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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Yes. But one mission does work? Please try to add this variable in the template and see if it makes a difference: On what hardware do you run the container? EDIT: Please set validation to false or to nothing! This is only meant if you got issues updating the container.
  2. Unlikely that anything changed, the container seems to run fine and also the game server seems to be started too? Are you trying to connect through your local IP or your Public IP? I would recommend trying to first connect with your Public IP and then start troubleshooting further. I've seen that hair pin NAT not always working correctly for some users. Did you change anything in the template besides adding your Steam credentials?
  3. Again, I would recommend that you ask this question on @Spectral Force's Discord. But don't get me wrong, you are miss-understanding something here, the container logs that you see are the actual logs from the game server, they are just piped into the Docker log. I don't know if the game server somewhere saves another debug log, but that's a question for Discord. BTW, if the game server stores somewhere a debug log, then you can browse it through SAMBA, simply go to your appdata directory and open the 7dtd folder and you will find everything in there.
  4. Please try the official one! Have you yet tried to switch over to IPVLAN in your Docker settings, as far as I see from your Diagnostics you are still using MACVLAN which can cause issues, maybe try that first before you switch containers (btw the containers should be inter-compatible so that you only have to change the repository in the Docker template). Just a few other things in your go file: #Modprobe it87 drivers for getting the fan speed modprobe it87 force_id=0x8620 If you are on 6.11.5 you can remove that and install my plugin and it should work all OOB (you maybe have to run sensors detect again): The next thing that I've saw is: # Fix Docker for 6.8.3- Case Insensitive as per https://forums.unraid.net/topic/108643-all-docker-containers-lists-version-%E2%80%9Cnot-available%E2%80%9D-under-update/?do=findComment&comment=994056 sed -i 's#@Docker-Content-Digest:\\s*\(.*\)@#\@Docker-Content-Digest:\\s*\(.*\)@i#g' /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/include/DockerClient.php Please remove that and there is actually a similar thing in 6.11.5 because Docker changed a few things for the manifest files but there is also a fix for 6.11.5 in the CA App available:
  5. Are you sure that you've installed the exact same driver version as on the host? What kind of software do you try to run? I think there is a command line switch to skip the cuda torch check, at least I think so...
  6. That should be possible since the container is not different like if you run the server on bare metal. I can't help how to do it because I can only provide the basic functionality because I can't know how to mod every single game. From a quick google search it should be pretty easy: Click
  7. Understood, but the plugin is not designed in that way currently, maybe I can wrap my head around this but it won't be in the near future. Wouldn't it be also possible to create a request in the Plex forums so that they create TVHeadend support? This would ultimately solve the issue, even if they add support for xmltv this would solve the issue I think.
  8. I really can't help here because I simply can't reproduce this issue... If you know what the solution is then please keep me updated? Have you yet tried to remove everything from the containers including the folders for the containers (of course create a backup in the first place)?
  9. Have you yet tried a older version from the driver itself? Seems like a bug with newer Kernels. Please also try to re-seat the card and also check if power is connected properly. Did you change anything else while upgrading to 6.11.5 like updating the BIOS, adding hardware/drives or something like that?
  10. Sorry für die späte Rückmeldung, ich kann aus deinen Diagnostics nicht wirklich was erkennen außer das du im Safe Mode bist. Sollte der Server wirklich aus gehen wenn du was machst das evtl. mehr Strom braucht dann ist es mit sicherheit das Netzteil. Haben die Platten geschlafen und mussten die hoch fahren als du das Array gestartet hast? Wir haben sogar das gleiche System (zumindest CPU & Motherboard): Welchen RAM hast du denn verbaut? Ist das ein No-Name? Ich würd auch kontrollieren ob dein SAS controller richtig funktioniert, hat der auch ausreichend Luftstrom drüber, vergiss nicht das ist Server Hardware und braucht ordentlich Airflow drüber.
