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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Das kann aber noch dauern... Ich empfehle es nicht da es unter Umständen zu konflikten kommen kann wenn du es für mehrere VMs verwendest bzw. auch wenn du Dual Boot hast (so wie manche hier das sie direkt auf dem PC auf dem unRAID läuft auch Windows booten können). Du könntest so zB wenn deine Installation mit BitLocker verschlüsselt ist den Zugang zu deiner VM verlieren (wenn du mit BitLocker verschlüsselst bitte immer den Sicherungsschlüssel nicht in der VM aufbewahren!). Ja genau, ist ein vTPM und wird emuliert und es wird auch für jede VM ein eigenes TPM erstellt um Konflikte zu vermeiden. Mit einem manuellen Eintrag in deiner XML aber das würde auch unter 6.9.2 nicht funktionieren da dort die entsprechenden Kernel Module fehlen, würde nur unter 6.10.0-rc2 funktionieren. Es gab bereits einige Fragen im Englischen Forum diesbezüglich und es wird auch in der Doku davon abgeraten ein TPM für mehrere Maschinen/Betriebssysteme zu verwenden, egal ob VM oder Host.
  2. Du kannst dir Gefahrlos die 6.10.0-rc2 installieren, eine Beta oder Release Candidate ist bei unRAID nicht wie bei jeder anderen Software eine Beta oder Release Candidate (zumindest aus meiner Sicht), die wird wirklich auf Herz und Nieren intern geprüft, natürlich kann immer mal was nicht funktionieren aber das ist eher selten der Fall und du kannst immer zurück mit dem Downgrade button. Das hat aber nichts mit einer VM zu tuhen, das gilt für den Host. Ich würde auch davon abraten dir das Host TPM in die VM durchzureichen da es zu Problemen führen kann unter Umständen.
  3. The plugin was uninstalled from what I see and then you tried it to install it again and also you've hit the Download button from the plugin page a few times from what I see in your log. But the Diagnostics are from before it shows up in the plugin and the plugin is successfully installed or am I wrong, the Diagnostics show that the plugin isn't installed but your card shows up in your System Devices just fine: 02:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: NVIDIA Corporation GM206GL [Quadro M2000] [10de:1430] (rev a1) Subsystem: Hewlett-Packard Company GM206GL [Quadro M2000] [103c:1190] 02:00.1 Audio device [0403]: NVIDIA Corporation GM206 High Definition Audio Controller [10de:0fba] (rev a1) Subsystem: Hewlett-Packard Company Device [103c:1190] I think you are talking about showing up on the VM template page or am I wrong? If you only want to use this card in a VM then follow the instructions from @alturismo and you should be good to go, also see this note about the plugin on the first page: But you want to use the plugin in a container too I think, at least the Diagnostics show this but also keep in mind that I don't recommend using it this way because you can have other issues like the one you described here to.
  4. Yes, I also think so. Have you tried to reboot the whole server yet?
  5. Does it also try to connect to port 22 instead of port 2211 like in the screenshot above? Just FYI you can also do: su $USER in all of my container to become the main user under which the applications runns. Can you try to switch it to something completely different, I just finished a Backup on port 8022. You could also try to install a SSH container on your Synology and try to connect to this container and see if that is working, if yes you could mount a directory on your Synology to the SSH container and sync it that way <- this is just a really wild workaround but it should work well...
  6. I don't think that this update has anything to do with that since nothing changed that would prevent this. Is this the plugin from @Iker maybe he can help with that.
  7. But why, if you put a authorized_key file in the .ssh directory from a user with a key in it it logs on as that user usually. Have you restarted the SSH daemon on the destination after putting the key on it? If you are connecting as root to the destination make sure you have also enabled logon with root and certificates, depending on the distribution you are using that's maybe not enabled by default. Yes, you should but why would you do that? The container creates a individual key file for you, I really don't get why you do that manually when there is are already key files in place, if you don't trust me and you think that I've made the key file everywhere the same look at the source code, the container generates theses files on the first start or if they aren't found. From what I see from the screenshot you are using a non standard port but the container tries to connect to port 22 even if you have set it to 2211. On my system a non default port (8022) works just fine. Are you sure that you have saved the sync before you clicked Run? Maybe try to restart the container once more, something seems wrong with the port on your system.
  8. Can't do anything about that... Maybe take a look at CloudComander if that suits your needs better.
  9. Uninstall the plugin, remove "vfio-pci.ids=10de:2484,10de:228b" from your syslinux.config, go to Tools -> System devices, check the boxes at your Nvidia card (don't forget to also check the box for the Audio device from the card and click on Bind to VFIO and reboot after that. If you can't bind it to VFIO reboot and try to do the steps from above. That is more a VM related question...
  10. Do this from a unRAID terminal: rm -R /boot/config/plugins/nvidia-driver /boot/config/plugins/nvidia-driver.plg What happens when you press "Download" on the plugin page or do you have no plugin page at all in the settings or can't click the icon? Please share your Diagnostics.
