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Everything posted by ich777

  1. I now got a Plex Pass and tried it with the linuxserver.io version and it works flawlessly. Just be sure that you got on the Setting -> Transcoder -> tick the boxes where it says 'Use hardware acceleration when available' and 'Use hardware-accelerated video encoding' If you don't have that two boxes Hardware Transcoding cannot work. I tried it with a 4K 2160p HEVC HDR h265 file and also a 1080p h264 file.
  2. Team? Why would you do this? I already released a plugin so that you don't have to create images with this container (simply follow the steps and it should all work, released also TBS-OS drivers a few days back). For the TBS-OS drivers I have to redo the container a little bit, but this have to wait since you now can install mostly all of the 'addons' through plugins in the CA App (iSCSI, DVB Drivers, Nvidia, MellanoxFirmwareTools).
  3. Eventually @Cyd can help with this, I'm not really into Ark and never intended the container to be used like this... What do you mean that they are Unavailable? I just can download them fine, remove the 'Unavailable' from the end of the filename and they will be fine.
  4. Like in your screenshot above from the 'server-settings.json' if you set 'public' to 'true' (like in the screenshot) you have to fill in your Factorio accounts username and password so that the server can connect to their servers and validate you purchased a copy of factorio (you have to first setup a factorio account and link your steam account to that so that the server can validate that. If you only want to play on LAN, then set 'public' to 'false' and you can connect to it just fine from your local network. You could also tweak some other settings like 'require_user_verification' just read the description of every variable.
  5. Not the host path is important, the container path has to be exactly the same in every container. Or have you setup the container path also the same? I would recommend that you setup the container path's something like /mnt/downloads (where you point it to the right path on the host) and also something like /mnt/tv
  6. I think if you point the data path to the linuxserver directory (of course stop the linuxserver container first) eventually everything will be there. Don't do it that way!!!! This could mess up all and I mean really all! Go to the CA app and install the binhex-plexpass container and point the data path to the linuxserver data path in the appdata folder and also your other paths on the host
  7. @thor2002ro Don't know if you haven't see my thread, but if you write a script for my Unraid-Kernel-Helper you can easily integrate all your things that you want and create custom images with all the tools installed without the need to edit the 'go' file. You can even integrate new or older drivers, ZFS, iSCSI, a different Kernel,...
  8. May I ask why? So you are mounted this with a SMB share am I right? Have you set it to Read/write slave in the template? So the path on the Ubuntu machine is also /mnt/downloads?
  9. Can you please try the plexinc or the binhex/plexpass container instead of the linuxserver container and then report back?
  10. Thaha, ja das is hier die frage, das kommt immer auf die eigene preferänz drauf an und wie kritisch die daten am array sind. Also in unraid kannst du bis zu maximal 28 datenplatten und 2 parityplatten verwenden ich würd mal sagen ab 12 oder so würde es für mich kritisch werden. EDIT: das gute an unraid is ja das wenn dir 2 gleichzeitig aus dem array wegsterben und du hast nur eine parity dann kannst den content von den restlichen "nicht defekten" platten auf einem beliebigen linux rechner wieder runterziehen oder du machst ein neues array ohne die 2 defekten datenplatten (dann fehlt dir nur der inhalt der beiden platten aber deine shares usw sollten alle da sein).
  11. I have to investigate why the linuxserver verison isn't working (btw you are talking about Plex or am I wrong). To do this I have to buy a Plexpass since I'm not very into Plex or how this even works but I will look into this tomorrow evening, not using Plex personally. EDIT: For now use the plexinc container or binhex/plexpass container, they both should work fine and I will report back if I have a solution on hand.
  12. Then the developers made a change to this, i will need to look into this. When I initally created the container it was only possible to make a dedicated server to take the executable that is located in the directory of the game itself.
  13. You have to manually put the file everytime a update happens in the gameserver directory I think, I personally don't own the game so I can't test any other possibility. The only thing that I can imagine is that you create a dedicated account with AC:Competizione in it and then the container can download it every time it is started/restarted but for that I have to customize the containainer, the downside to this is also that the whole windows game is downloaded and updated on your server since the developers include the server executable with the game and not seperately as far as I know.
  14. Die 2 parity platte schützt dich vor ausfällen von 2 Festplatten auf einmal. Sprich wenn du eine 2. parity platte werden aus 2x 3TB nicht 6TB. Eine 2. parity platte ist nur sinnvoll wenn du mehrere festplatten im array hast.
  15. Yep I've also read that, but this post is now pretty old and WINE can be a mess... Sorry to not have better news. If they release some time a linux dedicated server feel free to contact me again.
  16. I think this is doable but be aware that someone posted already an Github issue that this doesn't work on Kernel 5.8> with an 5700XT... Unraid 5.9.0beta35 is already on Kernel version 5.8.18 and will be upgraded to 5.9.x EDIT: Forget to include the link to the Github issue.
  17. I will have to take a look at this, but I have many projects at the time and have to fix/change some things in certain containers. EDIT: Is it enough to integrate it into the 6.9.0 branch?
  18. For the utilisazion in Containers it's too old because the driver won't support it. No this should be fine since you can install a older driver inside the VM so that your card will work.
  19. You can look here for the current compiled for Unraid: Click (just click on Supported Products on this page), from what I've saw it's supported down to the GTX 6xx series. Is it not possible to buy a GTX1050Ti or something similar, the are really cheap on the used market... For Plex you need a Plexpass to enable HW transcoding. Something like Jellyfin (a fork from Emby) would work without the need to pay for anything.
  20. Are you also sure that you have forwarded the right ports with the right protocol? I have to look into this but if it is reachable from the LAN and you forwarded all ports correctly in your router it should be also reachable from WAN.
  21. Thank you for that! So you are now on the TBS-OpenSource drivers and everything is working now?
  22. Yep it saves the location to another location but that location is linked to your USB flash boot device and should persist a reboot.
  23. Nice, thank you for the feedback, I've integrated the Drivers for TBS a few days ago and need somebody to test this. Are you using the TBS-OpenSource drivers and rebooted after ypu clicked on update? Can you eventually hook me up with a short PM so we can solve this (please open up a terminal and send me the output from 'lspci -v' and 'dmesg' in the PM to not spawn this thread)? I will report back tomorrow, it's getting pretty late here...
  24. Also ich hab mir damals die Lizenz mit 12 Festplatten geholt aber kurz danach upgegraded da es dann doch manchmal erforderlich ist mit mehr als 12 Platten zu booten, kann dir aber Unraid nur empfehlen, das läuft und läuft und läuft,... Bin seitdem ich dabei bin wirklich extrem zufrieden und hab bis jetzt keine bessere Alterntive gefunden.
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