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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Look at this video please, as said above this is the Nvidia support thread and not for the Intel iGPUs:
  2. Der Microcode ist im bzroot drin eingebettet, das ist aber wirklich immer der neueste, ich glaub Conraid hinkt dort auch ein wenig hinterher. Wärst du gewillt auf 6.11.0-rc4 zu installieren und mir dann die Diagnostics zu schicken, du kannst von rc4 auch wieder auf deine aktuelle version zurück. BTW, ich betreib RC4 schon seit längerem auf meinem Haupt Server und hab keine Probleme nur so nebenbei.
  3. Wärst du nicht lieber an einer Lösung deines eigentlichen Problems interessiert, wie gesagt ab 6.10+ greift das nicht mehr... Ich bin schwerst darum bemüht solche Probleme zu lösen aber ich überseh auch viele Threads hier mt solchen Sachen die du verlinkt hast.
  4. You simply pass through the Device (not Path) /dev/dri to the container and you are done, it's easy as that (and of course enable HW transcoding in the application which you are using).
  5. Genau und du hast auch noch zusätzlich power weil neuer...
  6. Maybe you can let it as it is that it takes a backup every hour and keep them for about 48 hours and every 24 hours or so you back up the latest backup to another folder on your server, this would be the easiest solution. This script should do the job just fine, let it run once daily and it will only save the last backup that it finds in the Backups folder from Valheim: #!/bin/bash VALHEIM_BKP_PATH="/mnt/cache/appdata/valheim/Backups" BKP_PATH="/mnt/user/Backup/ValheimBackups" cp ${VALHEIM_BKP_PATH}/$(ls -1 ${VALHEIM_BKP_PATH}/ | sort -V | tail -1) ${BKP_PATH} You only have to customize the VALHEIM_BKP_PATH (this is the folder where the Backups from the container are located which are created by the container automatically) and the BKP_PATH (this is the folder which it copies the Backups to). Hope that helps.
  7. I think I don't understand... You want to use the iGPU for transcoding but want to use the Nvidia Driver for that? If you wan't to use the iGPU for transcoding that will of course work but you don't need the Nvidia Driver for that, instead I would recommend that you install the Intel GPU TOP plugin and pass through the device /dev/dri to the container (this is how it's done on Intel platforms). However I would recommend that you create a dedicated post for that in the corresponding support thread for that if you need help on how to do that.
  8. May I ask first what you want to do with card? If you want to use this card in Docker container this isn't possible. You need to be at least on driver v418.81.07 and the card needs to be at least Kepler based to use it in Docker containers(see documentation here). If you don't want to use the card in Docker containers and only want to install the driver so that you save some power, that is not possible with this plugin and even if would be possible it wouldn't save much power for such old cards because they where simply not that efficient in idle like more recent cards. I would rather recommend that you get something recent like a NVIDIA T400 because this card has a maximum TDP of 35W (draws in Idle about 2-5 Watt), you can get it brand new for about $ 120,- and doesn't need external power and is more than capable of transcoding h264 and h265.
  9. This is theoretically possible. That is not entirely true, the old backups get deleted after a specified amount of found backups. See this example in the default template: It backs up every 62 minutes and keeps the last 24 backups, however you can set the "Backups to keep" to 720 for example than you have a backup from the last 30 days, of course if the server is running all the time (keep in mind if you keep that much backups and do the math, for 720 backups with about 5MB you will be using around 3.6GB of space only for backups). Just to give you a little background information, I won't change the way how backups are done since I've introduced this feature when the "World Destroy Bug" was around where it was often happening that the world was wiped after restarting the server, this was a general issue from Valheim. I even thought about removing this feature... However you can put a simple User Script together based on a cron schedule that pulls the latest found backup to another directory if you want too. Hope that helps and explains how to use it or better speaking how it works.
