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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Du kannst auch nach weiß nicht, einem halben Tag mal deine Diagnostics hier posten und die beteiligten hier erwähnen (ich bekomme nämlich sonst keine Benachrichtigung da ich nicht aktiv jeden Thread verfolge weil das zu viel wäre...).
  2. Ich würd es eher so machen: grep PSTATE /usr/src/linux-*/.config Wenn du dort CONFIG_X86_AMD_PSTATE=m findest ist die option aktiviert und in Unraid enthalten. Wurde aber glaub ich erst mit 5.17 bzw. 5.17.3 gemerged wenn ich mich nicht irre.
  3. Kannst du mir technisch erklären warum? Es liegen bei USB2.0 und USB3.0 5V an und die Verlustleistung sollte immer die gleiche sein, zumindest im Idle also würde das im Fall von Unraid nicht viel unterschied machen oder seh ich das hier falsch (bei Unraid wird eigentlich nicht viel geschrieben gelesen)? Ich hab nur so einen Mini USB3.0 Stick der wird egal wenn ich ihn an USB2.0 oder an USB3.0 anschließe "heiß", natürlich wird der "heißer" beim lesen/schreiben (speziell beim Schreiben). Ich weiß eigentlich nur das man einen USB3.0 Stick an den USB2.0 Port anschließen soll wenn man Boot Probleme hat.
  4. Sorry… aber das ist deine Lösung? 🙈 Wenn dann eine neue Version von Unraid erscheint bleibst du auf 6.10.2? Ich glaub nicht das dein Problem einfach so verschwindet. Upgrade doch bitte nochmal, außerdem wäre da eine viel einfachere Lösung für dich in Frage gekommen. Wenn du das Problem nochmal haben solltest auf 6.10.3, poste einfach hier.
  5. Have you installed the Intel GPU Top plugin and blacklisted your iGPU in the first place? You also have to pass through the device /dev/dri to the container. Are you talking about transcoding 4k (h265) to 4k (h264), if yes, then I have to say that h264 isn't really designed to transcode to 4k Also don't forget that your CPU does transcoding from audio, so it may be possible that this is the case in your instance, also subtitles sometimes make a huge difference in terms of transcoding. The next thing to also consider is that throttling is broken in Jellyfin from what I know and it makes no difference if you enable or disable it, it will always transcode at full blast. Maybe try to transcode your 4k footage to something lower like 1080p to start and see how the utilization is then. Have you only tried one file so far or did you try different files? What about 1080p (h264) footage, is it there the same?
  6. Üblicherweise ziemlich schnell, üblicherweise 1 bis 2 Werktage, je nachdem ob Sonn-/Feier-/Wochentag, vergiss auch nicht die meisten vom Team sind in Kalifornien zu Hause (Zeitverschiebung). Wenn du wirklich ein Problem hast einfach den Support anschreiben. Nein. Kaufen schon, jedoch dann wieder nicht aktivieren. Sieh dir auch mal diesen Thread an, ich hab dort sogar ein paar für Amazon.de verlinken lassen bzw. auch den Transcend USB2.0 Stick, hatte ich noch kein Problem damit:
  7. On the first two pages some users reported that deleting and reinstalling the container solved the issue. Have you also added your Plex token to the container? From my perspective it can only be a Plex issue and this question would be better suited in the Support Thread from the Docker container itself. You can also try Jellyfin if you want to since it's free and you can try if transcoding is working there...
  8. Because the container and host port has to be the same, otherwise it won‘t work properly. EDIT: Some query ports send the game port in the first response back to the client and if you just simply changed it in the template from 7777 to 7778 and not in the config then it won‘t work because the client then tries to connect to 7777 instead of 7778 because you only changed the port and not the entire port mapping and the containers port.