  11. Currently the container does it this way, if the server finds a log file in .../log/latest.log then that file will be forwarded to the container log, since some mod servers doesn't create that file If the container doesn't find the file .../log/latest.log then it will forward the contents of masterLog.0
  12. Please go to the Docker page, turn on "Advanced View" on the top right corner and click on at Krusader (please don't forget to turn off "Advanced View" after you've did this because Advanced View actually produces a little load on your server). You can double click now images to show them and if they are to big for the screen you can drag them around, you have now a right click menu and you can simply close them with "ESC". Hope that helps.
  13. This game is a complete mess, not only requires it you to download at least one mod, you have to manually import the mod to the game and afterwards you have to manually create a event and then you are actually able to play on the dedicated server. The next thing is that this game is meant to run on Windows and not on Linux and it is a bit slow when creating a server on Linux through WINE. I don't think that I will continue to create a server for this game.
  14. Do you run the container as root (it's a setting in the template)? The directory is not listed because files/folders who are starting with a dot are hidden in Linux and this directory needs to be hidden. If you want to see all files/directories you have to do 'ls -la /luckybackup' or 'ls -la /root'. If I understand that right you copy from luckyBackup (source) to another server (destination), in this case I would recommend that you simply do it like in the attached screenshot and inject the '/luckybackup/.ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key.pub' from the container to the destination server in the 'authorized_keys' file and restart the sshd service on the destination server afterwards (the restart is not really necessary but only to be sure). Please keep in mind depending if you are running the container as root or not the path from above and in the screenshot is different, if you run it as non-root then it is like in the example '/luckybackup/...' and if you are running it as root it is '/root/...' You don't have to create certificates this does the container for you. I don't understand that completely... what config file and why?
  15. To be honest I've never tried it with such big FileIO images, always with something around 50GB. Since iSCSI, should at least, create real image files and reserve the space that is not used. Maybe it's dependent on the file system, do you have your images on a BTRFS or XFS filesystem, but I think it's XFS when you are talking about 'disk3'.
  16. This should not happen, on what disks (format) do you have the images? I think most people use Block devices because it's way more performant (with way less overhead then the FileIO) and is easier to set up. Even if you take a disk from your Windows PC (NTFS formatted and of course not the system disk), put it in your server and add it as a Target in the iSCSI plugin, you can connect it to the same PC over iSCSI without any modifications and it will work as if it's in the PC (depending on your network speed).
  17. Updated the plugin to v2.1.0 so that it now a scrub from every ZFS Pool is executed after a unclean shutdown of the system and you will be notified when the check for each individual pool finished and if the pool is healthy or degraded, you will be also notified if you have setup individual scrubs from your pools. If you want to disable this feature execute this from the command line: sed -i '/unclean_shutdown_scrub=/c\unclean_shutdown_scrub=false' "/boot/config/plugins/unRAID6-ZFS/settings.cfg" and if you want to enable it if you have already disabled it: sed -i '/unclean_shutdown_scrub=/c\unclean_shutdown_scrub=true' "/boot/config/plugins/unRAID6-ZFS/settings.cfg" This feature is turned on by default. The notifications will look something like this: Please ignore if you get a message after updating the plugin that the scrub is finished for your pools.
  18. Already looked at it but they don't tell much... Can't remember but have we talked about tubesync or MeTube in the past? These should be similar applications that have actually a real WebGUI.
  19. You can use it in combination with Authelia, SWAG and Redis and simply Reverse Proxy the WebGUI if you really want to so that you have Authelia (with DUO 2FA) in front of the unRAID WebGUI.
  20. Sure, send them over please. A container can also crash the host if something goes terribly wrong... The best example is check_mk2.0 Have to look into this... EDIT: I also have to say that the Buster container is now outdated and the Bullseye container should be used, you can simply switch the repository in the template and everything should work right OOB.
  21. No don't delete them, the certificates needs to be created in the default directory because they need to persist container updates and to encrypt traffic.
  22. I think there is some misunderstanding how this is working. STUN/TURN uses it's own protocols and if you proxy it through http/https you introduce maybe other issues because the STUN/TURN is a proprietary protocol and is different from http/https and uses it's own encryption, that's why the container is also creating certificates that are then used to encrypt the traffic. It uses it's own encryption and you don't have to proxy it. I think you are using your STUN/TURN server for Nextcloud Talk or am I wrong? If you are using it, you have to enter the Shared Secret and that is what is used to encrypt the traffic. Hope that makes sense to you.
  23. What do you mean with that? The plugin isn't needed for VMs... (please see the first post in this thread) Are you able to connect to Github from anywhere in you local network? Does your server have a active internet connection? Do you have any AdBlocking software installed somewhere in your network, if yes try to disbale it at least 10 minutes before you try to download the plugin. Have you tried to reboot after it failed to install or tried to reboot after uninstalling it?
  24. Do you only tested the Plex web client or any native client too, completely forgot that sometimes the web client doesn't initialize the HW transcoding properly.
  25. Then it has something to do with the container itself, do you have a PlexPass, make sure that it is valid because for transcoding you need it. Also make sure to enable HW transcoding in the settings from Plex, like described in the second post of this thread. If other containers work then the plugin/driver isn't the cause of this issue. As said above that shouldn't be necessary. Can you try to create a second Plex container, with a different name and paths and try to import a few media files and see if transcoding is working? Maybe the log output from the transcoder will help, have you already made a post on the Linuxserver Plex support thread here on the unRAID Forums? EDIT: Forgot to say that everything looks alright from the logs.
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