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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Can you try to reboot your server? Did you change anything? I thought it was working? Are you sure that USB Tuner is still connected and that the USB cable has no defect and plugged in all the way?
  2. @binhex how do you start your container in the Docker container? Does your container also support custom start scripts like it is for the linxuserver container in /etc/cont-init.d/ ? These two things would be trivial for the Sundtek plugin to work properly.
  3. Please remove the container from your server, including the arkse folder which lives usually in your appdata directory, then pull a fresh copy from the CA App, change absolutely nothing and let it finish pulling down the container. From what I can see you've entered your Steam credentials, don't do that unless they are visible in the template (so to speak not hidden in the Show more... section) and marked with a red asterisk, this will most certainly lead to issues. After the container pulled the game and you see the last two lines from your screenshot from the log from above it is fully started and waiting for new connections, go to Steam -> View -> Server -> Favourites -> Add -> enter: YOURUNRAIDIP:27015 -> Add -> and click Refresh twice If it shows up you can definitely connect an it is running, please do that first and then we can troubleshoot further. As said above, don't user your Steam credentials in a template where they are hidden away at Show more... and please don't touch any setting in the Show more... section. It's almost the same as described for RUST here: https://docs.ibracorp.io/rust/
  4. Please don't specify things that are already specified with the upper path, you just need /dev/dvb and /dev/bus/usb all other paths are not necessary, did you also pass through the script as described on the plugin page. Did you also specify the exact name of the container when running the installer from the plugin page (case sensitive)?
  5. Oh wait, I don't know if it is working with the binhex container since I don't know how he starts it and the sundtek driver installation script (which is pulled from sundtek itself) hacks into the startup routine... Anyways you can try it, simply go in the Docker template and at the bottom click on " Add another Path, Port, Variable, Label or Device" from the drop down select "Device" at "Value" enter the path (eg: "/dev/dvb") click "Add" and "Apply". You could also add the second device path like that so that you don't have to use the Extra Parameters.
  6. Do you also added the device path: /dev/dvb to the container template? Did you follow the guide on how to install everything? I don't see the device in /dev/dvb
  7. Why? As you can see in the template only UDP ports are needed to be forwarded. Just a warning, some game servers will block you from connecting when forwarding a protocol that isn't needed. Where do the ports show up as closed? Please keep in mind that game server use their own proprietary protocol and are not like Plex, they won't answer to sites which check if ports are open to the outside world. Please note that every router supports hairpin NAT, have you yet tried to connect from outside of your LAN and see if it is working. Maybe the server is working fine from outside your network and internally you have to use the LAN IP to connect to it. Some ISPs even block the communication on UDP ports or certain ports. EDIT: Please turn off validation, this is only for troubleshooting reasons there or when the server is not properly updating. By leaving that on you are forcing a check from the game files every startup, that causes strain on the disk, your Internet connection and the start up from the container will also take way longer.
  8. Maybe try to set up a user script that restarts the server. This container runs through WINE and I can't guarantee that everything works as expected, that's why it's marked as beta in the CA App. Also mods can cause crashes from my experience.
  9. @vojtagrec please also check for available BIOS updates for your Motherboard.
  10. Please set it up like you've set it up before or like described in the guide/video depending on what you where using but this time place it in /luckybackup/.vnc and not /root/.vnc It's in the .vnc directory, you really should consult the guide once more.
  11. The file is gone now. Please copy it over from the other machine again.
  12. I would strongly recommend that you create a thread over here: https://forums.unraid.net/bug-reports/prereleases/ Anyways, please go to the Docker settings (with Advanced View enabled) and switch from MACVLAN to IPVLAN, restart your server afterwards and see if that fixes your issue.
  13. Are you sure that you don't have to start it through a start script like it is the case for more recent versions? I'm not a professional with Forge but here is a GitHub Issue that maybe will help resolve this issue, please read from the linked comment here.
  14. Sorry but I usually don't support modding because I can't know how every mod is working. Is this a Forge based mod? What path is set in the Docker template to the game files? If it's set to /mnt/cache/... can you please check to what setting your appdata share is set in terms of Use Cache in the Share settings? Did you change anything else in the template?
  15. May I ask why you are using br0? bridge should be perfectly fine. Just focus on one server for now. What ports, IP and protocol did you forward in the case for Valheim in your router? The question marks are displayed because you are using br0
  16. You can try multiple flags for the i915 Kernel module. I would first try it with that: i915.enable_dc=0 You can also first try to disable power management and see if that helps: i915.disable_power_well=1 In the meantime I will look further into that.
  17. Can you try to connect a real monitor to it or at least disconnect the PiKVM for now and see if it does the same again? I see some changes in Kernel 6.1.23 which could cause this. From what I can see the i915.guc=2 isn't enabled or appended from what I can see from the diagnostics that you've posted.
  18. Please just let it run as usual and see if it is crashing again. If it is crashing again please append that to your syslinux.config (go to the Main tab, click the blue "Flash" text and append it, don't forget to click Apply on the bottom and reboot): i915.enable_guc=2 Should look like that:
  19. Please also remove Intel-GVT-g and please post your diagnostics there:
  20. @vojtagrec do you have a monitor attached to the system? As a thing of precaution can you please switch to IPVLAN in the Docker Settings too?
  21. Just open up you appdata share via SMB and copy the file into the folder …/luckybackup/.ssh/
  22. Please read the previous 4 or 5 posts. This is the wrong place to put the file.
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