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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Are you talking about PushBits? How do you try to log in? You have to use pbcli from a container teminal. Please post the full command that you are using. You can find more information here. A typical command would be: pbcli application list --url --username <YOURUSERNAME> This should list all your applications. (you can leave the URL like that from the example if you are issuing the command from inside the container)
  2. Nope, as far as I remember. I don't have any such messages in the log, only for startup and shutdown.
  3. Are you aware that containers are stopped when a backup is created? Just to be sure that this isn‘t the reason… Do you run your own provate Matrix server or do you use matrix.org? I use PushBits really heavily and it is working with in my case 15 applications just fine.
  4. It seems that your Matrix instance is not stable or at least it can't stay connected. How often do you run CA Backup <- if you have it installed? A 502 error usually means a Bad Gateway.
  5. Always use anonymous except it is advised differently in the template. If you don't have a bond, disable it. Boradwell had issues with SpeedStep back in the days and caused various things on Windows on Linux (crashes,...).
  6. This is a good question, do you have any custom themes installed or something like that? Maybe @bonienl knows what causes this. As you see in the screenshot above I don't see these messages.
  7. Das ist wie @hawihoney & @cz13 schon erwähnt haben nicht richtig, du kannst dadurch sogar Probleme verursachen. Nur das installieren was du brauchst und wenn du nichts brauchst dann installier nicht mal Nerd Tools, du brauchst es dann nämlich nicht, das ist immer der richtige weg...
  8. I don't see that on my system. On what plugin version are you? Do you maybe have this enabled in the Tools -> PHP Settings menu: If yes, please disable it by clicking RESET.
  9. Isn‘t this Broadwell? Please try to dosable SpeedStep in the BIOS and see if that helps. On my i5-10600 everything is working as expected. Can‘t tell if it‘s a hardware or software issue… I assume you are on a recent Unraid version correct? EDIT: do you really use a bond for your network interface? I don't know if that can also be the cause of the issue since I don't use a bond on my system.
  10. On what machine are you running the container? Did yoh pin cores to the container? I have now again tried it and I don‘t see any of those issue (I think I was playing for about 15min).
  11. I have a second instance on my server but not running, you just have to change the path to the game files if you want to test a second instance, of course the name and also make sure the first instance is not running because otherwise you will have a port conflict. Maybe you also have to allow installations from multiple instances from a template in the CA App Settings (you find that directly in the CA App on the left menu where it says Settings). No, this would make no difference if you pull a fresh copy from the CA App. But anyways, this would also change nothing because the template never changed since I've made it back then I think.
  12. I have now tried it and I can connect just fine, please note that I connected directly to my public IP and that I not waited to search in the server list for the server to appear. What I did was: Install a fresh copy from the CA App and let everything by default Wait for the download to finish Forward both UDP ports 9876 & 9877 in my Firewall Disconnect my Ethernet connection (physically pulled the Fiber from my PC) Made a Hotspot with my mobile phone and connect to the Hotspot with my PC (to simulate access from the outside world) Start the game and clicked on Direct Connection Play Here is also the log from the connection: SteamNetworking - SteamNetConnections.ConnectionUpdate: k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_Connected, 2759670019, 131073 SteamServerTransport - Update 2759670019 - k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_Connected SteamPlatformSystem - BeginAuthSession for SteamID: 76561197963117432 Result: k_EBeginAuthSessionResultOK NetEndPoint '{Steam 2759670019}' reconnect was approved. approvedUserIndex: 0 HasLocalCharacter: True Hail Message Size: 273 Version: 5 PlatformId: 76561197963117432 UserIndex: 0 ShouldCreateCharacter: False IsAdmin: False Length: 273 SteamPlatformSystem - OnValidateAuthTicketResponse for SteamID: 76561197963117432, Response: k_EAuthSessionResponseOK SteamPlatformSystem - UserHasLicenseForApp for SteamID: 76561197963117432, Result: k_EUserHasLicenseResultHasLicense, UserContentFlags: None User '{Steam 2759670019}' '76561197963117432', approvedUserIndex: 0, Character: 'chips' connected as ID '0,1', Entity '487945,91'. SteamLog [SDR k_ESteamNetworkingSocketsDebugOutputType_Msg] [#2759670019 UDP steamid:[email protected]:11082] closed by peer (1003): Application closed connection SteamNetworking - SteamNetConnections.ConnectionUpdate: k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_ClosedByPeer, 2759670019, 131073 SteamServerTransport - Update 2759670019 - k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_ClosedByPeer User '{Steam 2759670019}' disconnected. approvedUserIndex: 0 Reason: Timeout k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_ClosedByPeer SteamPlatformSystem - EndAuthSession platformId: 76561197963117432 SteamNetworking - SteamNetConnections.ConnectionUpdate: k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_None, 2759670019, 131073 SteamServerTransport - Update 2759670019 - k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_None
  13. Yes, that's expected. Do you run the script from @SpaceInvaderOne which uses nvidia-smi -pm 1 or do your run nvidia-persistenced on boot? If the answer is yes, this is also expected behaviour, you would first have to disable/kill persistenced mode and after that you can start your VM without crashing your server. If you are using nvidia-persistenced you could also set up a script like that which runs via a User Script on boot and kills it after about 30 seconds so that it pulls your cards down to a lower power state: #!/bin/bash nvidia-persistenced sleep 30 kill $(pidof nvidia-persistenced) It is however possible after you shutdown the VM that the card is again in a higher power state again and that you have to call the script again, you could also do that with a libvirt hook, I think @alturismo wrote somewhere a tutorial on how to do that.
