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Everything posted by ich777

  1. How often did you restart the server? A bit more information or at least a screenshot would be nice. Screenshot please?
  2. Hmmm interesting, the container is using the V+ mod from over here which is bundled with BepInEx which apparently ships with this folder, however if you enable BepInEx instead of V+ in the container template (yes these are two different options) then it uses the BepInEx version from Thunderstore and I'm assuming that if you enable BepInEx that the folder need to be removed which is not the case for V+ Anyways, I have a idea how to solve this. Thanks for your help.
  3. Schau mal hier: Klick So wie es aussieht ist das direkt eine ganze Platte die du lancache benannt hast richtig? Du kannst keine Platte löschen, du musst mit Unassigned Devices schon die Partition löschen wenn du da drin alles löschen willst. ...oder du gehst in den Ordner rein und löscht dann dort alles raus, ich würde dir aber empfehlen einen Unterordner auf der Platte zu machen für lancache und nicht die vollständige Platte dafür zu verwenden. Die IP von deinem LXC container, wenn du die Aufrufst und lancache läuft dann solltest du im access.log eine Meldung bekommen und dann weißt du das er zumindest mal funktioniert und antwortet. Dann wird vermutlich dein PC endlich die Einstellungen übernommen haben und nun den LXC container als DNS server genommen haben. Lief denn dein LXC container? Die IPs die ich angeführt habe musst du nirgends eintragen, du musst das auf deine IPs ummüntzen, die IP vom LXC Container ist dann praktisch der lancache und gehört dann in deinem DHCP server bei dem DNS eingetragen.
  4. Du kannst die Kerne doch auch auf Unraid begrenzen (genau so wie den RAM) : Das was für dich funktioniert. Ich kann da leider keine genaue Auskunft geben da es stark nach eingesetzter Hardware differiert, Leistung braucht das alles aber nicht wirklich viel, wenn du eine konventienelle HDD nutzt dann kann es dazu kommen das du hohe I/O wait hast.
  5. Hast du denn auch den DNS Cache geleert, dies ist aber ein Thema das du direkt an den PCs machen musst weil die DNS server gecached waren. Ich weiß nicht genau was du hier meinst bzw. wie du löscht. Was passiert im access log wenn du die IP direkt aufrufst über einen Browser?
  6. I'm supporting both but you can't enable both at the same time, I will add a check if BepInEx is enabled so that this folder will be removed. Wait but you are saying that BepInEx doesn't need the folder but the user reported that he experienced this with V+
  7. So this basically means that I could add a check for that folder and remove it if its found when V+ is enabled, correct?
  8. For my use case Nextcloud is enough. I'm simplifying my setup since I just wan something that works reliably and don't waste a ton of electricity and drive space.
  9. I think you should read the message on the plugin page again which CPUs and generations are supported or you simply read the first recommended post on top of this thread.
  10. Exactly, you actually can with custom Kernels but you would be better by waiting until 6.13 is released since I don't recommend using custom Kernels anymore. SOON™ Sorry but can't tell you when exactly but maybe in about a month or so... But that is just a guess.
  11. The process should be the same is if you do that from the GUI: Go to the Plugin page Search for Updates Update the Plugin manually This is just a the default output from CA Update and means that it is running as root. Sadly enough no, the lines that I posted (spread through the two posts) are all that I got.
  12. Yes, sorry forgot to include the lines before, this is actually CA Update which shows what is happening: Nov 7 04:00:01 chipsServer Plugin Auto Update: Checking for available plugin updates Nov 7 04:00:07 chipsServer Plugin Auto Update: Auto Updating nut-dw.plg Nov 7 04:00:08 chipsServer plugin-manager: running: 'anonymous' Nov 7 04:00:12 chipsServer upsmon[5656]: Signal 15: exiting So I think the NUT plugin installation/update routine checks if NUT is running and ends it now before updating correct? It would be nice if you could release a version for libssl1 too. BTW, would you be okay if I issue a PR where users can hide "Pipe error" from their syslog with a setting in the plugin (which is by default disabled) :
  13. @Rysz I see that NUT 2.8.1 was just released but can you please make also the old version available? I experience random drop outs with the new version when the plugin checks for updates: Nov 7 04:00:12 chipsServer upsmon[5656]: Signal 15: exiting Nov 7 04:00:12 chipsServer upsd[5652]: User [email protected] logged out from UPS [ups] Nov 7 04:00:12 chipsServer upsmon[5655]: upsmon parent: read Nov 7 04:00:12 chipsServer upsd[5652]: mainloop: Interrupted system call Nov 7 04:00:12 chipsServer upsd[5652]: Signal 15: exiting Nov 7 04:00:12 chipsServer usbhid-ups[5648]: WARNING: send_to_all: write 34 bytes to socket 6 failed (ret=-1), disconnecting: Broken pipe Nov 7 04:00:14 chipsServer usbhid-ups[5648]: Signal 15: exiting Please not that I'm using the libssl3 version.
  14. I think you should not bind the vGPUs to the VMs itself via VFIO: Loading config from /boot/config/vfio-pci.cfg BIND=0000:00:02.1|8086:4690 0000:00:02.2|8086:4690 0000:00:02.3|8086:4690 0000:00:02.4|8086:4690--- Processing 0000:00:02.1 8086:4690 --- Processing 0000:00:02.2 8086:4690 --- Processing 0000:00:02.3 8086:4690 --- Processing 0000:00:02.4 8086:4690 --- Devices listed in /sys/bus/pci/drivers/vfio-pci: vfio-pci binding complete Instead you should use the plugin to bind them to the VM, at least I think that's how you should do it, because as said I can't test this because I don't have compatible SRIOV hardware. @domrockt can you help here please? Please also change the file /boot/config/modprobe.d/i915-sriov.conf to: # disable autoload old i915 module on boot blacklist i915 (there are two empty spaces in-front of the second line which are maybe my fault) You have to wait for @domrockt so that he can explain to you how this is working, maybe he can go through your Diagnostics and see what's wrong.
  15. @wbgwwd sorry but if you don't post your Diagnostics or the contents from the above file nobody can help you and it won't be able to help if you mention me in your posts where I see a screenshot of an error that I can't identify because I don't have your Diagnostics.
  16. Please post your Diagnostics and the contents of the file: /boot/config/modprobe.d/i915-sriov.conf Otherwise no one is able to help.
  17. Nein hast du nicht, sieh dir mal die Anleitung an die im Plugin dabei ist: (Du kannst keine gezippte Firmware flashen) Interessant wäre auch ob du UEFI oder Legacy boot verwendest, normalerweise solltest du zum flashen selbst mit Legacy booten.
  18. ARC cards dont work on Unraid 6.12.x, you have to wait for 6.13
  19. I don't understand, the driver has nothing to do with a generic display output. Strictly speaking you don't need a driver for console or basic GUI output. Also there is not much of a point adding a driver for a 15 year old card which you can't use for a Docker container or anything else.
  20. I would strongly recommend that you upgrade to the latest version from Unraid before requesting support. Please us the appropriate support thread from the container and make the post there (click on the icon from the container and then on Support) : I lock this topic since this is not the support thread from the container.
  21. It looks like the main binary is broken with newer versions from Wireguard which Unraid is using, I'll wait a bit if the maintainer responds in his GitHub repository over here, otherwise I have no other choice than deprecating the plugin or switch to another exporter.
  22. Yes, but the definite answer can give @domrockt
  23. Diagnostics please, maybe then soneone can help properly.
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