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Everything posted by ich777

  1. This is really not much information that you are giving me here... What does crash? Have you also added the other variables too like mentioned in the second post? I really can't help with that less information... If Photoprism does support it then it will work with the plugin for sure.
  2. Please see the second post in this thread, if Photoprism supports it it does work by adding the variables and the runtime in the Extra Parameters as if you would add it to Emby, Jellyfin or Plex.
  3. Please post your Diagnostics, I can't even reproduce that. I have no issue mounting a directory in a Ubuntu Jammy container (even tested to create a file in this directory from within the container and I can also access it on the host).
  4. Please post your diagnostics, something seems wrong with your system. I have now two users who are having 0 issues with the container nor have they any issues with LXC. In the container or on Unraid? You have to understand that cgroupv2 only changes some low level permissions and nothing more…
  5. Did you do anything custom or better speaking does the user which has permissions to the files exist on the second server? Anyways, this shouldn't harm anything because if you copy the file back over to the first machine the files should have the correct owner again. Hope that makes sense.
  6. Bitte verwendet doch den offiziellen container, der funktioniert mittlerweile bestens und macht nichts custom und transcoding funktioniert da drin einfach (die container sollten untereinander kompatibel sein und du solltest einfach das Repository austauschen können im Container template. Wenn das bei dir passiert ist definiv was bei dir im argen, das sollte nur auftreten wenn du eine neue Container Instanz erstellst, das Ändern oder hinzufügen von Variablen ruft dieses Verhalten nicht hervor. Weil es eine App ist und kein Browser, funktioniert grundlegend anders. Das kommt auf die Datei drauf an und ob transcodiert wird oder nicht.
  7. Too late... already bought it because I had so many requests, however if you want to donate, in the first post there is a button for it.
  8. As I wrote above and this is no typo that the first / is missing at PATHINLXC: lxc.mount.entry = /mnt/user/YOURSHARE mnt/PATHINLXC none bind 0 0 There is nothing like that but it should work as usual. I can tell also for sure that it is working since I'm using a path from UD also in a LXC container.
  9. This is really strange, have you added the parameter from above? I can also be the case that some filter is set incorrectly or something like that. Usually it will take a few minutes so that the server will show up in the server list.
  10. Sadly enough no... or at least I don't know if there exists one which uses my container. But it should be not that difficult to do but I have to also say that I don't like Forge that much and I've only took a quick look at it back in the day but switched over to Bukkit/Spigot.
  11. Because well you are now on a custom IP and it will open all ports like if you have a PC on your local network and it will use port which is used in the container. In br0 the port mappings will simply do nothing.
  12. Thank you for the PR, merged and update the plugin. Ah, sorry yes, completely forgot about that, something wasn't working with the automated build from 1.5.0 and I forgot to look into it. Will look into it ASAP, keep an eye up for a updated from the plugin (should be done until tomorrow). Done, update! Thank you for the heads up.
  13. Have you read the first post, especially right at the beginning where it says "ATTENTION" and "cgroup v2"? Follow the Instructions and your issue should be solved. cgroupv2 will be the default with the release of Unraid 6.12.0 You have to edit your config manually (you should find the path to the config when you click on the container and on "Show Config" at the first line in the pop up). After that add the line: lxc.mount.entry = /mnt/user/YOURSHARE mnt/PATHINLXC none bind 0 0 Please make sure that like in this example the path /mnt/PATHINLXC has to exist in the first place and that you set the permissions right and create a user in the LXC container so that it matches the host, otherwise you will run into permission issues if something else is using the files that you mounted.
  14. Try to boot with UEFI mode but I'm not entirely sure if it will work after you do so... I remember a few users with Intel Board who had issues so far.
  15. This has usually something to do with browser caching and if you change the port in the template multiple times. Have you yet tried to change the port in the URL to connect to it and if you do so I assume it is working correct?
