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Everything posted by ich777

  1. This won't work because this is a completely different script that is custom and not part form DayZ itself. You have to do it manually like I've described it above.
  2. This is not the first time I see this, however it should not kill all Docker containers which are using that image but I'm not sure how you mean that. There is nothing I can do about that since if a game crashes it produces such a message in the syslog because it's a segfault, you can also see that for example with the Plex transcoder in the official Plex Docker container but it doesn't crash the whole container because just the transcoder crashed. In terms of game servers this is the default behavior because the main application in the container crashes. So to speak there is not much I can do about that since the application itself crashes this can either be of a bug, some hardware issue and so on. Hope that makes sense to you.
  3. Sorry but currently I don‘t accept any requests. I also don‘t own UT2004 at least I think, not sure if I have it somewhere on CD/DVD but I don‘t think so.
  4. TBH I really don't know that plugin but after a short search I find this: Click I'm not too sure how this is working since I've never used a Webhook for that but usually there are plugins out there for such things. For example for Emby there is a plugin out there which supports Gotify which in theory should also support Jellyfin: Click It looks like this on Emby for me: Maybe someone also created a plugin for Jellyfin for Gotify?
  5. But that's for Windows from what I read... Anyways, from what I see, download the mods locally on your PC, go to the download location, grab the folder named <publishedid>, place them into .../appdata/dayz/<publishedid>, then go into the folder .../appdata/dayz/<publishedid> open up meta.cpp file and locate the modname, go back to .../appdata/dayz, rename the folder <publishedid> to: @<modnamefrom_meta.cpp> and then finally add this to your GAME_PARAMS: if you have more mods installed it should look like that: Please note that things in < and > are just placeholders and everything including < and > alongside with < and > needs to be replaced with the publishid and/or modname. I'm also not too sure if mods for Windows will work on the Linux server which my container is using. Hope that helps (that is basically what this article tells you).
  6. Can you give me a guide on how to install mods so that I can look into it, but basically it is not different than doing it on a bare metal Linux server, you just have to put the files in the right directory in your appdata folder. Now that I think of it, I might have answered this question at some point in the past here.
  7. This is E2E encryption, the message is definitely encrypted but not E2E encrypted. Hope that makes sense. You actually send the message through https:// and that encrypts the message by default, then it is encrypted from Elements and sent out with encryption but as said not E2E encryption. So it is basically safe, hope that makes sense to you. Anyways, you can actually read more about that here.
  8. The wattage that is reported by nvidia-smi is not always accurate but I really don't know what's going on with your card or better speaking the driver, you should report that on the Nvidia forums. I care because I tried to narrow down for what you are using the card and if you are maybe using it in a VM and using it alongside with nvidia-persistenced would ultimately crash your system. I care because I tried to narrow down if you just installed it recently in your system and your power draw got higher. Thank you, I even pointed out other things to look for and it seems that everything is working correctly. Thank you. I can only tell you what I read online about other people reporting about that card because I simply can't buy every card and I do the things that I do here for free. I read that post on Reddit about a week ago I think and thought maybe it is the right place to point you to but now that I read every comment again I see that you are maybe the user "ElBigBad" but I could be of course wrong: This is mainly the main reason (first post of this thread): Please remove the script and upgrade to 6.12.3 then we can diagnose this issue further.
  9. Open up a console from the OpenVPN container and issue: wget -qO - icanhazip.com This should give you the public IP back.
  10. I could say the same... Have you even read my post? Especially: I have never said that the screenshots are not accurate. I just try to help but I really loose more and more interest because of such posts. Not a single question answered... What should I say, anyways, I think you also didn't read that part: Sorry but I'm really upset by your post, answering not a single question and I tried simply to help. Just sad...
  11. Yes. If you have any further question feel free to ask. Its not a Source game but please look at the top in the first recommended post for setting up multiple Valheim servers, it‘s basically the same.
  12. Thats already the case with my templates. Please read the description for example for CS:GO. You have to delete the existing port forwarding and create a new port forwardig in the template with the container and host port set to the new one (eg 27016) with the appropriate protocol and then finally you have to use the port variable in the template (if there is one) or the configuration from the server to set it to the above port forwarding that you‘ve specified. Please note that if set the container and host ports not to the same it wont work for most game servers, especially for Source or Gold Source games. Hope that makes sense.
