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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Why did you even enable it? I think you also don't validate all games that you play on your local PC before playing...
  2. I've now tried it and it works without a hitch on my server: Here is the full log from the first container start, I can also connect to the server just fine: conan.log
  3. I can't reproduce this on my machine, everything is working just fine and even the log mentions that I've added -Xms4g and edited Xmx to -Xmx10g: pzexe: vmArg (json) 1: -Djava.awt.headless=true pzexe: vmArg (json) 2: -Xms4g pzexe: vmArg (json) 3: -Xmx10g pzexe: vmArg (json) 4: -Dzomboid.steam=1 pzexe: vmArg (json) 5: -Dzomboid.znetlog=1 pzexe: vmArg (json) 6: -Djava.library.path=linux64/:natives/ pzexe: vmArg (json) 7: -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/urandom pzexe: vmArg (json) 8: -XX:+UseZGC pzexe: vmArg (json) 9: -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow pzexe: using jvm "/serverdata/serverfiles/jre64/lib/server/libjvm.so" Let me guess, you have validation enabled in the template correct? If yes please turn it off... If you don't have validation enabled please post a screenshot from your template.
  4. The driver itself actually probes if the iGPU is capable of GVT-g, please remember this thread has nothing to do with SR-IOV... If it doesn't show up on the plugin page or better speaking tells you that GVT-g is not supported then you are out of luck for GVT-g.
  5. I'm not entirely sure if that information is actually true because ARK Intel says that you have Intel® UHD Graphics 750 and this is usually Intel Xe which only supports SR-IOV GVT-g usually depends on the iGPU and IIRC only supported up to 9th iGPU gen. (6xx series iGPUs) <- yes iGPUs in the CPUs have different generations, pretty confusing...
  6. Kannst du denn dann den Post von @cz13 als "Solution" markieren, wenn das Problem dann gelöst ist?
  7. Did you stop the container in the first palce and then edit the file or did you leave it runnig, edit the files and restart the container? ProjectZomboid doesn‘t like it when you leave it running while editing the files…
  8. I see that your card falls from the bus, this indicates usually a issue connection issue with the card. Please double check if the card is seated properly and if everything is connected (external power) too. Feb 1 14:39:56 Burkey-Server kernel: NVRM: GPU at PCI:0000:03:00: GPU-68d7626d-e36a-0ab9-b351-29859f83f7ec Feb 1 14:39:56 Burkey-Server kernel: NVRM: Xid (PCI:0000:03:00): 79, pid='<unknown>', name=<unknown>, GPU has fallen off the bus. Feb 1 14:39:56 Burkey-Server kernel: NVRM: GPU 0000:03:00.0: GPU has fallen off the bus. Please also check if you are on the latest BIOS version, I know the board is pretty old but please check if you are on the latest BIOS. Try the card in another PCIe slot. Sometimes switching the PCIe slot to a fixed PCIe generation solves the issue too instead of leaving it on AUTO.
  9. Naja wenn 5.1 GB ein paar byte sind für dich. 😂 Du hast doch vorhin schon mal geschrieben das du diese Plugin nicht installiert hast und das du das Backup deaktiviert hast.
  10. Try it. If it doesn‘t work uninstall it again.
  11. Exactly, maybe you have to enable Legacy Boot (CSM) in your BIOS too.
  12. Please try to boot with Legacy Mode (CSM) instead of booting into UEFI mode and see if the card is working afterwards.
  13. Bitte mach mal ein Terminal von Unraid auf und führ diesen Befehl aus (dauert unter umständen ein wenig, einfach warten und die ausgabe posten: du -sh /mnt/cache/lxc/ Ich verstehe noch immer nicht was das mit dem LXC Plugin zu tuhen hat...? Das ist einfach das Backup von deinem USB Stick das du vermutlich in den Einstellungen von Unraid aktiviert hast. Poste bitte mal deine Diagnostics.
  14. Please try this: Uninstall GPU-Statistics Reboot In your BIOS enable above 4G Decoding and Resizable BAR Support See if the issue is fixed.
  15. Kannst du für das bitte einen neuen Thread aufmachen? Das hat hier nichts verloren und markier mich bitte.
  16. Das weiß ich nicht, wo hast du denn den Speicherort von LXC angegeben? Auf dem Stick wird nur die Konfiguration von LXC selbst gespeichert, mehr nicht, selbst die Konfiguration von den einzelnen Containern wird in dem LXC Verzeichnis das du für LXC angegeben hast gespeichert. Hast du denn das Backup aktiviert in Unraid? Vermutlich ist es das Backup vom USB Stick, ich wüsste nicht was sonst ".git" ist. Was ist denn in dem Ordner .git drin? Wie gesagt mein Plugin erstellt keinen .git Ordner.