  10. Wenn es wirklich nur ein "Kino" server ist und du nicht viel drauf laufen hast dann nim doch das hier: Klick (aufpassen, ist DDR4 nicht DDR3)
  11. That is possible as long as you are using Docker containers, this won‘t crash Unraid.
  12. Have you maybe upgraded the BIOS at one point? Please make sure that you have the following BIOS options enabled: Above 4G decoding Resizable BAR Support This issue is usually caused by something miss configured in the BIOS or a hardware incompatibility issue. Have you yet tried to re seat the card or put it in another PCIe slot?
  13. Please post your Diagnostics.
  14. Then I will integrate only this option for now...
  15. Should I change my build script to compile the AMD package with these two options?
  16. Just to let you guys know, you can now fully run Distributions which are using systemd (Ubuntu, Debian Bookworm+,...) on Unraid since v6.11.0-rc4: cgroup v2: Distributions which use systemd (Ubuntu, Debian Bookworm+,...) will not work unless you upgrade to Unraid v6.11.0-rc4+ and append this to your syslinux.conf: unraidcgroup2 (Unraid supports cgroup2 since version v6.11.0-rc4 and you have to upgrade if you want to use this feature) Please be aware that of time of writing this is still an experimental feature but I run this without any issues on my main server now for about 2 months, with this you will be now also be able to run Docker with all features in for example Debian based LXC containers. Simply append this:
  17. Nur die, die im template angeführt sind.
  18. Only i-Series and Xeon series are supported like mentioned on the plugin page.
  19. Darf ich fragen was du damit machst, das ist ja nicht gerade wenig…
  20. Do you maybe have another PCIe slot so that you can swap slots for testing purposes? Does the TPU work again if you pull out the new GPU?
  21. Sure thing, compiled and attached it here. @Pillendreher wie ich aus deinem Screenshot oben sehe bist du auf Unraid 6.11.0-rc4 richtig? Wenn ja bitte ersetz die Dateien auf deinem USB Stick mit denen die ich hier Angehängt habe. Die Dateien befinden sich in /boot/config/plugins/corefreq/packages/5.19.3/ Nachdem du sie ersetzt hast starte bitte deinen Server einmal neu. (lass dich bitte nicht von der Version täuschen, ist die aktuelle develop version) corefreq_AMD-1.91.7-x86_64-1.txz.md5 corefreq_AMD-1.91.7-x86_64-1.txz
  22. I see that the driver is loaded here: 04:00.0 System peripheral [0880]: Global Unichip Corp. Coral Edge TPU [1ac1:089a] Subsystem: Global Unichip Corp. Coral Edge TPU [1ac1:089a] Kernel modules: apex What is the output from: ls /dev/apex_0
  23. Hmmm, seems it went something wrong with the build itself which is a little bit odd because it can't switch to 1.91.7 when building: error: pathspec '1.91.7' did not match any file(s) known to git Anyways I've rebuilt the packages again for Unraid 6.11.0-rc4 (and made sure that it switched successful to 1.91.7 this time) and it should now work. @chchiyan please remove the plugin once more and re-download it from the CA App. Triggered the build for Unraid stable 6.10.3 just now, will take a bit.
  24. From what I see it has pulled the latest version, on what Unraid version are you. It is now built for 6.10.3 and also for 6.11.0-rc4 and should have all changes that @CyrIng implemented.
  25. Das ist kein selbst erstelltest Template, das sieht aus wie das von linuxserver.io Unraid gleicht bei jedem container update das template mit dem online verfügbaren ab, das führt immer wieder zu Problemen und wurde nun abgeschaltet, diente nur dazu das template up-to-date zu halten. Man kann das manuell abschalten für alle Unraid versionen vor 6.10.x wenn man <TemplateURL> im Template zu dem ändert: <TemplateURL>False</TemplateURL> ändert und nein, löschen genügt nicht. @sakistech könntest du mir trotzdem bitte die Frage im anderen Thread beantworten? Mir wäre es recht dein Problem wird gefixt.
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