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Everything posted by ich777

  1. There is your problem. Use the GPU UUID like described in the second post, this flag causes most of the times issues.
  2. ich777


    Hast du mal New Permissions über den Docker Ordner drüber laufen lassen? Wenn ja, nicht machen! Das ist nur für Shares gedacht.
  3. Das geht in dem Container nicht und ist auch gewollt so. Du kannst das aber so machen wie @alturismo beschieben hat und auf den kleinen Pfeil links in der noVNC Oberfläche drücken dann auf das Clipboard, in Thunderbird den link kopieren und dann den link aus dem Clipboard der Zwischenablage von noVNC raus kopieren und bei dir lokal einfügen. Wie gesagt das hab ich mit absicht so gemacht, ich will keinen Browser schon alleine wegen Ransomware usw... Wenn du einen nativen VNC Client benutzt wie zB VNCViewer dann kannst du direkt copy pasten, musst aber noch zusätzlich einen Port frei geben im Container template für den RFB port und der Client muss natürlich auf allen Computern installiert sein.
  4. As usual through the settings files, I think you‘ll have tho add it through Engine.ini IIRC. Sorry but I’m currently on the go but if you google something like „Conam Exiles Dedicated Server change map Engine.ini“ you should find how to do it.
  5. ich777


    Stoppe den Container und dann klick auf Protokolldateien bitte und schick was im log steht.
  6. Bei dem Thema geht es auch eigentlich um was anderes das du verlinkt hast, dort haben Nutzer den Server direkt (also die WebGUI) öffentlich erreichbar gemacht. Bei Spieleservern musst du aber die Ports die im Docker template hinterlegt sind im Router weiterleiten, das sollte auch relativ sicher sein zumindest bei meinen Containern da dort alles als nicht priviligierter User läuft. Ich weiß nicht genau wie es bei den Containern von anderen ist aber ich vermute die machen das auch so.
  7. Achso ein Plugin, naja dann war es @KluthR.
  8. This has nothing to do with the Nvidia Driver plugin and this is somewhat expected behaviour. The GPU Statistics plugin is querying nvidia-smi ervery second IIRC and depending on your installed CPU this can cause spikes which you will see when you are on the Dashboard. @SimonF what do you think about querying nvidia-smi not every second or possibly make the query time user customizable?
  9. This is currently expected behaviour, since WINE doesn‘t fully support DH encryption (this is also the reason why you have to disable encryption on all your clients). From my testing you can connect multiple times to the server but this is completely random. That‘s why I marked it as beta and wrote in the container description that this container is unstable and you have to restart it if something like you‘ve described here happens. But I also have to say, if you are on the server it is rock solid and it doesn‘t crash even if you play for multiple hours. But please don‘t forget to save before leaving the server or at least wait 15 minutes (Autosave interval) before restarting the server. BTW I‘ve also had this issue on Windows that the server seems to be offline but it was running without displaying anything why it being offline… I‘m not to sure if the Astroneer dedicated server in general is unstable or if it really has to do with the container.
  10. This is pretty sure cause by the change that I did lately because on 6.12.0 there are no such issues and I cann see all latests versions just fine.
  11. Sorry but I‘ve stopped creating containers for games that I don‘t own and this is a game that I don‘t own.
  12. Yes, it‘s now deprecated. The developers from tmodloader made it too hard for me a few times and finally I decided to deprecate it. Someone else made a container for it which is available in the CA App I think.
  13. I think you always have to update the full dashborad if I‘m not mistaken.
  14. I don't understand, the Node Exporter is the latest version, to be precise v1.5.0 from here. If you need to update the dashboard, I'm sure you'll find a new dashboard here. The Dashboards that I've listed on the first page are only examples.
  15. As said previously (I think on page 123), I will look into this in a few days or better speaking on Tuesday. It could be the case that this has something to do with the fact that there are now many drivers for 6.11.5 available and I recently made a change so that the Legacy driver is always visible. This won't affect the functionality from the plugin itself, the latest production branch driver is 525.116.03
  16. Please see here: https://pzwiki.net/wiki/Dedicated_Server#Administrating_the_Server
  17. Maybe it's related because you are using a 13th gen CPU, please give me a few days, will look into that ASAP.
  18. Yes but not practicable. I would rather recommend that you Download the plugin, wait for it to error out and download the driver package including the md5 file from here. I would recommend that you set it to a static version, for example in this case 530.41.03 and then place the downloaded files in: /boot/config/plugins/nvidia-driver/packages/5.19.17/ These would be the two files that you need: https://github.com/ich777/unraid-nvidia-driver/releases/download/5.19.17-Unraid/nvidia-530.41.03-5.19.17-Unraid-1.txz https://github.com/ich777/unraid-nvidia-driver/releases/download/5.19.17-Unraid/nvidia-530.41.03-5.19.17-Unraid-1.txz.md5 After that reboot and everything should work, please don't forget to set it to a static version on the plugin page and download the correct package. However if you want to use the card in a VM then you don't need the plugin anyways...
  19. Please post a screenshot from the container template and also your Diagnostics.
  20. The package is was not downloaded correctly, are you sure that you've waited for the Done button to appear? Please uninstall the plugin, reboot, the install the plugin again, wait for the Done button to appear in the download dialogue (this can take a long time depending on your internet connection) and don't close it with the X.
  21. I really can‘t tell anything without the Diagnostics, but have you also read the first post about VMs (right on top)?
  22. Please post your Diagnostics. May I ask why you are want to use a dGPU instead of you CPUs iGPU? The 12500 iGPU is more powerful then the 1050Ti in terms of transcoding.
  23. Wo hast du denn das gesehen. 😉
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