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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Kannst du mal bitte bei Network Type von custom: br0 auf Bridge und wieder zurück auf custom: br0 umstellen, die IP Adresse wieder eintragen und dann mal sehen ob das hilft bitte? EDIT: Fehlt bei IPv6 nicht der Gateway?
  2. This is the default behavior. Good to hear, please let me know if you have any further issues.
  3. Bitte poste mal deine Diagnostics, deine Netzwerkkonfig fehlt und ich kann fast nix so herauslesen mit den spärlichen Infos. Hast du dir denn auch die Release Notes von diesem Release durchgelesen was zu tuhen ist?
  4. Ehrlich, meiner Meinung eine schlechte Wahl für den USB Stick, der wird irre heiß oder? Generell wird noch immer von USB3.0+ abgeraten weil gerade durch die Hitzeentwicklung die Lebenszeit des Sticks verkürzt wird. Findest du keinen USB 2.0 Stick mehr bzw. einen Sandisk Cruzer Fit? Du weißt auch das es Adapter Kabel für die internen USB Header gibt damit du einen USB Stick im Gehäuse selbst anschließen könntest, falls es darum geht das du angst hast ihn kaputt zu machen.
  5. @ricostuart the plugin should now work again, please report back if it is working or if you experiencing further issues.
  6. Please try if you can download that file from your local PC: Click Nothing has changed in terms of the download routine. Please uninstall the plugin, reinstall it and see if that helps (a reboot in between would be also recommended).
  7. @ezhik & @giafidis thanks for the report. I've now update the plugin_update_helper which is part of most third party driver plugins. The upgrade process should now work as intended when you have set the Production Branch or New Feature Branch in the plugin and should not switch back to the Latest branch (which is currently also the Production Branch version). The background to why it fails is that version 535.98 doesn't follow the usual versioning scheme from Nvidia and is missing .xx and comm can't compare if the versions numbers are not the same scheme. Made a update to the plugin a few months ago but completely forgot to also update the plugin_update_helper, sorry... BTW Please always report such issues in the appropriate support thread from the plugin, because the Nvidia Driver is strictly speaking not part of Unraid since it's a third party plugin. @limetech included graciously a check for the plugin_update_helper to make sure that users are on the latest version, even if it's not part of Unraid. Anyways, here are the tests with the updated version: Downgrade to 6.12.13 and set the version to Production Branch (please ignore that no card is found because I currently have no card in my Test server) : Pull the upgrade over the built in updater: Wait for the notifications to say it is safe to reboot: After the reboot check if it still at Production Branch:
  8. Thank you for the report, give me about 45 minutes and it will be able to install again.
  9. From a quick research it doesn‘t look like that there is a dedicated server available for the game.
  10. I will look into this later today. EDIT: Sorry this was my fault, the upload from the packages to GitHub failed for some reason...? The installation should work in a few minutes. EDIT2: I have now built in another check for GitHub if the upload failed to notify me.
  11. This should not happen, did you wait until the plugin update helper told you it‘s okay to reboot now via the Unraid notifications? This is also something that should be reported in the Nvidia thread since it‘s a plugin. I‘ll try this on my test machine later today. EDIT: This is now resolved and I'll post a quick follow up in the Nvidia Driver thread.
  12. @Mr.pink sorry I really can't help here. You have to know that all my containers work the same: Download SteamCMD Download the game server through SteamCMD Prepare the game server Start the game server If it even fails at step 2 other containers must have the same issue because there is nothing done differently. All my Steam containers work completely the same up to step 2.
  13. What? Are you sure that nothing else is broken on your system? If they are empty then there must be something wrong. Now it crashes when installing the server? Have you yet tried to install another container and see if it's the same, maybe a container that uses WINE too (Icarus, LifeIsFeudal,...). What do you mean with that? On another system?
