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Posts posted by joenitro

  1. 7 hours ago, Stupifier said:

    Best thing to do in these situation is to test it by including the -n flag in whatever rclone command you use. That flag is for "dry-runs".........it makes it extremely easy to test and do trial and error until you figure out the exact command that does it for you.

    You are on the right track though with the includes/excludes flags. Sorry, I don't have the patience to tell you EXACTLY how to do what you want but.....you should be able to do something like this:

    rclone sync -v "/mnt/user/" "secure:backup/" --bwlimit "07:00,3M 23:00,off" --include "share_name01/**" --include "share_name02/**" -n

    Just look at that closely and reference back to the "rclone filtering" help pages....I did not test that command..but again....I added the -n flag there so you can trial and error until you get it right!


    That's fantastic and more than helpful, thank you very much 🙂    I don't really like being spoon-fed as I like to learn and figure out stuff by myself as much as possible.   Will give it a go, especially with the -n flag.


    Thanks again!

  2. Hi folks,

    After having a Gsuite account for over a year (with the view to setting up Rclone to back up my Unraid server) I finally got RClone set up and working over this weekend!!  I've got a crypt sync running currently for one of my shares (tv shows) syncing to a remote folder with the following command:

    rclone sync -v "/mnt/user/TV Shows/" secure:backup/tvshows --bwlimit "07:00,3M 23:00,off"

    Works great so far.

    My question is, is there an easy way to  "add more sources/shares" to this same script, to sync all of my other shares as well?

    I don't know enough about code etc to figure it out and I'm really confused with includes, excludes, --files-from etc etc.    If a files from txt file is the way to do it (presuming you list your sources directories in that text file and point rclone to that file to read the sources??)  where do I place that file?  In the rclone folder itself, or elsewhere?


    I'm really sorry for the probably stupid question, but I've searched for most of the day and just got more and more confused 🙂





  3. 9 hours ago, CHBMB said:

    You've got http port defined twice, so remove one, and remove HTTPVAL = FALSE (the whole variable)


    Hi CHBMB,

    Please could you elaborate on how to remove HTTPVAL = FALSE? I think having it there may be my issue now, but can't see a way to remove that variable? I have removed my "extra" http option like you've recommended to sdoksdlkk but I can't see a way to do so for HTTPVAL?

  4. Quote
    52 minutes ago, Squid said:

    Not going to be what you want to hear, but what you wound up proving is that this issue that affects a handful of users is out of my control...  And, in the process you also proved that my slight revamp for a possible fix to a problem I can't replicate won't work since the rm command locked up via a direct SSH connection.


    To be expected.


    The only thing that I can suggest is to keep plugging away at deleting the old backup sets, then switch to not using backup sets at all.  Then the rm commands are never issued ever.


    Cheers for the reply.

    It's really weird. I think it may(?) be something to do with letsencrypt possibly.  I've just gone through one backup set in windows and manually deleted the subfolder for each docker. Most deleted straight away, but some keys files for letsencrypt gave me an error saying that they no longer exist?!  The Krusader directory appears to be empty but I can't delete it. My Plexmediaserver directory is so big with f*cking thumbnails that it's taken 1.5 hours to delete so far with 76% done.....      I'm so pleased that I've got another 19 backup sets to go.....


  5. Hi @Squid,

    In a similar vein to @SelfSD, @alfi33 & @NeoDude, I cannot delete any old backup sets.


    I actually only realised the problem after I noticed I have hundreds of gis (yes really!) of backups as I stupidly thought the first time I configured my weekly backup, it'd be a good idea to have a few sets of backups "just in case"......


    I tried to manually delete the old sets from using the windows share. This locked the server up totally and I had to do a hard reset.

    I've also tried:

    Deleting single backup set folders from windows. To an extent this works, expect there's so many files in my Plex folder it takes AGES to start. Also it will halt with a permissions issue on quite a few files.

    Using the Krusader docker, doing the same as above. Crashed the server as well.

    Installing the Dolphin docker. Crashed the server as well.

    SSH'd into the server and from the /mnt/user folder tried " rm -r Backup " to remove the entire backup folder. Again, this crashed the server after about 5 minutes. Shares were accessible for that time, then it locked up completely.


    My backup runs weekly and I've had no issues at all since installing in February this year, apart from this growing collection. When I tried to delete and had the issue the first time, I actually found this thread and realised there was a remove old backups setting. This crashed the server also.


    Please can you or anyone else help?


  6. Well, thanks to John_M's little guide, I'm up and running successfully. The only issue I have now is this message:


    Your existing Docker image file needs to be recreated due to an issue from an earlier beta of unRAID 6. Failure to do so may result in your docker image suffering corruption at a later time. Please do this NOW!


    It's working fine as it is, but I'm going to recreate my Docker image file using http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=38323.0 just to be on the safe side.


    Many thanks to John_M  8) 8) 8)


  7. There are some instructions for old versions of unRAID here: https://lime-technology.com/wiki/index.php/Replace_A_Cache_Drive


    But since you're running a very new version, how about this:


    1. Stop your dockers and VMs.

    2. Disable docker and VMs in Settings, and switch off array auto-start.

    3. Set the shares that are present on your cache disk to "Use cache disk: Yes".

    4. Run the mover.

    5. Check that the cache disk is now empty.

    6. Stop the array and unassign the cache disk, then power down.

    7. Replace the cache disk.

    8. Power up and assign the new cache disk, then start the array.

    9. Format the new cache disk.

    10. Change the shares that you want on your cache disk to "Use cache disk: Prefer".

    11. Run the mover.

    12. Check that the cache disk is no longer empty.

    13. Enable docker and VMs in Settings, and switch on array auto-start if preferred.

    14. Start dockers and VMs.


    Wow John_M thanks so much for your reply. This might give me the confidence I need to try this tomorrow!


