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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Derzeit nicht, warum auch? Die derzeit erhältlichen SBCs sind für das Parity geschützte Array nicht zu verwenden (außer du hast interesse an <10MB/s (eher noch weniger) Schreibgeschwindigkeiten und Ampere ARM Server kauft sich keiner, zumindest nicht für zu Hause da du dort schon wirklich performante und annähernd änlich Stromsparende Hardware bekommen wüerdest, außerdem würden dann sicher viele Docker Container nicht auf ARM funktionieren. …und bevor hier die M Chips von Apple genannt werden, da müsste zuerst Linux mal wirklich vernünftig drauf laufen… EDIT2: ARM wird aber im Hinterkopf behalten aber es muss noch mehr mainstream werden (nicht nur Apple M Serie). Weil das die Offizielle Bezeichnung ist (oder auch manchmal AMD64), es gibt x86 und x86_64 Prozessoren. Erstere Unterstützen nur x86 (32bit) und zweitere unterstützen x86 (32bit) und x64 (64bit) sind aber auch Abwärtskompatibel zu x86 (32bit) da viele Anwendungen, zumindest früher, nicht auf x64 funktiniert haben, deshalb die Abwärtskompatibiltät. Diese Namensgebung der Pakete wird von vielen Linux Distributionen verwendet wo sich immer irgendwo -x86 oder -x86_64 versteckt. EDIT: Hab vergessen, nein Unraid läuft nicht auf nur x86 (32bit) Systemen.
  2. I will look into it but since this is a third party mod I don‘t have high hopes.
  3. One of the developers from SABnzbd in the Discord tried it and it is working for him just fine. Then the container update was not successful.
  4. @Spectral Force can you help maybe over here please?
  5. Because these data is pulled from nvidia-smi I really don't see the problem here... Please keep in mind the first screenshot that you've sent is just from the PCI devices and doesn't have to reflect the real or better speaking the full name from the device that you've plugged in.
  6. But that is not my plugin... What does the plugin page say? The screenshots that you've sent is just how the card identifies to the system. This is strictly speaking not related to my plugin.
  7. I don't understand, can you maybe post your Diagnostics or a screenshot?
  8. I've pushed an update already to the container about 5 hours ago which fixes this exact issue because I saw that 4.0.0 was released and saw that it requires now sabctools. Please update the container itself and it will just run fine.
  9. Yes, why not? I don‘t do anything special to the drivers. These are the default Nvidia drivers with the necessary components for usage in Docker containers.
  10. Latest Production Branch version is 525.116.03 I will take a look into that but please give me a few days.
  11. Can you please share a bit more information? If possible please post your Diagnostics.
  12. You‘ll find all files in the projectzomboid folder which is located in your appdata directory. You can access this folder for example through SAMBA. Please make sure that you first stop the container before changing any files.
  13. The main issue with NUT is that I don't have a UPS to test this and there are plenty of exporters out there and I really don't know which is best. A few users already requested that but this is really hard for me to do without testing it. Maybe I'm going to buy one soon...
  14. A few more information eould be also nice. What kind of devices are you using? Real block devices, images,… Maybe a screenshot from the plugin itself from the configuration would be nice.
  15. Sure the Docker mods have their advantages but in this case it seems to me that this is actually a downside because less experienced users will have issues and this is not a seamless experience. In my opinion a container should be fully functional, support all the features from the application that runs inside of the container and deliver all needed dependendencies, which in this case it doesn‘t do. Most users will look into the documentation from the application itself (Jellyfin) and not in the documentation from the container maintainer, I think you get the point. Anyways, this is not the right place to discuss this since my container was deprecated a long time ago. I still recommend the official container since it just works.
  16. Please create the Diagnostics if the error ocours and post them here.
  17. No, you have to reboot. Just make sure that nothing is usig the card on the host or in a Docker container when starting up a VM and vice versa.
  18. But why do you want to use a container where you need more parameters than in the official one? Documentation In the official one is enough to pass through /dev/dri as a device... done... this is for me personally a benefit TBH. In my opinion the argument to save space in the Docker image isn't even valid anymore nowadays and the official container, as said above supports AMD/Intel and Nvidia, all in one.