  14. I think @CyrIng also said this: ...and if I saw it correct you are on a Intel platform.
  15. It is possible that they currently have issues with their image distribution system. May I ask where you are located in the world? Have you yet tried to download a Debian Bookworm or Bust image? Do other images work? There is not much I can do about if the download doesn't work because this is a LXC thing. Do you have any ADBlockers or special Firewall rules set on your network? Can you download this file from your local computer: https://images.linuxcontainers.org/images/debian/bullseye/amd64/default/20230817_05%3A24/rootfs.tar.xz A simple ping doesn't mean often times that everything else is working, the above linked file is what the plugin tries to download. If the download from your local computer is working (which it is in my case and also on Unraid) something else with your Network configuration may be wrong.
  16. I think the main reason why it failed is because corefreqd was still running. The user also doesn't said much about what was not working and also what he did in the first place step by step. I assume that maybe `rmmod corefreqk` failed because corefreqd was still running and therefore the insmod wouldn't do much. This line: should also be: insmod /lib/modules/5.19.17-Unraid/extra/corefreqk.ko.xz PState_FID=37 (there was a space after modules and the extension .xz was missing)
  17. I don't understand what you mean with that or why you search for the corefreqk kernel module anyways... The module is in /lib/modules/5.19.17-Unraid/extra/ and therefore it is named corefreqk.ko.xz You won't be able to modprobe a module that is not installed anyways but in your case it's installed, the .xz extension means only that it is packed with xz to save additional space and won't affect how the module is working. This should do the trick for you: kill $(pidof corefreqd) modprobe -r corefreqk modprobe corefreqk Experimental=1 PState_FID=37 corefreqd & corefreq-cli (you can skip the first and the second last line if you disable CoreFreq on the plugin page and re-enabling it after you did the modprobe lines) Please describe the steps that you've done exactly.
  18. I will try that when I got home from work today and report back.
  19. Then it should work as expected. I think maybe if a VM is started and using a card currently it is showing up as it is bound to VFIO, at least that is what I think has happened in the last Diagnostics. Is now everything working on your system as expected? Please keep in mind that this is completely normal that the card does not show up in the plugin when it is used in a VM.
  20. Exactly, this is caused because it is used by the VM and technically not visible to the host anymore. Please shutdown all VMs, make sure that all GPUs show up in the Nvidia Driver plugin and post the Diagnostics again please.
  21. As the documentation over here tells me you should set it to: https://yourdomain.com Are you sure nothing is cached in your browser? If that is not working I would recommend opening up a issue on GitHub over here.
  22. Please keep in mind that this can also be an issue with the disk since it seems like it fails when it tries to download the new files.
  23. I also don‘t know whats wrong with that little information and what changed, how is you template configured, how is your share configured where OpenVPN is located on? It is definitely the case that it can‘t read the files. I would recommend that you uprade to something recent like 6.12.3
  24. This is a common thing with older and even with newer cards. Nvidia breaks the readings for older cards in favour to support all readings for new cards and they usually don‘t care to keep compatibility with old cards. What type of media do you try to transcode? The GTX770 is only capable of transcoding h264 (AVC) and wont transcode h265 (HEVC). How have you set up your card in Jellyfin, like it is described in the second post of this thread?
  25. What? Why should that be a WINE issue? If that would be a WINE issue not only Icarus would be affected, who said that it's a WINE issue? Open the console and type in: wine --version that will give you this back: wine-8.0.1 Yes I can update it but this isn't a WINE issue at all. This game makes me more and more sick especially people that blame WINE for that which is not the case. Unless someone explains to my why WINE should be the issue I won't believe that WINE is the issue here unless Icarus is using some kind of new library which is not fully compatible with WINE but I really can't image that this is the case here. The developers should really fix the dedicated server and other people should not blame WINE for this since Icarus is using Unreal Engine 4 and other game server would suffer from the same issues like for example Conan Exiles which also uses Unreal Engine 4 and I'm using WINE in my Docker container too, it is just running fine without a hitch even with mods it does work perfectly fine. Memory leaks are usually caused by a application that is running on top of WINE and at least what you've describe here has usually nothing to do with WINE itself. Again, there is nothing I can do about memory leaks because and I don't think a WINE update will fix anything. EDIT: Out of curiosity I Googled: "icarus memory leak" and I've found multiple reports from memory leaks even without the dedicated server on Windows itself. This is purely a issue from the dedicated server and Icarus itself. Please don't trust everything that you hear, it is always easier to point the finger at something else... I think you get the point.
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