  16. I'm not using 6.11.5 here on my server because it's something newer but usually you don't have to install python3 in the container because it's installed right OOB, I've now tried it again and it is working over here: I have now the confirmation from another user who is on 6.11.5 that it is working:
  17. Seems like Playfab is having issues again, this would not be the first time that something wont work on their side. If that is working, then it's definitely a issue on their side. If you enable Playfab you are basically not connecting or better speaking not using the official server list because you connect first to Playfab wich "proxies" through the traffic to the official servers and if a user on a console tries to connect it contacts Playfab's "proxy" first and then establishes the connection. Hope that makes some kind of sense to you... I've not heard of much issues with Playfab (-crossplay) but it can cause random disconnects and other weird things to happen like in your case and I really can't do much about it... The container definitely works with -crossplay because I've tested it and updated the container about half a year ago to be fully compatible.
  18. Usually you have to do nothing and don't need to create a token for L4D2 but things maybe changed. If you want to add a token to the dedicated server you actually have to append this to the GAME_PARAMS in the template: +sv_setsteamaccount YOURTOKEN (of course replace YOURTOKEN with your token) As far as I can tell you have set up everything correctly in terms of the token. Have you yet tried if you can see the server in the server list from outside your network, often hair pin NAT prevent the server from showing up when searching in your local network for it.
  19. You have to add it at the Extra Parameters at the Variable not on top with Advanced View.
  20. I‘ll have to look into it. On what Unraid version are you? I don‘t have issues runnig a little python3 script. How have you installed Python3?
  21. Please make sure that you are on the latest BIOS version for you Motherboard and you've enabled Resizabe BAR support/Above 4G Decoding in your BIOS. Feb 24 18:20:06 Tower kernel: nvidia 0000:01:00.0: vgaarb: changed VGA decodes: olddecodes=io+mem,decodes=none:owns=io+mem Feb 24 18:20:06 Tower kernel: NVRM: loading NVIDIA UNIX x86_64 Kernel Module 525.89.02 Wed Feb 1 23:23:25 UTC 2023 Feb 24 18:23:49 Tower kernel: resource sanity check: requesting [mem 0x000e0000-0x000fffff], which spans more than PCI Bus 0000:00 [mem 0x000d4000-0x000e7fff window] Feb 24 18:23:49 Tower kernel: caller _nv036385rm+0x2a/0x60 [nvidia] mapping multiple BARs From what I see you are using a Intel Board and some people have really bad experiences with it and Nvidia cards on Linux. If the above doesn't work try to boot with UEFI and see if this makes a change.
  22. Schreib dir einen Wrapper, sowas wie das sollte funktionieren: #!/bin/bash rclone --config /pfad/zur/config.cfg "$@" Ich würd noch den vollständigen Pfad zu rclone angeben, danach machst die datei ausführbar und viola du kannst nun mit diesem Wrapper rclone starten (hoffentlich)... EDIT: Hab noch vergessen, soweit ich das verstanden habe sollte rclone auch Variablen unterstützen in Skripten, zB: export RCLONE_CONFIG=/pfad/zur/config.cfg (das sollte rclone direkt sagen wo die config liegt wenn du rclone startest, das könnte man unter umständen auch in ~/.bashrc rein schmeißen aber müsstest trotzdem auch beim start injecten, dann sollte es Systemweit verfügbar sein)
  23. Any hints about which container are we talking about?
  24. Where does it say it‘s not valid? Have you also added a port in the template with container and host port set to 9222?
  25. I compile everything in a custom made Docker container which is based on Slackware but you can even compile it on Unraid itself if you install all the necessary packages. You even can cross compile the Kernel on another Distribution but make sure that you've actually use the .config file from Unraid and also that you compile the same Kernel version that your Unraid VM is running on. I really don't know how the GRID driver for vGPUs and everything is working around it but at least from what I read it is really complicated once a guy tried to do the same thing as you want to do and he ultimately gave up and switched over to Ubuntu because he didn't need the special Array type filesystem that Unraid has to offer. Also keep in mind that Unraid is running from RAM and you have to install the driver and binaries again each time you reboot the system, the next thing to consider is when a new Unraid version drops you have to recompile everything again. There is no plugin available for Unraid because you are not allowed to redistribute the driver for the GRID vGPUs because this would ultimately violate the EULA. This post in the docs is a bit outdated but should be a good starting point: Click Here is also a good post on how to set everything up and compile the Kernel for Unraid: Click (but please keep in mind the build process will eventually change slightly to advancements and improvements to Unraid - it's sometimes even hard for me to keep up... )
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