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Everything posted by ich777

  1. I think you have to turn on validation in the template, but please turn it off again after it downgraded the files since otherwise it would validate the files on each container start... For further question please reach out to @Spectral Force on his Discord, he can surely help.
  2. Yes. On what Unraid version are you? What is the exact log output after the first start and when it loops? You can get logs from a Unraid terminal if you type in: docker container logs CONTAINERNAME (of course replace CONTAINERNAME with the name of the container - case sensitv!) No, this is all done through the containers and one steamcmd directory can share multiple containers on the host.
  3. What is this? This shouldn't be there! It should be however be possible to pass commands in the syslinux.conf through like this: corefreqk.Register_ClockSource=1 Or even better you create a corefreqk.conf in the directory /boot/config/modprobe.d and enter the things that you want to add to the module from above there like: Register_ClockSource=1 Register_CPU_Freq=1 Register_Governor=1 Register_CPU_Idle=1 However it is also necessary that you've upgrade to unRAID 6.11.0-rc4 to get this working because with this release the plugin packages are installed really early in the boot process which was in the previous releases not the case and with this CoreFreq should be now able to register as clock source. @CyrIng I hope I've explained nothing wrong here.
  4. If possible join the Discord server from @Spectral Force here, since he helps me out with 7DtD, and yes it's possible to stay on a specific version. This should also help:
  5. Edit the file 'openttd.cfg' in the directory for OpenTTD in your appdata folder see here: Click
  6. No, because luckyBackup was never designed to run like this in a container. You have to actually restart the container to see the sync in luckyBackup after it finished, you can however set up Email notifications after a jub is finished. I have now tested it in root mode and over here I can create and delete the cron jobs.
  7. This is actually a issue from the Prometheus container and I would recommend to post on their Support Thread but what I would really recommend is that you go to their Discord because they don't give Support over here on the Unraid Forums what I really don't understand and why there is even a Support Thread here, seems like a users help users thing... From what I know this is a permission issue and they won't fix it for whatever reason... Nothing I can do about, sorry...
  8. I think Intel has lost slowly but surely interest in GVT-g anyways because it is too complicated to support and also depends on the Motherboard manufacturers that everything is implemented correctly and will silently let it die in favor to SR-IOV which is supported by newer platforms. I think it would be best to ask on the GitHub Issue tracker from GVT-g over here: Click Isn't this the cause of the issue because you reserve 1024MB of available VRAM to the iGPU or do I get this wrong? It would be best to let this sit at 256 or the default value for your Motherboard because this is Pre-allocated memory and it will allocated more if it needs to - of course if it's available. Also see here: Source
  9. I would recommend that you create a GitHub Issue on the official Jellyfin GitHub since you are now dealing with it: Click
  10. Create a variable inside the container with the Key: PHOTOPRISM_ORIGINALS_LIMIT and as the Value enter your value that you prefer.
  11. Have you also made sure that you've selected console mode?
  12. Have you also passed through /dev/dri as a device and not as path, what are your transcoding settings in Jellyfin, what is the exact path that is specified there? Have you yet tried to use VA-API instead of QuickSync?
  13. Please read the description from the container.
  14. Jein. Hier gibt es leider keine genaue Aussage. Kommt drauf an wie die installiert werden, normalerweise erkennt der pkg installer von Slackware das wenn Beispielsweise eine alter version von Python installiert werden sollte wenn schon eine neuere vorhanden ist. Das passiert unter anderem wenn installpkg und nicht upgradepkg --install-new verwendet wird, upgradepkg --install-new upgraded das Paket wenn eines gefunden wird bzw installiert das Package wenn es nicht gefunden wird aber downgraded sie nicht. In diesem speziellen Fall glaube ich aber das eine falsch Version verwendet wurde, die Frage wäre ob es ein down- oder upgrade war und warum man glibc aktualisiert, da würd ich auf jeden Fall die Finger davon lassen. Gibt es bei Linux auch, static und linked Libraries, im Fall von RadeonTOP hab ich Statische Libraries das die Integrierten nicht geändert werden aber bei den Statischen hast du wieder das Problem im Fall von Python das du möglicherweise 3 verschiedene Python versionen installiert hast die jeweils mehrere 100MB im RAM belegen wie du oben schon richtig festgestellt hast. Wenn du sie dann Statisch hast, sollten sie für das unterliegende System "unsichtbar" sein und nur die Software die sie benötigt sollte Zugriff drauf haben. Es hat aber beides seine Vor- und Nachteile, für den Nutzer bzw. auch weniger bewanderte Benutzer wäre eben die libraries zu integrieren, egal ob Statisch oder Verlinkt.
  15. Nein. Die einfachste bzw. die einzige Lösung wäre das die Plugin Authoren die Abhängkeiten und nötigen Pakete direkt in ihre Plugins integrieren, das ist auch meiner Meinung nach der richtige Weg da dies sonst eine Zumutung für die "einfachen" Benutzer ist und aus meiner Sicht nicht tragbar ist. Stell dir mal vor @dlandon würde in seinen Unassigned Devices nicht alle notwendigen Pakete bündeln und die Benutzer müssten alles selbst installieren, das würde komplettes Chaos bedeuten... Selbst im iSCSI Plugin das @SimonF von mir übernommen hat ist Python3 integriert da iSCSI sonst nicht laufen würde. Ich liefere zB auch im RadeonTOP plugin die entsprechenden libraries mit damit es überhaupt läuft. Aus meiner Sicht nicht aus eben dem oben genannten Grund keinen Sinn ergibt sowas etwas zu machen. Ich verstehe auf der anderen Seite auch dich aber solche Abhängigkeiten gehören einfach in das Plugin und sollten nicht durch den Benutzer installiert werden müssen...
  16. Please stop the container and rename the file to match your version and it should pull the update after you start the container again. I really can‘t tell what is going on here…
  17. Please also look at this GitHub Issue here: Click Do you boot Unraid in GUI Mode?
  18. This is something that can be ignored because the plugin runs a 'at' command every time you start the exporter, I will fix that in a upcoming release so that this message will be not displayed. This message does not harm or cause issues to the function from the exporter itself. @sonic6 do you have any thoughts about this?
  19. The lack of interest by most Motherboard manufacturers and the maybe not quite right implementation from the aperture size (even Intel boards have that issue) in the BIOS is most certainly what is causing this on your system. GVT-g is not very popular by any means and most manufacturers are not really interested in supporting it properly or updating their BIOS so that everything is working. @alturismo do you have any other thoughts about this?
  20. This is really some funky stuff and I really can't explain what causes this on your system. Are you willing to upgrade to 6.11.0-rc3 and try if it's the same there? I've even now tried it on my production server where no Nvidia card is installed and it is working fine there too.
  21. You have to configure that first on your instance so that it supports it. See the documentation over here: Click
  22. This is really strange since my server sits on version Do you have any AdBlocking software somewhere on your network? I think you can open this file from your network or am I wrong: Click The container checks this file on every restart if there was a version change and compares that against the installed version. Can you also please post a screenshot from your root game directory for Minecraft Bedrock? Here is a screenshot from my container:
  23. Restart the container and it should update itself as mentioned in the description from the container. If it doesn‘t update itself please post a screenshot from your container template and also the log output.
  24. Can you please post your Diagnostics with the 515.65.01 driver installed?
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