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Everything posted by ich777

  1. A dockerfile is to create a docker container itself and upload it to dockerhub, dockercompose was left out by default to not complicate things to much for the end user I think. You can use CA if someone created a Container for it you can download it through CA. I can build such a container if you want to but I'm really busy at the time and it have to wait a while...
  2. Ich kenn mich da nicht so aus da ich nicht auf "externe nicht mir bekannte server" synce. Schau mal hier bezüglich Duplicati EDIT: Backends Aber die Google Drive und One Drive kannst doch als WebDAV einbinden oder lieg ich da falsch?
  3. Du willst das Unraid GUI von außen erreichbar machen oder Nextcloud? (prinzipiell ist es keine gute Idee die Unraid GUI von außern erreichbar zu machen ohne reverse proxy bzw starkem Passwort) Wenn du nur Nextcloud von außen erreichbar machen willst dann nicht und macht auch so wenig sinn da du die Ports für Unraid im LAN verstellst. Die einfachere Lösung: Leg in deiner Fritzbox eine Portweiterleitung von extern port 8080 und 8443 auf die IP/Ports deines Nextcloud Containers an (würd dir aber auch empfehlen das du die Ports deines Containers auf etwas anderes änderst also nicht 80 und nicht 443). Dann kannst du zum Beispiel deine Nextcloud über www.deinedomain.net:8080/nextcloud oder www.deinedomain.net:8443/nextcloud erreichen (/nextcloud ist nur nötig wenn du das im LAN auch eingeben musst). Der etwas schwere Weg: Die vernünftigste Lösung wäre aber du installierst dir SWAG und machst dann über SWAG ein Reverse Proxy von und zum Nextcloud Container. Der Vorteil an dieser Lösung ist das du nur die Ports für SWAG in deiner Fritzbox weiterleiten musst für http und https und du dann direkt in SWAG konfigurierst was du wo haben willst (du kannst dann auch noch andere container über das Reverse Proxy verfügbar machen). Dann kannst zB deinen Container über nextcloud.deinedomain.net oder www.deinedomain.net/nextcloud erreichen.
  4. Oh, you want to give other users access to the server, think I got that wrong...
  5. Hope this helps (I think 2 posts below this post is the answer how to mount sub folders): EDIT: But keep in mind that if you switch the database on a running container with already photos imported all current changes will be gone.
  6. Ja so sollte das funktionieren, hab zwar noch nie in die richtung daran gedacht weil ich mich mit reverse proxy auf den container selbst Verbinde und ich das wsl ein wenig anders verwende (Benutze den im Browser on the go als vollwertiges Betriebssystem). Wenn du VPN suchst kannst auch den 'openvpn as' (OpenVPN Access Server) von @linuxserver.io verwenden, bedenke aber wenn dein Server down ist oder das Array gestoppt ist das du dich nicht verbinden kannst, gibt auch ein Plugin in der CA App für Unraid selbst aber mit dem hab ich mich nie auseinandergesetzt, hat den Vorteil das du dich auch be gestopptem Array verbinden kannst, jedoch nicht wenn der Server down ist. @mgutt & @saber1 sollte duplicati das nicht auch können, zumindest in die Cloud syncen? Die meisten Cloud Anbieter unterstützen auch webdav, ftp,... auf das duplicati setzt.
  7. No problem, the container fixes all permissions on every restart. This is a real tricky question, you can setup Wireguard in Unraid and connect to it via SSH and then manage it (there are many other ways to connect to your server from 'outside'). I don't know much about managing it, I think the Ark Server Manager is only for Windows and will not work with Linux. Eventually @Cyd can help, he is here the Ark expert.
  8. Thank you for sharing this I will link this post shortly to the Troubleshooting section.
  9. No, java isn't implemented in the Bedrock container since it don't needs Java, but I maybe could update it. Is this the 'how-to' install nukkit? Yep, this is one of the best plugins so far that I've discovered...
  10. Restart the server and it should be editable if not you can use the App 'CA Config Editor' from the CA App to edit it.
  11. The answer is rather simple, I noticed that you are using 'mlxconfig' instead use 'mstconfig' (if you type in 'mst' and then tab two times it shows which files are installed) I think the mlxconfig is part of the closed source package and the mstconfig is part of the open source package.
  12. I also got a Bedrock Server running, it's way more optimized than java edition. In the first post or in the CA App at my Containers there is a button, any donation is appreciated.
  13. Yes exactly. I would do it that way. Upgrade to beta35, download the Nvidia drivers from the CA App, replace the two files on the USB Boot Device and reboot again. Am I correct that you passthrough the AMD graphics card to a VM?
  14. This is not the actually new vendor_reset patch (since it's not working properly for all cards). This is pretty simple I send you a download link to the zip archive and you replace the two files on your USB Boot Device, I only made this if someone really needs it... EDIT: Of course you have to upgrade first to beta35 and then replace the files. Yes that's true but the new vendor-reset patch doesn't work on Kernel v5.8+ and Navi10 cards Github Issue Click I've already made a build with this new patch and it works for the video reset on a 5700XT but not for the audio of the card, so after the first reset you don't get the audio to work again. EDIT: I also had to edit the "old" patch a little bit to work with Kernel 5.8.18 but it works.
  15. If someone is interested I got a Unraid 6.9.0 beta35 build with a working reset patch integrated for Navi10 only (Radeon Pro 5700XT, Radeon RX5700XT, Radeon Pro W5700X, Radeon Pro W5700, RX5700, Radeon Pro RX5700, RX5600XT, RX5600). The build includes this patch from here: Click (slightly modyfied to work with Kernel 5.8.18)
  16. That's not the same thread. You have to create it manually.
  17. Thanks for the detailed answer. Also a plugin you can try is Dynmap if you haven't have it already. Really nice little google maps style map of your worlds accessable from your browser. If you figure this out for bedrock feel free to contact me, haven't got the time to look into this if there are plugins or things like that are available...
  18. Have you read the support thread (second post): Have you also created the variable driver capabilities?
  19. Sorry for the late answer but I got no notification that you've posted in this thread. Glad to hear that everything works now. May I ask which plugin that you use, only to share it with others?
  20. Yes it is included. But keep in mind since beta35 there ara plugins available and this tool isn't needed anymore. You have to upgrade first to beta35 amd then you will see the plugins in the CA App
  21. No, just reinstall teh Plex container with all the necessary variables and parameters, you find them in the Nvidia-Driver support thread. You have to enable Advanced View at the top roght corner on the template page. EDIT: have you also rebooted your server after the first installation of the Nvidia-Driver or restarted the Docker service?
  22. No this is a feature that they have planed for the feature, one thing to consider is that if you have a large photo library that you use a Mysql database instead of the builtin... But if you only want to try it you can of course use the built in one...
  23. Can you provide a little bit more information please? A log would be nice or something like that, what kind of password did you put in any special characters? A screenshot of the template would be also nice, to give you proper support.
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