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Everything posted by ich777

  1. I'm not too familar with Plex but I've heard when you got no EPG data for the channels you are not able to see the channels in Plex even if they are there, eventually you have to assign them EPG data? Keep in mind if you tried also Tvheadend and you got it running in Plex too and Plex is using the tuner Tvheadend is not able to utilize the tuner anyways... What packages/modules do you need? If you are on RC1 all packages that you can build with the Unraid-Kernel-Helper that are builtin should be now availble in the CA App. I have to look into this, can you give me a little bit more information what is failing and evenutally enable the log bevore building and post it here?
  2. This is because the driver (455.35) for beta35 simply doesn't support beta35, you have to upgrade to RC1 to get the latest driver that also has support for th RTX3090.
  3. Have you upgraded from 6.8.3 to the RC1 or did you upgrade it from beta35? If you upgraded from beta35 may I ask if you got pfSense (or any other kind of firewall) virtualized in Unraid so that it prevents Unraid from connecting to the internet at boot? If you came from 6.8.3 please follow this guide:
  4. Yes, that's only the Kernel modules, the plugin is needed to install the application itself so that you can use iSCSI itself. I will update the plugins next week if everything went smoothly. But could take also a little bit longer since my dev server is defect and I wait for parts to replace them...
  5. This is a little weired on some cards, on my GTX1050Ti it reports P0 (highest power state) but it actually is not in that state if it's doing nothing, if you search for something like 'nvidia-smi GTX1050Ti power state' on google you find much threads that it's false or even not reported. From my research it's a simple bug in nvidia-smi and I think nvidia has no interest in fixing that because the card is now also pretty old... Yes, that's something that is on my list but I have to look into this since I'm not a specialist in webcoding.
  6. Can you tell me which plugins that you have installed?
  7. Have you set all variables and the beta build variable right? If not this would fail. Please read the first post again there is a almost full tutorial on how to do that with the builtin script. Open up a unraid terminal, connect to the console of the container with: 'docker exec -ti Unraid-Kernel-Helper /bin/bash' and the type in: 'cd $DATA_DIR' then 'chmod +x NAMEOFTHESCRIPT' and then: './NAMEOFTHESCRIPT' You should have at least basic bash knowledge for this to do, eventually @juchong can help also.
  8. Nice didn't know that 3rd party scripts for my contianer exist. Just drop it in the Unraid-Kernel-Helper directory, make it executable and run it, also add the variables that are in the github repo. What does not work or where are you stuck? For which version of Unraid do do you want to build a custom image?
  9. Yep that's true but keep in mind that you can use the card also for other things like folding@home that doesn't rely on hw transcoding or even in my Debian-Buster-Nvidia container for gaming. Never thought of that but this can actually work because you can launch the utility from a terminal from within the desktop environment. Think from the other side, you have also the 'go' script where you can do/run basically everything as lomg as it lives on the usb boot drive. You can of course so that also in the debian-buster-nvidia container if you set it to autostart. Can you give me the exact error message? Without the error message I can't tell what's probably wrong? Are you on Unraid 6.9.0 RC1 or on beta 35?
  10. Can you look at the CPU usage? If it's very low while transcoding it's definetely working Eventually that's also a thing that's Nvidia-SMI is not showing in your case... Don't forget the 'ti' Here I can get them for about Eur. 80,- I would recommend to get a second GPU for this. You can click the little '+' icon and add the GPU otherwise please ask in the VM subforums, but this has nothing to do with the plugin itself. Also be sure to not use it at the same time in the Container and start a VM as I said above.
  11. Yes, try to restart the Plex container and try it again, eventually something is preventing that it showes up there, how much CPU usage do you have when you transcode a 1080p to for exampel 720p? Also I would recommend trying a 1080p movie. Yes, eventually try to get a GTX1050Ti on the used market, really cheap and verry good for transcoding. This is not 100% true, please read the first post again, you can install this plugin and also use Nvidia cards in VM's. What you should not do is use one card for Container and also for the VM, if you want to do something like that then you need a Nvidia card for your Containers and one card for your VM. If one card is transcoding in a Container and you start up a VM that uses the same card would lead most likely to a hard lockup from the server. Like you've said, this utility is for desktop use only and a GUI application, meaning that you need to run a Desktop environment to bring it up (I think there are command line switches but I never investigated further). What you can try is that you boot Unraid in GUI mode and then start the utility (please be sure before issuing this command to type in 'export DISPLAY=0' in the console to tell the console to use the display 0 for GUI applications). For this to work you have to attach a monitor to the graphics card/iGPU. What do you want to do with that utility, this is a very very basic utility and I think you can not tweak much in there.