  17. Just a heads up for all TBS Card users. Since media_build has been basically deprecated and I've glued it together to compile against new Kernels (v6+) I really can't tell for sure how long I'm able to do that because it is really time consuming to fix everything that breaks with a release from a new Kernel and will get worse and worse... (media_build is necessary for the TBS drivers and can't be easily replaced) Currently I'm working on getting it to work on Kernel 6.1+ to be compatible with Unraid 6.12 I would recommend that you already look around for alternatives like Sundtek (dedicated plugin), DigitalDevices, Hauppauge Tuners which are supported by the LibreELEC package and maybe sell your TBS Tuners. Currently it looks like there is no fix in the near future for this, however some tuners should be supported by the LibreELEC package. You can test this by switching to the LibreELEC package and reboot you server afterwards and see if the card shows up in the plugin, if yes you should be good to go but you maybe have to tweak some settings in TVHeadend since the cards maybe need to be newly assigned. See the deprecate announcement here EDIT: TBS-OS drivers are compiling against Kernel 6.1 and 6.2, so to speak it is safe to upgrade for you when 6.12.0 stable or even a new RC is released.
  18. I don't think that it's using by default 8GB since the 64-bit version which is used by my container uses according to the documentation a Xms configuration of 16GB, but I think the documentation is a bit outdated. After looking further into the files it mentions that you should edit ProjectZomboid64.json in the main directory and add the parameter there: I think something like this should do the job just fine in ProjectZomboid64.json:
  19. The container or better speaking the game server should automatically manage it's RAM, why do you need more RAM? IIRC the game is Java based, you can play with this values and append them to the GAME_PARAMS: "-Xms" is the minimum ram assigned to java (but don't expect that if you set it to 10G that it actually consumes 10GB, it will only consume as much as it really needs but 10GB are reserved) "-Xmx" is the maximum ram assigned to java Append something like this to the GAME_PARAMS to set the minimum assigned RAM to 8GB and the maximum allowed RAM to 16GB: -Xms8G -Xmx16G I actually don't know if this will work but you can try, but as said above, the game should manage it's RAM allocation automatically.
  20. Just to let you know, I maintain fish in my repository over here, you can use it in combination with un-get to install/update it. If you want to download fish through un-get you have to first add my repository, instructions are in the un-get GitHub README.md over here. The repositories are checked three times a day for updates and updated automatically if a new version from a package is found (except for borgbackup and ipmitool since I don't compile them).
  21. This topic would be better suited in the Docker Engine sub forums: https://forums.unraid.net/forum/58-docker-engine/
  22. Nur zur Info für alle, ich hab ein neues PowerTOP 2.15 erstellt das die Übersetzungen weglässt (da die sowieso keine verwendet) und ein paar KB spart, installation ist also nicht unbedingt notwendig. Das Package kann direkt über un-get mit hinzugefügtem Slackware Repository von mir (Beschreibung hier) oder direkt vom Repository hier geladen werden. Wenn ihr es über un-get installiert, vorher bitte mit `un-get remove powertop` deinstallieren und dann wieder installieren mit `un-get install powertop`. Wenn ihr es direkt laden solltet bitte vorher das alte Paket mit `removepkg` deinstallieren, das neue in /boot/extra geben und dann mit `installpkg` installieren. Die Warnungen beim beenden von PowerTOP könnt ihr getrost ignorieren, funktioniert trotzdem einwandfrei: powertop: /lib64/libncursesw.so.6: no version information available (required by powertop) powertop: /lib64/libtinfo.so.6: no version information available (required by powertop) modprobe cpufreq_stats failed Loaded 0 prior measurements RAPL device for cpu 0 RAPL device for cpu 0 Devfreq not enabled glob returned GLOB_ABORTED
  23. But if this is the case then this has nothing to do with the iGPU transcoding... Where is your transcoding temp directory located? Have you changed it to something else than default? Maybe this is the cause of the issue but it would be the first time I hear of that. It should be also good if you have it on Prefer as long as the Cache doesn't is filled up completely.
  24. I see that the driver is loaded for the device: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: NVIDIA Corporation GA104GL [RTX A4000] [10de:24b0] (rev a1) Subsystem: Dell GA104GL [RTX A4000] [1028:14ad] Kernel driver in use: nvidia Kernel modules: nvidia_drm, nvidia ...but it still fails: Jan 30 12:49:00 montero kernel: NVRM: GPU 0000:01:00.0: RmInitAdapter failed! (0x25:0x65:1457) Jan 30 12:49:00 montero kernel: NVRM: GPU 0000:01:00.0: rm_init_adapter failed, device minor number 0 My last two recommendations are that you try to force the PCIe slot where the card is connected to PCIe Gen3 and that you disable C-States in your BIOS. I have now a few users issues with AMD B-Series Chipset boards which are not working correctly, it seems to me that this is a bad implementation in the BIOS or some kind of hardware incompatibility issue.
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