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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Please post the full Diagnostics or send them over via PM if you feel more comfortable doing it that way. How does you template for OpenRGB look like, maybe take a screenshot and post it here too.
  2. I would recommend that you just rename the world that you transfer over to "Dedicated" or at least to the same name which world gets created. I've never got an issue by renaming the "World Name" to a world that I want to import so that it get picked up by the container. How do you copy it over? I would recommend that you use SMB and not Krusader or any other container that copies things over as root. Are you trying to copy over a world from a Windows machine? Try to load the world on your local computer, change something in the world and then exit the game and then try to copy it over. Usually the dedicated server only overwrites the world when something is wrong with the permissions or the save itself.
  3. This seems to me that something is triggered at 10AM on your server which actually causes the stuck thread, but I really can't tell what that is. I've run the server for about two weeks without any issue whatsoever. Is it possible that the Mover causes this? I hope your appdata share is set to Prefer or Only in terms of Use Cache.
  4. If you change the files in the directory that the documentaion says, then each time the game gets an update via Steam it would ultimately wipe your settings because they would be overwritten by the default ones. I would always recommend to read the description and also the variable text, if something is made different than usual I write it in there. I've decided to create a dedicated directory where the saves and your settings are located because as said above if I would have let them where the usually stored they would get overwritten on a game update, at least your settings.
  5. I would recommend that you upgrade to Unraid 6.10.2 Seems like that your container images got corrupt for whatever reason…? Maybe try to check if your Docker image is corrupt or something like that.
  6. This is really strange... Can you try to delete the container (only the container - not the directory in your appdata directory) and try to pull a fresh copy from the CA App. If you do it this way, everything should stay intact and you mails and everything should be right in place. On what Unraid version are you? Maybe try to restart your server once more if this fixes the issue. I run the container since I've created it without any issue.
  7. I've setup a UserScript with a daily restart from the OpenVPN-Client container that is executed at night and all relying contianers like: #!/bin/bash docker restart OpenVPN-Client sleep 10 docker restart FIRSTCONTAINERNAME sleep 5 docker restart SECONDCONTAINERNAME
  8. Good news for you, a user on GitHub issued a PR to support BepInEx, with a little refinement I now merged it and it is now possible to enable BepInEx like for Valheim or 7DtD. Simply create a variable in the container template like: and it is enabled, of course make sure that you update the container itself to make this work.
  9. Did someone from you even read the description from the container? Please keep in mind, you have to set the name from the server in the Docker template because is it overrides the config file.
  10. These are just messages from WINE and you can ignore them. Since there is no native Linux client I have to run it through WINE and WINE usually spits out a lot of these messages, these are not really errors.
  11. Yes, I think so... Also the tmodloader branch is still in place, but I've decided to deprecate it now because this is the third time the developers changed something and the container ultimately breaks.
  12. I will look into that when I got a bit more spare time… Usually it should work as adviced in the patch notes. Btw does this also mean you have to pass this argument over to the client and not only to the server?
  13. So you are don't using this on Unraid or am I wrong or are you on the client on Ubuntu? You have to use the hosts IP address. So it works if you play for about 3-10 minutes? Then I think something is wrong with Steam or the game itself? May I ask, is there a special use case for this to play on LAN?
  14. Why not try it for testing purpouses to add a DNS to the extra parameters or download and install the packages manually in the container. Otherwise I would recommend that you search for another container, maybe @binhex has a vaible container for you. He made a lot of very usefull and good containers…
  15. Why not install them? apt-get update apt-get install WHATEVERYOUNEED
  16. Then simply don‘t use a domain name in the configuration file and use the IP instead…
  17. Try to use —dns= in Extra Parameters
  18. I would recommend that you set up to container from scratch, usually you don't have to use any variables whatsoever. However I would strongly recommend to not use ROUTE and instead create the ports that you want to access from your LAN through the container in the template from OpenVPN-Client. EDIT: Also if you don't want to use the Firewall then please delete the entry FIREWALL from your template.
  19. I can look later if I find the server if you give me the name and also if I can connect via Direct connect if you give me the IP or domainname (maybe send me the IP or domainname via PM).
  20. Oh I saw that they introduced a new variable here: ListOnMasterServer | boolean | true | Set to true to list on server list, else set to false So to speak, set "ListOnMasterServer" to "true" in your "ServerHostSettings.json" (I hope you've read the description from my container where the right file is located in the container ).
  21. I really can't tell what you have to do on your router, here is a article that describes what hair pin NAT is: Click Does other people outside your network see the server? How do you direct connect, through your Unraid IP or through your external IP? Do you run other services that are reachable from outside?
  22. What issues do you mean exactly? From what I see your container works a little different than my one. EDIT: I've now gone a little bit through your Docker container... What happens when the server crashes in your container, from what I see the container will not stop even if the server crashed or am I wrong? Are you running the server as root? If yes why? Is .net and aspnet from Microsoft needed for V-Rising anyways, I have no issues running it without it and only through WINE Do you stop the server properly or does is it killed after 10 seconds (default timeout on Unraid) The TZ variable is also available in my container but you have to create it because it should automatically use your local time zone and I don't like to set it to a fixed value Maybe GitHub is a better place to talk about this because it can get very technical and this is the support thread for my game servers, feel free to open up a GitHub issue or contact me via PM or add me on Discord if you want too. EDIT2: Created an Issue on your GitHub repo here.
  23. Please try to add this variable to the container template:
  24. No and for the time I won't add it until they release the Linux version from the Dedicated server because this will over complicate things. BTW isn't this a mod that you can run on the Client only or is it necessary for this mod to be installed on the server? ...also isn't this mod technically cheating?
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