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Everything posted by ich777

  1. What is the exact error that you are encountering? I can't see an issue from the logs, the dedicated server is running and waiting for connections, but it seems that it only listens with your internal IP since it can't connect with the outside world.
  2. The answer is complicated and apt-get is not part of Unraid because Unraid is based on Slackware and apt-get is part of Debian based distributions. I have now built a custom package for Unraid 6.11.5, to use that please do the following: Maker sure that you've selected the LibreElec DVB package on the plugin settings page Place the attached files in /boot/config/plugins/dvb-driver/packages/5.19.17/ (if ask replace the files which are in there) Reboot your server Please note that this package will only work with Unraid 6.11.5! libreelec-20221103-5.19.17-Unraid-1.txz libreelec-20221103-5.19.17-Unraid-1.txz.md5
  3. Is this before anything transcoded on Plex or after something transcoded there? The described issue above was most certainly the case also on anything below the beta series because if you don't have nvidia-persistenced run on boot (in the go file or as @ConnerVT mentioned in a user script) with this line: nvidia-persistenced The cause of the issue is the card doesn't know that it is already in a state where the OS is fully booted since there is no desktop environment on Unraid and if nothing ever transcoded after the boot process the card will always draw more power. However after something used the card or nvidia-persistenced is used the card will drop tho a lower power state than P0 <- highest power state (something like P8 <- lowest power state) and it will draw less power.
  4. Please note that you tuner isn‘t listed there and those formwares are for PCIe based Tuners. Your tuner is simply based on another chip that is not supported yet as far as I can tell.
  5. Can you please share a bit more information on that, the full log would be helpful. No, because it's a log. How do you try to connect? Which ones? It would be really helpful if you post the full log.
  6. I've now found the cause of the issue this USB device isn't fully supported under Linux yet. I found a post on Reddit where someone has the exact same issue from about 6 months ago but never reachted out to me. From what I can tell the card/firmware is supported on a newer Linux Kernel then what Unraid is using, to be a bit more specific it should be included in Kernel 6.3 which Unraid isn't using yet. So I can't help much here. However you can try to switch over to the TBS-OS driver package and see if this does help but I don't think so. You'll have to wait a bit longer until it's got fully supported on Linux. Sorry for the bad news but at least it seems that it is coming. Kernel 6.3 or newer should be included in the Unraid 6.13 RC series.
  7. This is nothing to worry about and is the default message after the server has started.
  8. You can always stop the container and open the Log afterwards so that it doesn't close itself the whole time. Please click on "Add another Path, Port, Variable, Label or Device", select "Variable" from the drop down, at Key type in "FORCE_X86", at Value "true" (both without double quotes), click on Add, scroll down to the bottom and click "Apply". Let me know after you've added this if it still loops.
  9. This means that the container is looping because it is crashing, can you please upload a screenshot from your Docker template? On what hardware do you run the container?
  10. Then something is definitely wrong with the mapping and from where the files are read, please double check the paths. I really can't help any further because I've now tried it multiple times on my server and it is working as expected.
  11. Not really. Have you yet tried to change the password and see if this setting is applied correctly?
  12. But if it doesn't change back to default in the config file then it can't display it wrong since the name for the server isn't set anywhere else than in this file. Maybe it's cached on the client with the wrong name?
  13. Sorry, I still can't reproduce this over here, everyhting is working as expected. Do you edit the file in /mnt/user/... or /mnt/cache/... with Notepad++? I really don't know what to try next, I'm really out of ideas now.
  14. Please change it to the default which is /mnt/cache/appdata/... (or whatever your cache pool is named like) just to rule out any other issues. Over here I have no issues editing the server files and to run the server. Please make also sure to stop the server first and after that edit the file.
  15. To what is your appdata set in terms of Use Cache in the Share settings and to what is it set in the template?
  16. With what editor are you editing the file? Does it maybe convert the files to another encoding like Wordpad does on Windows or Textedit on MAC?
  17. Ah, my bad, I thought that the P4 has outputs too. Hope it isn't a hardware fault, but AMD platforms and Nvidia cards can be a bit "difficult" at least.
  18. But it works when you leave it all at default and you can connect to it? Maybe try to don't fill in the SteamKey.
  19. And did it work or not? Do you use a complex password? Maybe try to only user alphanumeric characters.
  20. Looking at your old post, it seems like your server_config.sii is the issue. Try the moderators like this: moderator_list: 1 moderator_list[0]: 76561197963117432 Or you if you have more like: moderator_list: 3 moderator_list[0]: 76561197963117432 moderator_list[1]: (another_steamid64) moderator_list[2]: (another_steamid64) AFAIK the "moderator_list[#]:" is only taking one argument. Have you yet tried if the server is starting fine when you reset the moderators to 0 in your config file? I've now tried it with two and it is working with the solution from above.
  21. Can you post you server.cfg here (with password and so on redacted)? I will try it later today.
  22. Because you get the latest features and bugfixes, with the downside of maybe being more unstable as the main (stable) branch. Please note that the DayZ server for Linux is named Experimental anyways, so if you switch to experimental you are on a experimental-experimental dedicated server. I don‘t know, because poeple like to be on the bleeding edge for whatever reason. I think so but I‘m not too sure about that. Please note that all clients also have to change their local installation to the experimental branch. Usually you see it in the log but please note that I personally don‘t play DayZ and I‘m not that familiar with it. This was also answered above, at least I think, maybe I wasn‘t clear enough or described it badly, sorry my bad. If you have issues with a update enable Validate Installation and let the container do it‘s thing or read the last paragraph from my answer above again. Hope that helps.
  23. This is fine and tells you that the server is actually running. Did you change anything in the template?
  24. I don't see anything obvious, since this is an AMD system, can you try to disable C-States in the BIOS? Also make sure that you are on the latest BIOS version which is available for your Motherbaord (it seems that you are a versions behind from what I can see from the Diagnostics, you are on Version 4402 and the latest available one is: 4501 Click <- please double check if it's the correct Motherboard). You can see it in the syslog, simply search for "NVRM" and you will get all messages from the driver and right at the bottom you can find the errors for the Tesla P4. Oh wait, now that I think about it, you can actually try and move the cards around the PCIe slots, some motherboards can handle more than two GPUs at a time and since you have three installed that could be kind of the issue but this is only a vague guess. BTW you can also use your Tesla as the primary one (for the Unraid console) since if you use it for Docker containers it won't hurt performance.
  25. I've now tried it and it workis as intended, what I did was: Install the container from the CA App and let it download the dedicated server Stop the container Edit the file .../vrising/save-data/Settings/ServerHostSettings.json and only changed the line: "Password": "", to: "Password": "test1234", Started the container again Connected When prompted entered: test1234 The above was working fine and I was able to connect to my dedicated server just fine.
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