    Will confirm how I get on either way in the hope that it will help other users in the future.

  8. Hi all,


    Finally got my unRaid server running how I'd like it on 6.3.0-rc3 apart from one issue.

    I've just upgraded my main PC from a 250gig SSD to a 500gig one. This leave me free to put it into my unRaid server  ;)


    I already have a 120gig SSD in there as cache drive containing, for some reason, some of my appdata files but not all, along with my "system" folder and my "domains" folder.


    What's the best way for me to "swap out" the smaller one for the larger one?


    Is there an easy way to just move everything across to the array, either temporarily or permanently? Or should I be doing it another safer way?


    Any help appreciated!

  9. You would have to wait for an unRAID release that includes the new support.




    Does this mean that the Unraid team are planning to release a version soon to officially support the H330? :)

    My trial version of 6.3.0-rc1 using the megaraid sas driver provided by Tom M is working perfectly as it should here, albeit that I have to manually load it in each time I reboot the server for anything. I don't suppose there's a way for me to sort of add it to the startup code of my server is there?


    Thanks for an absolutely brilliant program!


    As a fellow user, I can't speak for Lime Technology.  All I can say is that is what they usually do, include it in an upcoming release.  It would then be loaded automatically for cards and chipsets it supports.


    Awesome! Let's hope so then. Fingers crossed!!

  10. As an update on this, I'm currently running 6 drives in my T330 on the standard backplane and using the PERC H330.

    SMART data seems to be working. All devices are passed through correctly and, touch-wood, everything seems to be working perfectly!


    So i have to buy a mini mono card this week.  The perc 310 and perc 330 are within 20 bucks of each other.  Did you have to do anything special to the H330 other than set it to hba mode in the dell bios?


    You would have to wait for an unRAID release that includes the new support.




    Does this mean that the Unraid team are planning to release a version soon to officially support the H330? :)

    My trial version of 6.3.0-rc1 using the megaraid sas driver provided by Tom M is working perfectly as it should here, albeit that I have to manually load it in each time I reboot the server for anything. I don't suppose there's a way for me to sort of add it to the startup code of my server is there?


    Thanks for an absolutely brilliant program!

  11. Hi all,


    New to the forums and unRAID, so hi  ;D


    Just got a new Dell T330 server, bought to replace an existing HP Microserver for something with more drive slots and more processing power :-) The onboard RAID controller (perc H330) is (and always has been) in HBA mode so is just passing drives through as JBOD. BIOS has sata devices set to AHCI mode.


    Then I heard about unRAID and it seems to meet all my requirements.

    I've downloaded the trial (6.2.1) and popped it on a brand new Sandisk Ultra 32gb USB stick.

    Couldn't get the pasting of the trial license url to work - kept coming up with an error, but manually adding it to the config folder seems to have worked so far...


    Booted to it on the Dell T330 which currently has 1 x SSD in drive bay 0 and three HDD in bays 1,2 and 3.


    On the "main" tab, every single slot is unassigned with no disks showing at all? Tools/Registration shows "0 attached storage devices" :(


    Diagnostics zip attached although I don't think it'll help much :(


    Does anyone have [glow=red,2,300]any[/glow] ideas/suggestions that I can try? I really hope I'm not forgetting something obvious?!


    Actually we're working with someone else to try and support that controller.  Should have more info on this early next week.  Send me an email: [email protected] and we'll try and keep you up to date on this.


    Just emailed you requesting more info and volunteering myself and my server for testing  :)

    I'm extremely keen to get the H330 working - seems like an odd decision to not allow flashing to IT mode. Come on Lime-Tech, don't let me down  ;):) :) ;D

  12. When you say "no disks showing", have you clicked the arrow to drop down the list for "Disk 1" and nothing is there, or do you mean that all the disk slots indicate no disk?


    When you're starting a brand new configuration, you have to actually assign a physical disk (from the drop down), to a logical disk slot (Disk 1, Disk 2, etc.) unRAID doesn't do that for you.


    It doesn't do it automatically, because most likely, you want the SSD as your cache drive, and you need to have your largest as the parity drive, but if you have multiple 3TB drives, it leaves it up to you to decide which of them will be cache, etc...


    Hey Freeman, thanks for replying and trying to help me!


    Yes unfortunately that's correct - when I click the drop down arrow hoping to see a list of my SSD+HDD's there's none there at all.

    It's like unRAID can't see through the perc H330 onboard controller, even though it's definitely in HBA mode...

  13. Hi all,


    New to the forums and unRAID, so hi  ;D


    Just got a new Dell T330 server, bought to replace an existing HP Microserver for something with more drive slots and more processing power :-) The onboard RAID controller (perc H330) is (and always has been) in HBA mode so is just passing drives through as JBOD. BIOS has sata devices set to AHCI mode.


    Then I heard about unRAID and it seems to meet all my requirements.

    I've downloaded the trial (6.2.1) and popped it on a brand new Sandisk Ultra 32gb USB stick.

    Couldn't get the pasting of the trial license url to work - kept coming up with an error, but manually adding it to the config folder seems to have worked so far...


    Booted to it on the Dell T330 which currently has 1 x SSD in drive bay 0 and three HDD in bays 1,2 and 3.


    On the "main" tab, every single slot is unassigned with no disks showing at all? Tools/Registration shows "0 attached storage devices" :(


    Diagnostics zip attached although I don't think it'll help much :(


    Does anyone have [glow=red,2,300]any[/glow] ideas/suggestions that I can try? I really hope I'm not forgetting something obvious?!


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