  13. @FlyingTexan are you really sure that the card is the cause of the issue, I mean really sure...? You have 23 disks in your system, are these disks in standby mode or are these disks running? I have 8 spinning disks (not to mention the SSDs) in my system an when they are spun down my entire system consumes about 50W when I spin them up I'm hovering about 90W, this is also a thing that you should consider. Did you install the card just recently? For what are you using the card? Only for transcoding? For example a Nvidia T400, T600, T1000 is a way better choice for transcoding because these cards draw only a few watts in idle and the T400 has a max (and locked) TDP from 35W. If you are using it for transcoding only you can also use the iGPU which is more than capable of transcoding a few 4K streams, consumes nearly 0W in idle and a maximum while transcoding from about 15W. I would also recommend that you upgrade Unraid to something more recent like 6.12.3 It also looks like that one of your containers is constantly restarting or restarting very often for whatever reason, this could also cause higher power usage. I see also that your load average for the last 15 minutes is at around 4.73 which can also be the cause of all of this since the 11600K is a really power hungry CPU when it has to Turbo. If the value 4.73 doesn't tell you much my load average for the last 15 minutes is about 0.7 <- but I'm not doing anything special other than running my update scripts for the plugins and pulling some other values in and uploading on GitHub, I think that also a TV stream is runngin from the DVB-C cards from my system. But what I also see is that Radarr, unrar and so on are all working and especially downloading can cause spikes: Also I don't think that the driver is bad otherwise it wont work... There is nothing I can do about that if it won't draw less power (if you still think it's the dGPU) since this is a driver thing that Nvidia has to fix and as you can see from the Reddit posts users where able to narrow down the issue to not displaying it correctly. Even if you report that on the Nvidia forums I don't think you will get help there because of a thing that I mention in my last paragraph from this post. Yes, I see that but please be a bit more patient, I usually go through the full diagnostics to identify maybe other things too. Please also note that I won't give any further support because you are running another script that is violating the Nvidia EULA and can maybe also cause this, if you need more hints search for this line in your syslog and see how it continues: Aug 12 22:14:00 Tower emhttpd: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/user.scripts/backgroundScript.sh
  14. No it's not but again, I don't know anything about your system... Then please pull the Diagnostics from the system when you are at home and post them here, easy fix. No, persistenced runs in the background and simulates that it is in use so that it can go to a lower power state, to be precise P8. You wouldn't even need persistenced if you for example ran a transcode on your GPU and then end it, this will also pull your card in a lower power state <- this is only for explanation purposes, it's clear to me that nobody does this and is not practicable.
  15. Again, I don't know anything about your system without the Diagnostics. Remove the script and just put nvidia-persistenced in your go file.
  16. @SimonF or I can tell more without your Diagnostics, but as already mentioned in the previous post don't trust software readouts:
  17. Have you yet measured how much it draws from the wall? RTX 40 series are known to report the wrong power draw in nvidia-smi. Please, please don't trust software readings they might be off by a lot in some cases. Also please use nvidia-persistenced instead of the script since if you put nvidia-persistenced in the go file it is enough and doesn't need to be ran in intervals, the reason why I recommend nvidia-persistenced is because the documentation from Nvidia states that persistence mode from nvidia-smi is soon to be removed <- who knows how long the leave it in...
  18. Sorry but no, I don't think that I want to integrate that because there will be too many variables. For example when a user does enable this and forget about this and then he tries to boot a VM with the GPU passed through the server will ultimately crash and then nobody will know why that happens, even if he uploads Diagnostics no one will be able to see it what was the cause of this issue. I think one line in the go file is even for a Linux newbie doable.
  19. @CyrIng can you please help. I think I saw it when I created the plugin IIRC. Have you yet searched for „ratio“ on the second page from the plugin?
  20. Thanks for the recommendation but I won‘t do that because this can be also be quite dangerous since if one is using a card for Docker and a VM this would crash the server and it would be really hard for me to detect if one is doing that. The simplest way of enabling persistemced mode is putting this line in the go file: nvidia-persistenced If you want to end the process do something like that: kill $(pidof nvidia-persistenced)
  21. Please go back to the top of this thread and you will find three recommended posts, the first one describes what you have to do.
  22. Maybe these are not the correct ones or not working properly...? No, usually you would need them from a retail disk or somewhere else, I think even the demo ones will work <- don't know if you still can find the Demo somewhere. Please look into your share settings there you should see which storage mode is selected, but my suspicion is that the pak files you have are broken or better speaking are not working.
  23. I think you where waiting for the message which Unraid itself gives you to reboot but that changed in the last versions a bit. After the download and everything from Unraid itself finished you should get messages that the Plugin Update Helper kicked in and it will notify when it's safe to reboot <- the Plugin Update Helper is my take on how to update third party plugins but since the messages now fading out with the new Unraid versions it's a little bit hard to catch them for the user. The Plugin Update Helper also does account for the selected branch btw. The driver was not downloaded for the new Unraid version properly by the Plugin Update Helper that's why it falls back to the latest branch: Aug 12 14:26:56 Micro-8 root: -----------------Downloading Nvidia Driver Package v535.98------------------ Aug 12 14:26:56 Micro-8 root: ----------This could take some time, please don't close this window!------------ Aug 12 14:27:25 Micro-8 root: Aug 12 14:27:25 Micro-8 root: ----Successfully downloaded Nvidia Driver Package v535.98, please wait!---- Aug 12 14:27:27 Micro-8 root: Aug 12 14:27:27 Micro-8 root: -----------------Installing Nvidia Driver Package v535.98------------------- Sorry about that but maybe now that you are aware of the Plugin Update Helper you'll catch it next time. The Nvidia Driver download will usually take about 30 seconds to the USB Flash device after the Plugin Update Helper kicked in (about 200MB). Hope that explains it a bit better.
  24. A bit more information please, Diagnostics would be helpful. I can't reproduce this on my system:
  25. Please uninstall the Nvidia Driver plugin, reboot, install the Nvidia Driver Plugin again and reboot. The driver package or better speaking the plugin is not installed correctly because I think you also didn't wait until the Plugin Update Helper told you that it's now safe to reboot (these are Notifications which are showing up after you trigger the update). -rw------- 1 root root 132200960 Aug 11 16:32 nvidia-535.98-6.1.38-Unraid-1.txz The above shows that the package was partially downloaded but not completely.
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