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Everything posted by ich777

  1. This indicates that your Plex container has an issue and not the driver itself. Multiple people reported similar issues and after a reinstall from the container everything started to working. What container are you using? Have you set a proper transcoding directory in the Plex settings? Can you post your Diagnostics? What is the output from nvidia-smi?
  2. @JavyLiu and @lyqalex can you help me here a little bit, my translator did not do a great job I think because I don't understand the question.
  3. I'm not to sure of that's even possible... I only know that you can download specific depots from Steam but the container was never designed to do that. For what do you need this or better speaking what did you set on the clients to download a specifice version from the game?
  4. Will look into this, give me a few days please.
  5. Tried it again without a password and I can't connect to rcon without the password.
  6. Works just fine here: (RCON:IO this also works in your local network without forwarding the ports because your browser actually connects to your server and not the website itself through a websocket so you can for example connect with yourunRAIDIP:28016). Please ignore the message in the logs, seems like not every message actually means that what it is. As you also can see in the log the rcon.password is not printed out instead it is replaced by asterisks a few lines above where it shows you the start command. Also, the first server start can take very, very long, depending on your server hardware, in my case it almost took 3 minutes to fully start up, when you see this messages in the log the server is fully started: SteamServer Initialized Server startup complete SteamServer Connected
  7. I will look into this but to be honest every tutorial tells you to do it like that. I will report back when I know more... How do you try to connect to rcon anyways?
  8. Add something like this to the Game Parameters: +rcon.port 28016 +rcon.password YOURPASSWORD +rcon.web 1 This should get you covered, also note that the RCON port is TCP not UDP.
  9. I think you are doing isolation wrong... Isolating cores is usually done for VMs because you are isolating them from the Host (unRAID) for exclusive use in VMs. I think that is the main cause of your issue that only one core is used, please don't isolate CPU cores for Docker, just assign them for the containers but don't do isolation. AFAIK if you are isolating cores and assigning it to a Docker container it will always run on the first assigned core and not on all cores that you've assigned. If you have isolated cores and assigned multiple cores to a Docker container the task assignment to CPU cores will not work properly because the cores are basically isolated from the Host (unRAID). I would strongly recommend that you don't assign cores to Docker containers but if you really need to then simply assign them and not isolate them or better speaking don't use isolated cores for Docker containers. EDIT: See here:
  10. Sure thing, the container runs just fine on my server. Have you changed anything to the template? May I ask if you have entered your Steam credentials? If so, please remove them and start over again, delete the container, delete the "theforest" folder in your appdata directory and pull a fresh copy from the CA App. It looks like it doesn't downloaded the game files because it can't find the executable. Here is the log from a full startup from my server: theforest.log
  11. But you can use this plugin too if you want to use the iGPU in a container and also with GVT-g.
  12. What path is set in the Transcoding section from Jellyfin, sadly enough the screenshot doesn't show it. Can you try a file that is not HDR? This means usually that the CPU or iGPU is not supported. So is it then working I think? Please try to install Radeon-TOP from the CA App and remove the file that you've made with: rm /boot/config/modprobe.d/amdgpu.conf and then reboot, Radeon-TOP will handle the activation from your iGPU and you also can install the GPU-Statistics plugin to see the utilization from your iGPU (first configure it in the settings).
  13. What have you done exactly, is the iGPU enabled on the host and have you passed through the device /dev/dri? What have you set on the Transcoding section on the Jellyfin admin page? Can you do a "ls -la /dev/dri" on the host console and post the output here? Look in your unRAID Dashboard and see if you got high CPU usage.
  14. Shouldn't it be: +rcon.password YOURPASSWORD Have you added it to Game Parameters in the template? Have you also set the rcon port and added a port forwarding for that in the template? EDIT: Saw that the description from the container was wrong, fixed it.
  15. That shouldn't matter because the GPU is also a Intel UHD630 but clocked 100Mhz lower than mine (i5-10600). Do the drivers install? Maybe start over with a fresh VM and follow the tutorial step by step and see if you can get it working. EDIT: You can remove the VNC entirely in the XML view.
  16. This is the wrong support thread... I would recommend that you don't limit the cores or better speaking assigning individual CPU Cores for Valheim if you got performance issues. I never had an issue with that because I don't limit the cores or assigning them to individual containers because that caused trouble for me in the past, have you also isolated cores that are possibly assigned to the container? How many players are on your server and when did you see those spikes? On what hardware are you running Valheim in general?
  17. This should be fine too, but I hope you mean that you don't deleted everything in this directories...
  18. As long as you don't want to transocde HEVC (h265) you should be good to go with this CPU (Haswell) using QuickSync/VAAPI, here is the matrix for Intel CPUs: Click
  19. What mode are you using and what have you done so far? Is a display connected to the iGPU? Does it work with RDP? @alturismo do you maybe have a guess why it's not possible to change the resolution?
  20. Because these are two different worlds in terms of the Kernel and how the drivers work. Think about it this way, the Kernel module i915 is in terms of size about 1MB and the drivers for Windows are about 200MB if I'm not mistaken. Ja kann ich aber im Englischen Forum beschränke ich mich auf Englisch, ansonsten gibt es noch das Deutsche Unterforum für alle Fragen auf Deutsch.
  21. The documentation says: So this means you can take Ubuntu or any distribution that you like and install it manually, but there is nothing mentioned about the desktop environment, so it should be fine if you install a desktop environment or have already a VM with one installed. Keep in mind this paragraph also means that you have to build a Kernel in and for the VM that reflects the unRAID Kernel that is currently installed. After you did that you have to create a special X11 file so that it actually uses GVT-g. To get GVT-g going on Linux seems not like a easy task in any way to me, maybe that's the reason because I've never tried it... Also keep in mind if you upgrade unRAID, you also have to recompile the Kernel again in your VM so that it matches ther Kernel from the new unRAID version.
  22. Do you mean a GT420? Anyways, NVENC (that is actually used for transcoding) was introduced with Kepler (Geforce 600 series). So you are out of luck with getting this card to work with Plex for transcoding. I would recommend that you look out for a NVIDIA T400, you can get them brand new for about $ 120 - 140,- This card is the successor to the Quadro P400. This card has also the benefit that it can consume maximum 30W and does not need extra power. What CPU do you have in your system, if you have a 7th Gen Intel CPU or newer you can also use VAAPI that is also comparable with a GTX1060 depending of what type of media that you want to transcode.
  23. You activate the iGPU in three different ways like it is set up currently. You only need the Intel-GPU-TOP, Intel-GVT-g or the modprobe, of course you can install Intel-GPU-TOP and Intel-GVT-g because the are designed to work hand in hand or on it's own. Yes, because GVT-g is now active, please double check that you've setup RDP or any other remote server first so that you can connect through it and not through VNC. If you haven't configured everything by now just stop the VM and remove the GVT-g vGPU and start the VM back again, configure everything, stop the VM again, assign a new GVT-g vGPU and start the VM again.
  24. Please remove this from your go file: modprobe i915 chmod -R 777 /dev/dri and reboot. I don't think this will help but at least you can try. I'm also not to sure if your CPU is supported, have to do a little more research on a i3-10105
  25. ARM images are now fixed, sorry for the inconvenience...
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