  12. But something is using your card I'm pretty sure otherwise it won't show that it using hw next to the transcoded stream... Yep, there you go: Click (The quickest way to get to your card is that you untick the box 'Show All' and only select 'GK110 - Kepler (2nd Gen)', on the dropdownlist you can select the quality)
  13. You have to do at least on post here and then the limit is gone. You are using a pretty old GPU, even on my card (GTX1050Ti) I can't see how much power it draws because it lists it as N/A, some features are simply NotAvailable for some cards. Your screenshot, which shows the transcoding, tells you that you are encoding with hardware acceleration, have you eventually also a Intel iGPU that is capable of encoding and you also handed it over to Plex? Btw: you are decoding the stream in software but that's because your card isn't capable of decoding HEVC 10.
  14. You don't have to do this in case of that game, if you do this where it isn't necessary the server simply won't start (only enter Steam credentials when the fields are marked as required). Btw isn't Unturned free? No they changed something that prevent's the dedicated server from starting. Please update the container (or delete and redownload it from the CA App) and try it again.
  15. I would recommend deleting the whole container (also deleting the folder from the container in the appdata directory) and start from scratch, you can enter your token right when you are creating the container. Please keep me updated. If you change your mind and I should setup a instance to test for you please also hook me up with a short message
  16. Das sollte auf jeden fall funktionieren nur bedenke das ein USB 2.0 wahrscheinlich besser geeignet ist für diesen Einsatz (entwickelt nicht so viel Wärme).
  17. Yes please remove it from the config file, are you sure that you opened all ports so that is reachable from outside? I tested it yesterday and it worked just fine. If you want to I can set it up again and you can try to connect.
  18. No it doesn't need a dash, just like I've wrote it. Please only insert 'serverSteamAccount YOURTOKEN' to the GAME_PARAMS and not in two different locations. Please send me a screenshot from your template, also please keep in mind that you have to open the ports to make it publicly available so that it works.
  19. Probier es mal mit der manuellen Methode, hab ich hier in dem Post erklärt wie das funktioniert:
  20. @Joedy & @SimonF Where did you do a Pull request? On my Github? I looked now into the Plugin and at a first glance it looks and feels really good, the mappings from the Plugin page to the Tools menu is wrong, I also would recommend that you put the Plugin on the Systeminformation page and not on the Tools page. Also where do I create the first IQN if I don't have a IQN yet created? I only get a grey button when I'm on the Initiators page.
  21. I think it has something to do with the BIOS and that it doesn't allocate the resources right. Please be sure to write down the settings that you have now in the BIOS if you are not too familar with it. Also please look out for the option above 4G decoding.
  22. Für das gibt's genau den GUI mode, nur weil du in einem anderen Thread mal danach gefragt hast. Spaß ohne... Ist auch für mich ein komisches Verhalten, tritt dieses Verhalten bei jedem reboot ein oder nur wenn du die oben aufgeführten Schritte durchführst? Hast du einen Monitor an deinem Server dran da würdest sehen was er für eine IP bezieht bzw. auch woran das Problem liegt... Welche Karte hast du denn genau?
  23. First of all please put the log in something like pastebin or a textfile and post it here, only to not spam this thread. Have you changed any port or another setting within the template or the game settings itself? This is a WINE specific error and should not affect the container itself, I will try to setup the container on my own and report back. Tested it out, you have to create a game specific token and enter it to your GAME_PARAMS, I updated the template with this information, hope it is sufficient enough: WARNING: You have to create a token to play Online or in your LAN, you can obtain your token here: https://steamcommunity.com/dev/managegameservers put it into your GAME_PARAMS like this 'serverSteamAccount YOURTOKEN' (without quotes).
  24. Thank you for the report, can you tell me a little bit more about your system do you use secure boot? Also the log says there could be anything misconfigured in the BIOS that taints the Kernel. I've also looked up your board Gigabyte 7TESM and it's based on the Intel 5520 Chipset, is the BIOS on the latest version? Can you try to enable above 4G decoding? Is this the first time you try to use this combination of hardware/graphics card to use in docker containers?
  25. Das gilt nur für das erste abfragen der Lizenz, dazu gibt es unzälige Beiträge im Forum, glaub mir es telefoniert nur nach Hause um die validität der Lizenz zu überprüfen und eine aktive Internetverbindung ist bei einer gekauften Lizenz nicht erforderlich Die Internetverbindungist nur für die erste Aktivierung erforderlich, bei Testlizenzen verhält sich das anders hierzu brauchst bei jedem start und stopp des Arrays eine Internetverbindung da eine Überprüfung nicht anders möglich wäre. Dient aber allem nur dazu Piraterie vorzubeugen. Sehr gut freut mich. Das wäre mir neu, hast du da eine Quelle dazu? Das wäre aus technischer sicht ja nicht möglich da die Lizenz an die GUID des Sticks gebunden ist. Sehe ich auch so. Wie gesagt wenn du einen Testlizenz hast telefoniert es bei jedem start nach hause, steht aber auch klar auf der Kaufen seite von Unraid das für eine Testlizenz eine aktive Internetverbindung erforderlich ist.
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