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Everything posted by vizi0n

  1. Well, no lockups since I have disabled mover logging and automatic backups by CA Backup / Restore. I guess one of these 2 was probably the culprit
  2. My mover is scheduled for 3am too. Sometimes when it hangs like this I have found that my log partition is 100% full. Is there any way to disable mover adding things to the log?
  3. Hi, my server used to randomly crash making local graphical login, shell, web ui and dockers to stop responding. yesterday though was a new one : Plex is not responding. Try the web ui, Plex's admin page, nothing works. I can login locally and use terminal and firefox. that works but no web ui still. Shell works remotely too but most commands just hang (ps aux, powerdown, and some others). Syslog shows nothing unusual. I had to hard reboot the computer. This morning: everything works. Get home from work tonight, load Plex on the tv. Server unreachable. Same thing as yesterday! anyone has a suggestion about where to look? edit: my bad, today the shell is hanging at the linux line after entering the password and the local gui is hanging after entering the password. I had to hard reset again
  4. I confirm that the latest version fixes the issues. Thank you!
  5. But the strange thing is that the smart reports of all drives on that controller are showing the temperature. As you can see the screenshot. So unRAID should be able to read it, I guess. Is it possible to manually run the script/process to update that data? I would love playing around with it
  6. Bump? I still haven't found how the disks.ini file is generated. I would love to see the actual temperature of my drives. And since smartctl can report it, why doesn't it show ?
  7. I am having the exact same issue, and the log is 0 bytes, nothing inside! Nothing shows up in the log when I try to start the preclear. I have attached 2 screenshots. The main preclear window, and the popup that opens and closes right away.
  8. To be honest I had totally forgotten about that thread Envoyé de mon iPad en utilisant Tapatalk Pro
  9. And as you can see, I was the last poster, and still haven't figured out a way to have a decent resolution in order to load Radeon drivers
  10. Hi, Is it possible to change the GUI's resolution? I have a 1920x1080 LCD monitor hooked up to it on a Radeon HD 6950 and the resolution is quite awful. It is stuck to a 4:3 ratio and I would love to have it full screen as I sometimes use it to browse the web when I'm working on it. Thanks
  11. It really is. I have moved my package to the /boot/extra folder so that it installs automatically. Here is the result of the file attribute after a reboot: root@Tower:~# ls /etc/rc.d/rc.vnstat -la -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1383 Apr 27 2015 /etc/rc.d/rc.vnstat I will update my "guide" in my previous post to save a line in "go"
  12. I know that this thread is old, but if anyone ever has the same issue, this worked for me (on 6.2.4): I have downloaded the package in my /boot/extra folder (packages in this folder are automatically installed at each boot) mkdir /boot/extra cd /boot/extra wget then I installed and started the vnstat daemon using these commands: pkginstall vnstat-1.13-x86_64-1_slack.txz chdmod +x /etc/rc.d/rc.vnstat /etc/rc.d/rc.vnstat start then I updated my /boot/config/go file to add the vnstat startup commands on every reboot nano /boot/config/go added these 2 lines at the bottom of the file: chmod +x /etc/rc.d/rc.vnstat /etc/rc.d/rc.vnstat start "ctrl-x then enter" to save file The rc.vnstat file is not created as executable when installing the package so it needs to be chmod'ed +x manually. The logs wont survive a reboot though, and you need to create a backup script for that if you wish to keep them.
  13. I have finally managed to hotadd a new drive today using Adaptec's "arcconf" command line tool. Finally!
  14. This was already done at the very beginning of my build, and eveytime I add a new drive because they are not recognized at all under unRAID if I dont initialize+JBOD them all. The drives are currently fully working. Only the GUI doesn't show the temperature is the devices list. I kind of looked at the code of the unassigned devices plugin and found that it grabs the info using this command: smartctl -A -d sat,12 $dev 2>/dev/null| /bin/grep -m 1 -i Temperature_Celsius | /bin/awk '{print $10}'" Now for the Dynamix part, it seems like it grabs the info about the drives from /var/local/emhttp/disks.ini How is that file generated? This file has the * in it at the temperature line
  15. Hi, I am kind of wondering what is happening. My hard drives do report SMART data, including temperature (194). None of the drive show the temperature in the GUI (see screenshots) even though they are spun up, except for the one that is mounted with the "Unassigned devices" plugin. Before adding that plugin, the drives would not report temperature at all, any of them. Is there any tweak I can do?
  16. Is host the 1st number or the second? Because they were 7:x:x:x when I did the commands, and now after the reboot they're 2:1:x:x
  17. Seems like it can be changed using "xrandr" in terminal, but unfortunately for me I'm stuck at 1280x1024 as the max setting. I guess I would need the Radeon drivers for my HD 6950 GPU. root@Tower:~# xrandr xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default Screen 0: minimum 640 x 400, current 1280 x 1024, maximum 1280 x 1024 default connected 1280x1024+0+0 0mm x 0mm 1280x1024 0.00* 1152x864 0.00 1024x768 0.00 800x600 0.00 640x480 0.00 720x400 0.00 root@Tower:~# xrandr --output default --mode 1920x1080 xrandr: cannot find mode 1920x1080 root@Tower:~# xrandr --output default --mode 1152x864 xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default root@Tower:~# xrandr --output default --mode 1280x1024 xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default I've also tried following instructions from this page but it didn't work either : root@Tower:~# xrandr --output default --mode 1920x1080 xrandr: Configure crtc 0 failed
  18. Unfortunately that didn't work. I know, its been a while, but I had to reorganize my drives today, and after swapping bays. I see them in the new order on the system devices page but no /dev/sdx assigned to the swapped drives. When I run echo "- - -" > /sys/class/scsi_host/host7/scan" nothing special happens. They don't obtain a /dev/sdx I've had to reboot, and now evertything is back to normal.
  19. Hi, did you ever find out? I am in the same boat and I can only find info about changing the console resolution
  20. I have managed to install arcconf, seems like this is what I need. Now I have to fool around with it when the time comes!
  21. Hi everyone, I have an Adaptec 51245 controller for my drives. It works very well, but I have a problem : when I swap a disk, even though it supports hot swapping, I need to reboot in order open up the Adaptec Raid Configuration utility from boot to tag the drive as JBOD so it can be used by unRAID. Do you know if it is possible to install the Adaptec Raid Configuration utility in order to do that from command line without rebooting? They list downloads for Redhat, Debian, Ubuntu and others but nothing for Slackware. Thanks for any help, I don't want to start installing stuff and messing a completely working setup
  22. Finally managed to start it. I have symlinked /etc/proftpd.conf to the real one like so: ln -s /boot/config/plugins/ProFTPd/proftpd.conf /etc/proftpd.conf
  23. I have the same problem. I have just installed the plugin, added the ftpuser tag to a user's description. Now if I enable proftpd it doesn't start. The only thing I see in my syslog is : Nov 19 20:35:00 Tower emhttp: cmd: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ProFTPd/scripts/rc.ProFTPd buttonstart but the server is not running. If I try to start it manually using shell: root@Tower:/etc# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ProFTPd/scripts/rc.ProFTPd start Cannot start ProFTPd -- /etc/proftpd.conf missing