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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Please change the command like @sonic6 mentioned, then it should work just fine.
  2. What do you mean with the "newer" Vendor Reset plugin? The plugin should work fine with rc7 too. Can you post your Diagnostics please? Just a little side information, it is most likely that Vendor Reset is not actively developed anymore and will be not work on Kernel versions higher than 5.16
  3. Systemd isn't installed in the container because well it's a Docker container (however it would be maybe possible form what I know but I'm sure that you will run into other limitations from Docker itself). I would recommend that you install FHEM in a VM. I actually don't know but maybe there is already a Docker container for FHEM out there?
  4. I think there is something else wrong in this case and the data isn‘t stored where it should be because when you overwrite the save file it has to use your save file. I‘ve also seen a few servers out there which are definitely my container because I named them the same. The server has a default password which is Docker and is by default always enabled, a Server discription and also a custom server name. Can you look into your config.ini which values are set for these three entries?
  5. The answer to this is simply no, you are overcomplicating this a bit too much and this is really nothing that should be done, I will explain it at the end. You don‘t have to create a new variable nor a PR, think simple… If this is the way to go then simply put your Steam Guard code in the password field at the end separated with a space, that‘s there is to it. The reasen why this isn‘t present in the templates and in my Containers in general is that because you can lock out yourself from your Steam account for example on a server restart. Take it that way, you reboot your server and have autostart from the container enabled. After the server started the container will of course try to connect to Steam with the old SteamGuard code that you‘ve entered and it ultimately fails and will maybe loop because it can‘t pull the updated because -restart=unless-stopped is enabled too in the template and it will try over and over again and this means that Steam will lock your IP after 5 or 10 failed login attempts I think for an hour from logging in to your Steam account and this will upset many, many users and this is something I really don‘t want to integrate. Basically the same is if you enter the Steam Guard code to slow in your template and/or the container starts to slowly it will be the same and if you don‘t have the log open because you are thinking all is good, well… Best practice would be to create a dedicated Steam account for your dedicated Servers (that‘s also how Steam recommends it) with Steam Guard disabled and with the games in the library who needs the game in the library (that‘s only a hand full ArmA3, AssettoCorsa and a few others from my containers). This is also a reson why I don‘t want to actively support steam Guard with my containers because there are only a few out there which need the game in the library. maybe try to ask the Developers from AssettoCorsa why you need to have the game in the Library and if they can remove that requirement… What I can recommend is that you go to mmoga.com and buy AssettoCorsa there for a dedicated Steam Account, it is only a few € there and I have never had an issue with this site.
  6. From what I remember this is only for Unraid 6.9.2. It would be no issue to compile but I actually heard never back from @HarryMuscle if a plugin should be created or not, I think something is wrong with the fan and this driver IIRC. Don‘t do this, this won‘t work. EDIT: I have sent you a message with instructions and how to install the package.
  7. Have you stopped the server before editing the file or did you let it run, edited the file and then simply restarted it? If you did the last thing, please stop the server in the first place, edit the file and then start it again. I hope you can see it in the screenshot, made a special server for you...
  8. No, prefer is also fine. Sure, I will test this, give me a few minutes... Doing some tests currently at Don'tStarveTogether.
  9. Thank you for the report. This is also solvable with a Variable, but what should it default to? Should it run by default 32bit or 64bit? I think 64bit should be the way to go... EDIT: I've now tried it and I can't walk over the sea... I also tried this and I have no issue whatsoever (the screenshot was taken after a server restart): Also I'm running the 64bit client version. EDIT2: I have now updated the container with a Variable that will default to 64bit mode in the first place (even if the users don't have the value in the template) without any change needed by the user itself (also updated the template so that the user can switch it back to 32bit mode if needed): As soon as the contianer is updated the container will run in 64bit mode without any user interaction where they can switch back to 32bit mode with this variable, this should not break anything from my testing (wether you play with a 64bit client and 32bit server or 32bit client and 64bit server).
  10. Is this share set to Use Cache Only or Prefer?
  11. Please first try if this was just a false positive and let the server run for a few days, maybe also try to power off the server, pull the power cord from the wall, press a few times the on/off and reset button (to completely empty the caps) and then turn it on again. Fell free to get back to me if the server crashes again and we can diagnose furter... I really hope this was just a false positive and that your server runns without a hitch now.
  12. Do you run the syslogserver on your machine? Where you transcoding something with your iGPU bevore it crashed? Only a fix for Ice Lake CPUs was added but nothing that should affect your Skylake CPU.
  13. I know this is a bit odd and I think you only get these messages when you‘ve enabled Email notifications. A workaround would be to use Pushover or Discord but I will look into this. @Squid is it possible that the ouptut from wget get‘s sent out to the user like in this case per Mail like the „at now“ messages?
  14. You should get about three messages (but not only from this plugin, depends on how many plugins you have installed that requires Kernel modules): To wait until everything is downloaded That the driver for the plugin is downloaded That it is now safe to reboot This message I can maybe hide or suppress so that you don't receive a mail. I won't remove this feature because this is very helpful for people who doesn't have a active internet connection on boot because they run PfSense or some kind of firewall virtualized on Unraid or have some kind of AdBlocking DNS server also provided to Unraid so the driver won't download on boot. However about what I can think of is to turn the Plugin Update Helper completely but keep in mind then the boot process will take much longer because the plugin(s) is/are downloaded on boot and I've already had some people pulling their USB Boot device because they thought something funky was going on because the Drive was blinking... The next thing is that disabling the messages is also pretty bad because how will you know when the plugin is downloaded or how will you know when it has even started? Imagine this, somebody clicks updated, and reboots instantly and the Plugin Update Helper is working in background, this could ultimately lead to further issues that the plugin will recognize that there is already a download for the new Kernel there but it is cut of because the reboot was initiated to early... Hope that makes sense to you. What are your opinions on that?
  15. This is usually not caused by adding this to the GAME_ID Can you provide some logs?
  16. Es kommt aber einen genaune Zeitpunkt kann ich dir auch nicht nennen, sollte aber bald sein. Soweit ich weiß wird es keine Auswirkung auf die Lizenz selbst haben.
  17. I will look into this, but I will create my own container since I run my containers differently then this one. This will take a week or two since I'm currently really busy.
  18. It seems then something else is wrong on your setup, I've now tried it again on my test system with a clean install from AdGuard, Prometheus, Grafana and the plugin and it works without a issue.
  19. But AdGuard is working I think? You can also try to open up a Unraid console and enter: docker exec -ti CONTAINERNAME /bin/bash (replace CONTAINERNAME with your container name <- case sensitive and maybe change /bin/bash to /bin/sh depending on the shell that is running in the container) This is basically the same as when you open up a Console window from the container.
  20. It is maybe possible but if you can‘t test it in another machine it can get a bit difficult diagnosing this. Do you have a second PCIe slot in your server? Maybe try to change the slot if possible.
  21. Can you try to open up a console from the AdGuard container and see if you can actually ping Unraid?
  22. Do you run the container in custom br0 network?
  23. Do you have any special characters in your password? Currently they aren‘t supported.
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