  19. If you read back in the thread users had issues with it in the past and the official one supports all vendors so far (AMD/Intel/Nvidia) and it seems that @Grunzochse also has issues with it. Maybe, I can confirm that the official one (I think the one from Smartphonelover's repo is the official one) supports AMD/Intel/Nvidia. That's why I recommended the official container on the first page from this topic. I deprecated my container in favor to the official one since I use it too for testing purposes and my container only existed because they haven't got support for it initially. You don't need to enable the driver anymore this is done by Unraid itself, you an also install RadeonTOP from the CA App in combination with the GPU Statistics plugin to see the utilization in your Unraid Dashboard.
  20. Yes. I don't understand... Unraid version 6.12.0-rc3 comes after 6.9.0beta35, so to speak everything greater or equal Unraid version 6.9.0beta35 will work with the APUs, so to speak 6.9.x, 6.10.x, 6.11.x, 6.12.x,... But you have to understand that my container is now depricated and that you have to use the official one since it supports now AMD APUs properly and you should ask in the support thread from the container maintainer which is available in the CA App. BTW I would recommend that you use the official one.
  21. Exactly that's the issue here, for you it's not a big deal but for not that experienced users it can be a issue, just saying... From my testing it is working good, but keep in mind that in the coming next weeks bugs which are reported will be fixed. I can't say that for myself but that is, again my experience with it... Sure, the upside from a community plugin is that it extends the base OS but you are correct if a community developer decides to deprecate a plugin it will be no longer maintained/supported But on the other hand even if a community developer deprecates a community plugin someone else would be able to fork the plugin, release it again with more features improvements and in this supportive and active community over here it is most likely the case that this will happen if a plugin is deprecated, see for example, Appdata Backup, GPU Statistics, Corsair PSU Statistics,... The main focus on 6.12.0 is to add basic ZFS support and in terms of Unraid this was a big change and well wanted feature request. Connect was strictly released in the release cycle of 6.11.x I don't think that this will happen and even if not for existing license, but again don't get me wrong I still think that this won't happen since this will upset many users and this would also mean a really big change to the OS where many things with licensing need to be changed. This is a discussion thread and will be left open.
  22. I think this is not going to happen. If you want to control everything then why not use a reverse proxy with Authelia (not Authy) and Duo, this is a pretty safe way to access you GUI(s). In no offense, but the initial post implicated the following, if you have the knowledge to host something like that you could also create something like Connect yourself. That's maybe correct but I'm not to sure about that, if you don't want to use it because you don't trust it then don't do it <- I still get the point, you want to use it, but please read until the end. Yes, but don't forget the hours of development and manpower was used to create Connect and the API for it. Connect was created to make Unraid better and easier to use for not only less experienced users. In my opinion it's a cool feature that you can use to make your experience better. Just take into consideration if one is hosting Connect and advertises it as official and injects some malicious code to it to read the data from users this would be pretty bad or better speaking very very very bad. Unraid Connect is designed to be a cloud service and you are basically becoming a cloud service provider when hosting it yourself and yes you are a cloud service provider if you are hosting it for yourself because you are hosting it on a VPS basically the Cloud <- not local. TBH, I like Connect but I also have to say that I never used MyServers before, just took a quick look at MyServers back then but I could imagine that I will use Connect in the future to control my servers and test my plugins/containers if everything is working as expected. The following is my personal opinion: Even if you've paid for 3 Licenses where unlimited updates from the OS are included without any paid subscription whatsoever, a easy to use WebUI for Docker, VMs, visual improvements over time, no need for a active internet connection, no data collection, completely self-hosted and so on... ...but the thing that you forget that this is a Plugin and not part of the base OS. You can use it, but you don't have to use it since it's a Plugin.
  23. This is strange, usually if it's 6+ characters (I don't recommend using symbols) it should work just fine.
  24. @druzzifruit please keep in mind that this is not a in tree module/plugin and maybe have some bugs.
  25. Why would you do that? You have to deal with streaming ports and so on (I'm not really familiar with Traefik). Game servers usually don't use http/https traffic and they use their own proprietary protocols and if you rout that through a reverse proxy you will run into trouble. This is still possible, not in that way but it is possible. If your domain is linked to your public IP your friends can enter for example: domain.com:27131 You don't have to create a subdomain since the game should be able to resolve "domain.com" (of course this depends on the game client and if DNS resolution is implemented) and in most cases you even don't have to specify the port if it is running on the default port because most game clients will try to connect to the default port, in this case 27131
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