t see any GUI. I can see the GUI by booting into safe mode but this won’t let me launch Plex due to a “bad parameter” (assuming it has to do with the nvidia plugin not being loaded. I don’t recall how I built the server back in 2016 but I don’t ever recall ever having to log in to the GUI to setup Plex. This only seems to be an issue when I need to relogin to my account. this honestly is the only app that drives me up a wall. could use a hand? Is there a way I can login to my server account on Plex? Is there a way to access the GUI mode (it used to work on 6.8.2 but I upgraded from 6.9.0 and then 6.9.2 - can I go back to what worked?) is there an easier way to fix this issue without having to login my server GUI? can anyone please help guide me? -ripping my hair out.
  5. Hi All Novice Unraider here. I have a question. Recently built a second unraid server to mainly serve as a a host for game servers/VMs. I have my main media/data server where I care most about my data. This one is sort of a working server that I use for specific actions. Should this one have issues or be lost I wouldnt lose much sleep over it. Both are connected to my APC. I have the USB cable from the APC connected to my my main server and its automatically set to shut down if power doesnt restore to prevent data loss. I'm wondering if there is a docker or program out there that I can use to send a signal over ethernet to my second unraid box to tell it to shut down. The APC only has one USB port. Can anyone point me in the right direction? TY
  6. Hi all, lurker on this fourm. I'm getting the no soup for you after I performed a fresh install of unraid on new hardware (added a new graphics card and processor as well as the fact that my flash drive died). Not sure how to claim my server again. Any help appreciated! Oddly enough this happened in november on my old hardware. I didnt really notice it as I was out of the country until when i came back to several messages from family wondering what ahppened to plex. I was strongly considering building a second more powerful server for plex anyway at the time since my current server wasn't up to snuff with concomitant handbrake use. Is there a guide I can follow for a FRESH plex install? plex forums are not helpful at all
  7. Hi All, forgive me me if this has been posted before. I’ve parsed over the forums extensively and couldn’t find an answer (and would appreciate a link if there is an answer/guide to my question). I have enough parts to build a second 8tb unraid server with parity and cache drive support from a PC given to me (literally will only need a GUID USB drive). My main server runs all of my programs with Plex, nzb, sonar, radar, makemkv and handbrake. The problem I’m experiencing is processor load. I definitely notice a suboptimal experience when I’m using handbrake and makemkv when watching on Plex. I’ve gone ahead and optimized my cpu core pinning. I have been thinking about buying a new mobo and processor to help me overcome this deficit. but with this new pc given to me, I’m wondering if I can build a second unraid box that will focus on doing some of the above tasks (mainly handbrake and makemkv) leaving my more powerful main server to do more of my entertainment things. This new server would be my secondary server. I would want this server to be accessible from the web and be subject to all of the usual controls I put on it. I would want it to know that’s it’s not my main server on my network in terms of any settings I would need to setup. I would like to set it up so that it takes files such as movies from handbrake and then automatically move said files onto my main server when it’s completed automatically. I was seeing that rsync could accomplish this goal but is there a program that’s similar to mover but to move between unraid servers? I remember seeing a space invader one video where he talks about mounting shares from other unraid servers but I can’t find it. Would anyone be able to guide me in this regard? Thank You!
  8. Hi all, have been reading the comments. Huge shoutout and thanks to Spaceinvaderone on this video. I’m posting on here to avoid duplicate threads but I realize this thread is somewhat old. I’m having some issues to get PiHole to work consistently. I followed the video to a T and noticed that the docker works, albeit inconsistently. I first tried to manually set my DNS server on my router. I am using a netgear XR500 with the DumaOS. My internet would work briefly but then it would freeze across all my devices. When this would happen i wouldn’t even have the chance to access my router Web GUI or the unraid GUI. It wouldn’t only fix after power cycle my router and then quickly log in and change router back to DNS from my ISP. I then read read the YouTube comments, tried the changes suggested (change network settings DNS to static and to the google DNS addresses). I tried to give my router 2 DNS addresses (one being PiHole and one being my ISP’s address), tried setting PiHole as my DHCP. Sadly I’m not able to get my internet working consistently with PiHole (would always have DNS errors) and I also noticed (that when it was working) that my internet seemed to be slower (my speed is 1000/800 and I was barely getting 45mbps on Speedtest.com). Finally I looked at it possibly being a server load issue (I regularly use handbrake in my 8 code i7 6700 in 2 docker instances, Plex, make mkv, deluge). I tried CPU pinning handbrake to only 25% for each running instance, I tried even just running PiHole alone with no other high intensity dockers. Sadly I’m not getting anything consistent. Lastly I tried setting my DNS manually on each of my client devices (like my PC Am am wondering if anyone here can help guide me on properly. Appreciate any advice. At this poijt here is what my settings are: 1. PiHole setup on a unique static IP. I have not forwarded any special ports on my DHCP server (xr500) 2. Network settings on unraid set to static DNS with the google DNS servers. *should I change this back to the IP of my Router? Saw on a post that i should change it to the Google DNS servers. 3. PiHole is running on a system that also has Plex and OpenVPN. Both Plex and open VPN have their ports forwarded. 4. My other intense CPU dockers are pinned to limit overall CPU usage to 25% (don’t feel like I need handbrake to be running that fast). I have other dockers that I feel use negligible cpu like deluge, duckdns, PiHole and these are all unpinned.
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