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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Sure thing: But please don't run it as deamon in luckyBackup...
  2. Why did you not change the version in the plg file on you Github, create a new package so that everyone gets the update automatically?
  3. No, first of all this is a container for Windows, I also think this is not the official one that is the same like for AssettoCorsa and also I need the Github Repository, keep in mind that I've found a few out there but none is the same as it exists for AssettoCorsa.
  4. Why? On unRAID it would be better that you post the Diagnostics. You can delete the plugin, reboot, install it again, reboot and see if it is working. The driver is installed on every reboot, yes. There is nothin gpeft on the system. Would be also interesting if the containers that actually use the Nvidia driver are starting up after you've uninstalled the plugin and rebooted. Have you tried Unmanic from @Josh.5 yet? I think it's more related to the containers...
  5. You also have to websocket, you can find a example for nginx here: Click Please also make sure that you've have at least httpwd or something in front of it because only the VNC password is from my perspective not enough in terms of securing it. The above linked example has also a basic-auth file in it that you have to configure first in your reverse proxy application (SWAG, Nginx Proxy Manager,...).
  6. And you are using "i915-GVTg_V5_4" for this VM? I really can't tell why it won't work on your machine...
  7. You should be able to create a variable in the template with the key: "RSYNC_PASSWORD" and as value enter your password or you create a rsync password file and take this as the authentication method. No, that's not possible in luckyBackup.
  8. Sadly enough not, the available resolutions show up just fine on my machine without doing anything other than in the tutorial.
  9. I can't find a source to the AssettoCorsaCompetizione Server Manager, I think this fully closed source and I can't add this to the container...
  10. I will look into this, but it will the be the same as for AssettoCorsa and I will only be able to add the non premium features if it works in the same way like for Assetto Corsa, give me a few days and I will report back.
  11. No, I won't build it with premium features because the developers of the Assetto Corsa Server Manager made it clear to me that they don't want anyone external to create a container that has the premium features built in and they will come after me if I do it. So no thank you, I don't need that... I don't understand... Can you give me a link to what you mean exactly?
  12. The default password is "Docker" (without quotes). You have to enable ValheimPlus in the template, start the container once with a password and wait for it to start up completely after that stop the container. Go to your Valheim directory, edit the file ".../BepInEx/config/valheim_plus.cfg", search for the string "disableServerPassword", set it to "true" (without quotes) and save the file. After you did that go to the Valheim template, turn on Advanced View on the top right corner and click on Edit at the Password (don't delete it), at the drop down for Required set it so "No", delete the Value, and click Save and Apply: Please note that only players with ValheimPlus can connect if you've enabled ValheimPlus from what I know, maybe this can be also disabled in the config but this is a thing that you have to research on your own.
  13. Have you yet tried it with a password instead, if the Synology is on your local network? I'm not too familiar with Synology...
  14. For Valheim that's not possible only with a mod server from what I know. Yes, Valheim by default needs a password that is at least 6 characters (without special characters). Do you have a log from this? This is very unlikely to happen.
  15. This is something that @Iker can answer.
  16. I think Parity for Steam Games that's a little overkill...
  17. This is really strange, since already said above, nothing was changed that would prevent this, the Kernel module and the applications completely the same, there where only a few lines added and ZED runs now in background but that should not harm the functionality from @Iker's plugin.
  18. Go to Apps -> Settings (on the bottom left) -> Set "Allow install of second instance" to "Yes" -> Click "Apply"
  19. Mine either. Interesting... Many greetings from Austria and have fun.
  20. Maybe that's related to Docker Compose but only a guess.. Yep, or the real disk path if you have it on the Array. ?
  21. Nice. You can edit files from both /mnt/user/... and /mnt/cache/... only some games need the real path and it's okay if you access it through SMB that actually uses /mnt/user/... I can't imagine why this should give you issues. Yes, if it's set to prefer, but then the game servers will not work properly anymore because you've now force the container to write to the Cache. But please don't set your Cache to Yes because then nothing will work properly anymore
  22. Yep, some games like GarrysMod and TeamFortress2 need the real path and not the FUSE path.
  23. Where is your game located? If it's located in your appdata directory? If yes make sure that your appdata directory is set to Use Cache "Only" or "Prefer". So without Pterodactyl it works fine? Do you have the files on the array? Then make sure that your share where the gamefiles are in are not spread across multiple disks by setting the share to only use for example disk1 or whatever disk you want and in the template change the path to the according disk like: '/mnt/disk1/...'
  24. I'm really not familiar with Pterodactyl. Please read on on the following pages of the thread from the post that you've linked, the user reported that it works without Pterodactyl and after he tries to install it fresh it doesn't work but after again starting over it started to work again. Keep also in mind that this is a game that needs the real path (/mnt/cache/...) to the files and not the FUSE path (/mnt/user/...). Read the next few posts: Are you using my container or from someone else?
  25. If there are issues with DSM and rsync I would recommend to stick with the SMB solution that you have now, maybe Synology will update their SSH stack and it will work somewhere in the future...
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