  11. May I ask what settings that you've changed so that it is now working again?
  12. And there is the issue, you are still using 8080 in the SABnzbd container and because you are set the network from SABnzbd through to the OpenVPN container you still have to use 8080 inside the container and on the host 8081. I would also recommend that you delete the port mappings from the SABnzbd container to avoid further issues. Hope this makes sense to you.
  13. Look at your screenshot from above: Do you see where the issue is? Please remove the drive from the Windows Initiator side, after that remove it in the iSCSI plugin and then add it again and make sure that you do NOT click "Read Only".
  14. Are you sure that the disk is working properly? Have you yet tried diskpart (CLI Tool) on Windows to format it? <- please be very careful with diskpart! Something like: list disk select disk 2 clean create partition primary ...should do the job just fine, but as said, please make sure after doing "list disk" that you check that disk 2 is actually the iSCSI disk, if you get any error message you should know what the issue is.
  15. This seems like some kind of bug in the BIOS of your Motherboard or better speaking your UEFI Firmware and I really can't help resolving it. The card is recognized fine and should work. Are you sure that the message wasn't there before you put the card in the system? Please make sure that you've enabled Resizable BAR Support and Above 4G Decoding in your BIOS. Do you experience any issues or just this message in the syslog? Just to double check, you are sure this is not caused of any other VFIO mapping that you've done in your system: BIND=0000:00:17.0|8086:7ae2 From what I see this is your SATA controller correct? Have you yet tried to boot in Legacy Mode instead of UEFI?
  16. No, you do everything on the Initiator side, so to speak Windows. You have to fist initialize the disk in Windows, right-click on the box at the beginning where it says: Disk2 and not on the not allocated space, you will then get a different pop up where you can initialize the disk and after that you can create a partition on it at the not allocated space. Please don't do anything on Unraid directly, you will certainly destroy the disk layout.
  17. I don't have a Fritzbox but maybe @sonic6 or @alturismo know what to do?
  18. No, because Unraid works really differently because it is run from RAM and this would over complicate the process. The server is meant to be installed on the host, not in a container AFAIK The plugin was designed with that mind and it was also discussed directly with @Sundtek to create the plugin around TVHeadend, what is preventing you from using TVHeadend? Did you install the plugin yet? It is really easy to set up and a step by step guide is on the plugin page too what to do.
  19. I couldn't believe it too, but I'm now running the SUNDTEK DVB-C Tuners (two of those) for about 2 or 3 months now without a single issue so far... A few TBS cards are supported through the in-tree drivers (the LibreELEC package are basically all in-tree DVB drivers) but not all and this is where things start to get really messy since they are only supported only through linux_media which is now, as said above and mentioned in the post on page 31 at the end, deprecated:
  20. Yes, DVB-C (USB) and they also support DVB-T2 if I‘m not mistaken. @Sundtek can you help me a bit what is available in terms of tuners from your side? Sorry about that, I would support it but since linux_media is now basically deprecated I can‘t see a way to make it work again on newer Kernels. If I see anything so that I can support the package further I will do and keep you updated here.
  21. Can you please post your Diagnostics again? Are you using the official Plex container?
  22. Yes and no, it could be but I would rather recommend that you configure that in the container or in your DHCP server since this is more like a VM and not a Docker container. For instance on my Debian Bullseye containers I use systemd networking to configure IPs, Gateway, DNS,...
  23. It wont be likely that you've got drops on eth0, maybe eth1 is responding quicker since it's your built in NIC and not a USB NIC (overhead) and so it uses eth1. AFAIK a fail over bond will always use the quickest responding NIC and not the fastest one. This could be also the case because you have your NICs configured as a bond and it always has to try, have you yet tried to use only eth0 for testing purposes without any bond configured?
  24. For sure but don't forget that you are using the NVENC/NVDEC and the card maybe don't have to be an a higher or even clock higher than if you put some 3D load on it. Yes, because that's not supported on Unraid and nothing I can do about. Do you have any numbers to compare with? It's a little hard for me to troubleshoot for me with no real numbers. I've now tried transcoding with Unmanic and I'm at P0 on my T400.
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