  14. I don't have one but I know that some Supermicro boards have device restrictions in place so to speak maybe a Nvidia card will work but not an AMD card and vice versa, same of course applies to HBAs and other add in cards (I see that you have a Mellanox card, maybe that won't work if this board has also device restrictions into place) <- this is just a heads up and may don't apply to this specific board. My recommendation would be to go with something more recent and Intel based since they are known to work with VMs, Passthrough and so on, of course if you don't need that all then you can of course use AMD. This combo may sound good but be aware that it won't be the best performer for single threaded tasks as far as I can tell from the listing. I'm totally happy with my i5-10600 for example but maybe upgrade it maybe in a year or two with something recent. I also don't need that much horsepower for day to day use because I don't have VMs (except for compiling the plugin packages for Unraid and testing). If someday I don't have to compile the plugin pages on my system I would even go to something that has not that much horsepower. The Intel iGPUs are even really capable of transcoding and make in most use cases a addon Nvidia card not necessary. You can see my system here if you are interested (it's in German but Google translate will help if you are that much interested 😞
  15. I assume you are talking about transcoding, what are you using Emby/Jellyfin/Plex? Just as a heads up Plex officially doesn't support AMD transcoding but I think there is a Docker mod for the Linuxserver.io container and a custom version from the official Plex container around -> but this would be better suited in one of the support threads from the containers. Only Emby and Jellyfin support that OOB, at least the official containers for sure and I also think the Linuxserver.io container. You can at least find more information about Emby here and the Linuxserver.io Jellyfin container here (that's only what I found after a quick search and as said, I'm not an expert with AMD because I got no hardware on hand). Yes, select "Device" from the drop down and at value enter "/dev/dri" (without double quotes). If you are trying to transcode HDR content I think you need another device too but I'm not too sure about that because I have no AMD hardware on hand. This does basically the same.
  16. @Mr.pink I'll let it run over the night: But no issue over here, it does it saves and so on, so it must be related to your machine. EDIT: I'm a complete idiot sometimes, had to reboot today morning because of another reason and it ran just fine but I have no screenshot because well I've rebooted... If you want me too I can let it running for another day but it won't make much difference.
  17. But what is the difference, I assume that it now can't find the server files and that's because it's not crashing but keep in mind I can't reproduce this over here, the container does start fine and it doesn't crash the whole server. EDIT: I've just set up another container to test and let it run for a few hours, will post a follow up screenshot: But from what I see, everything is working just fine as the last time I've tried it.
  18. docker container logs <CONTAINERNAME> > /mnt/user/appdata/container.log Wouldn't it be maybe easier to start over with a fresh install, if it loops something is broken in the container or in the directory for V-Rising.
  19. @Derdicke ich hab deinen Post mal in den deutschen Bereich verschoben.
  20. Ich habe geschrieben "ändern" nicht erstellen, nimm den Container bzw. das Template aus der CA App von jlesage für Handbrake und dann änder dort das Repository.
  21. Du musst doch nur das Repository im Docker Template, das dir @alturismo oben schon im Klartext hingeschrieben hat, ändern: zocker160/handbrake-nvenc EDIT:
  22. Genau, der hat das nicht integriert. Wie du sagst, früher, den maintainer gibt es aber nicht mehr und der updated bzw. hat den Docker gelöscht. Wie @alturismo schon geschrieben hat, das repo von zocker160 unterstützt Nvidia.
  23. Is that version well tested by a big user base? Couldn't hold back my sarcasm because of your previous posted messages... Please don't take it too serious.
  24. Please update your BIOS, Asrock had some issues with GPU compatibility I've read in a article but that was for RTX40 series but maybe it helps in your situation too. I can only see this messages over and over: Aug 29 15:30:54 SV1 kernel: NVRM: GPU 0000:04:00.0: RmInitAdapter failed! (0x25:0x65:1462) Aug 29 15:30:54 SV1 kernel: NVRM: GPU 0000:04:00.0: rm_init_adapter failed, device minor number 0 This is a pretty generic message and often times means that there is a hardware incompatibility issue. For earlier Ryzen CPUs I always recommended disabling C-States in the BIOS or forcing a specific PCIe generation in the BIOS instead of AUTO but please try upgrading the BIOS first and see if that helps.
  25. Sorry, I don‘t meant the syslog since this is the default message when a container stops/starts, I meant the log from the container.
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