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Everything posted by ich777

  1. In Frigate? Ja weil du auch nur eine TPU durchreichst, du reichst laut deinem template nur apex_0 durch und nicht auch apex_1 Mach einen zweiten Eintrag als Device und reich dort /dev/apex_1 durch.
  2. Wie sieht denn dein template von Frigate aus, hast du auch das Gerät durchgereicht?
  3. OMG, lässt du das so? Weil die sofort überhitzen!!! Bitte bau das sofort wieder aus. Bitte beachte das der Dual TPU keine Kühlung mit liefert und du das selbst eine aufbauen musst, steht sogar in der Dokumentation -> bitte vergiss auch nicht das in der Dokumentation steht das diese dinger ohne Kühlung Wortwörtlich: ein Firehazard sind!!! Hier geht es weniger um die TPU selbst sonst um die Spannungsregelung, könnte auch gut sein das dir schon eine abgeraucht ist wenn du da schon mal Last drauf hattest, aber wenn er anzeigt das er keine Temperatur ausließt heißt dies meistens das ein TPU defekt ist bzw. noch im shutdown ist, da musst wirklich den Server aus und an machen. EDIT: Okay die haben das schon ein wenig entschärft hier, Punkt 5.3.2
  4. It will completely stop working AFAIK. This is for Nvidia GPUs. This is correct for AMD GPUs. I don't know if that container will work with your GPU since it's HAWAII based but it can at least I think. I would recommend that you ask in the GitHub from the container if your GPU can/will work. Sorry for being not more helpful with that but I don't actually own a AMD GPU.
  5. I read this from time to time but really can't reproduce that on my end. Did you maybe downgrade to an older Unraid version at some point? This is something that you don't have to do certainly. Can you post screenshots from your docker run command from Plex too? Have you yet tried to downgrade to the legacy driver v470.xx? I can only assume that something is different in the docker run command, do you use the exact same GPU UUID? BTW you don't have to hide the UUID, nobody can do anything with it alone. Have you yet tried to boot with UEFI instead of legacy mode? The main issue with that is that I see this only from time to time and it happens randomly (at least it seems to me) for users and in very rare circumstances. Most of the times it is fixed after a reboot and or redoing the container.
  6. I don't know. I assume that this version was someday experimental and became stable and now he can‘t update because of some reason. What did you do @d_buster? Have you yet tried my fix from above?
  7. Oh now I get it, there is no stable version for Linux out there, you have to use the Experimental version. You even posted a screenshot, look how the App is named: There where a App ID 1042422 out there IIRC which was only for Linux back then when they created the dedicated server for Linux. Only Experimental is available for Linux, you can set up a VM and run DayZ in there if you want the latest stable <- don't ask my why that is, this is a thing you have to ask the developers. The stable version from the dedicated server doesn't support Linux as you can see here (and no it won't work if you use this App ID):
  8. Please give me the command that you try to run with steamcmd from the tutorial above and I can give you where to put what. I would also ask the developers why the Linux dedicated server version does not match the game version...
  9. My container uses steamcmd to download the dedicated server, basically everything that you put in the GAME_ID variable will be appended. What command do you need to run? EDIT: Please do not do anything from the Docker command line...
  10. Please describe what you want to do exactly. The Sub ID is nothing you can install because it is covered by the App ID. Please take a deeper look into how it works here. You can only download manifests, hope that makes sense.
  11. Go to the CA App tab, click on settings on the left hand menu in CA, select Allow installation from second instance and click Apply. With that you can install more instances from one template.
  12. Normal? Sure, but you can also install the experimental branch and vice versa if you want too (described in the variable from the GAME_ID in the template). Please don't get me wrong but the container is working fine so far and I'm currently have only two reports about pulling the wrong version from what I think is a SteamCMD issue. Have you yet tried the solutions from above?
  13. In this picture you see that you move the appdata folder from your Cache to the Array (first line), this won't work if you leave the path in the template at /mnt/cache/appdata/... You have to change the path here: to: /mnt/user/appdata/luckybackup/ However I would strongly recommend that you buy a second cache driver to have redundancy for your Cache (since the exclamation mark right next to the appdata share indicates it's not redundant) and set the Cache as the primary storage so that all your data for appdata stays on the Cache <- which is recommended so that the Array can sleep. Hoffe das hilft.
  14. That is really strange, as far as I remember they don't have a timeout for the downloads in the source, it just stops when the download pipe breaks. Do you maybe have a LXC mirror over there? I added the possibility to change the download URL from the LXC containers. If there is a mirror over there and they follow the default structure you can change the URL on the Settings page from LXC. Just a little side information, the mirror need to have all the necessary metadata in place which you can find here and of course the corresponding images like they are structured here.
  15. Set validation to true (but please remove true after it finished updating since it will slow down the container start and force a validation on each container start): If that doesn't help, try to create a second instance on your server (stop the first installation in the first place) by pulling a fresh copy from the CA App and giving it a different name and ServerFiles path in the second instance and see if that helps. This is most certainly an issue with SteamCMD itself, I see this from time to time for a few users but I don't know what causes that because I haven't been able to reproduce it yet. Do you maybe have LANCache installed or something similar? Please try what I've wrote in the first paragraph. Both of you could also try to set the container to experimental and enable validation <- this is necessary if you switch branches and then set it back to default, of course with validation enabled. May I also ask where are both of you are located in the world?
  16. Do you have CA Backup installed? How often does it run, any chance it ran in that night? Have you read the notice in the description from the container about language changes: Can you please share a screenshot from your Docker template for luckyBackup? Please check if your appdata share stays on the cache or if it's moved over to the Array by the mover since my template defaults to /mnt/cache/... (real file path) instead of /mnt/user/... (FUSE file path) you have to ensure that your appdata share stays on the cache and is not moved over however you can change the path to /mnt/user/... in your template but I would recommend that you always let your appdata stay on the cache so that your Array can go to sleep and doesn't need to spin up every time a Docker accesses the appdata share:
  17. Please change it to a path which actually exists on your system and make sure it points to the direct disk like: /mnt/cache/appdata/icarus' and not the /mnt/user/appdata/icarus Make also sure that you have set this share (in the above example appdata) to stay on the specified driver (in the above example cache). You have to change of course the name cache to whatever disk/pool the directory is located and also maybe the share itself if you have it located in another place. Hope that helps and makes sense. BTW I just tried it on my server and it is working as it should.
  18. With that little information not really. Please provide a screenshot from your container template. Please also check the paths in the template if they are all set correctly. Do you have any AdBlocking on your network like PiHole or AdGuard, do you have any special firewall rules in place? The error basically tells you that the container can't find the game executable.
  19. Then it seems that either your Motherboard or your CPU does not support GVT-g
  20. ...und das sie schneller sind bzw. du einen Kühlkörper raufkleben kannst damit sie nicht throttlen... Ich hab schon lang nix mehr mit meinem gemacht aber der hätte 5 Kammeras rein rechnerisch leicht gepackt. Da kann ich dir leider nicht weiterhelfen aber ich glaube nicht das die C-States unterstüzen jedoch ist es möglich das die im Idle weniger Strom als dein USB Adapter verbrauchen. Genau, oder eine Wifi Adapterkarte mit passendem Key für den PCIe slot bestellen
  21. I also don't think so, I only can imagine that your CPU is too slow, but I'm not 100% sure about that since it's relatively dated in today standards.
  22. You could also try this: https://github.com/ich777/unraid-prometheus_smartctl_exporter
  23. This is perfectly fine and you don't need to do more, such a script is not necessary.
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