  9. This is a question for the Prometheus or better speaking Grafana Support Thread.
  10. This is simply because a game server isn't something like a web server or a noVNC. You can't just simply change the port mappings like you do for example for a WebGUI or for SWAG. You have to first change the ports in the game config or via the command line, for example you can add something like this to the GAME_PARAMS variable in the Docker template: ?Port=7799?QueryPort=27020 and then delete the old port mappings for the Game and Query port in the template and create new ones with the host and container ports to the corresponding ports for like in this case Game Port 7799 UDP and Query Port 27020 UDP. This is somewhat similar to the Recommende Post on top of this thread to host multiple Valheim servers, but only somewhat similar.
  11. Okay, so this would be then not be the to go solution for this... Should be no issue at all because on the host and on plugin installation everything is executed as root. I use DVB-C here. Oh wow, if that would be possible I can actually test if everything is working and don't have to do that with another user here which can be sometimes a little time consuming and also frustrating... Maybe hook me up with a short PM (auch in Deutsch möglich). I can of course look into creating a plugin for Unraid and maintaining it too. I will go through the script in the next few days and look what it actually does.
  12. This is the support thread for GVT-g which has nothing to do with SR-IOV. Please create a new post in the VM Support forums.
  13. Das ist mir schon klar nur nicht jeder Scaling Treiber unterstützt jeden Governor.
  14. Aber habt ihr da schedutil, das sollte der AMD scaling Treiber sein.
  15. Well, had to bump the version to the latest available driver because for the SOON™ Unraid release v470.94 won't compile because it only supports up to Kernel version 5.17 I know that this causes a lot of pain sometimes and I've already thought about creating a option for the now "Legacy" driver version but I really don't want to because if Nvidia decides to drop support now for the Legacy driver for whatever reason this option is deprecated and the plugin needs to be changed again...
  16. Was gibt denn: cat /sys/devices/system/cpu//cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_available_governors aus?
  17. Does it work now? Since you've posted in another thread that it is working again. Have you waited until the Everything done message appeared after you've upgraded?
  18. This will ultimately start nvidia-persistenced, wait and then end nvidia-persistenced You have to try this, the card should be go back to P8 again after a transcode is finished. I would first of all recommend that you use the command: watch nvidia-smi this will keep nvidia-smi on top and update it every 2 seconds, you can stop it by pressing CTRL + C I really can't tell what's going on on your system but this is completely out of my control since this is caused by nvidia-smi and how it outputs everything.
  19. So no modules for a specific Kernel version are needed? I haven't looked into your build script yet, can you explain what it does or better speaking what it installs? From what I read it is also possible to install the driver in a Docker image is that also true? The reason why I'm asking is because Unraid is loaded from the image files that are located on the USB Boot device into RAM and changes to rootfs will not be persistent when rebooting that's why users have to install plugins which are basically installing drivers/extensions/additional features to Unraid on boot. I can also create a plugin for Unraid for Sundtek drivers but I have to look into this a bit more... As said above, I think here on the forums this is the second time that someone asked for these drivers.
  20. Ich hab leider kein AMD system und kann euch hier nicht wirklich weiterhelfen. Habt ihr den amd-pstate Treiber nicht?
  21. Can you point me to those threads? I mostly only use Emby/Jellyfin and never got such an issue... On what clients have you tried it so far? Tried it now and let a file play in the background and got no issues at all, about 1:15 playtime so far (with HW transcoding).
  22. Is it possible that your drive where the transcodes or better speaking the cache is is running full?
  23. Because then I can tell for sure if the drivers are in tree or not and I can take a deeper look into everything. just want to help. Are those tuners USB tuners? Can you point me to those threads please? This is the first or second time that I hear about those…
  24. @CyrIng can you help here please...
  25. Can you try to check if the file has any contents or even exists with: /root/.config/CoreFreq/corefreq.cfg and also please check if this file exists: /boot/config/plugins/corefreq/corefreq.cfg Have you enabled the CoreFreq service and also the Autostart here: What kind of settings do you want to save exactly? Can you please also share some screenshots?
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