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Everything posted by ich777

  1. He also got this problem on a Windows machine where Plex is installed with a GTX1080Ti.
  2. For Nvidia and DVB you can use the Plugins that are available in the CA App (Nvidia-Driver and DVB-Driver). For the IT87 sensors please write me a PM, but I think they sould be integrated in one of the next releases with a newer Kernel version.
  3. No, I mean the Container Path not the Host path, you have to click on "Edit" to see it.
  4. Had to be a little clearer on that part, please compare the folder mappings for the container paths from Radarr and your download client, they should be the same... The container path from Radarr has to be the same as for your download client eg /mnt/downloads
  5. Have you changed any other settings in the template itself? This containers are designed by default to import the files from /mnt/Downloads to /mnt/Movies EDIT: What are you folder mappings in your download client?
  6. Not sure how to progress further with this container, for now it's down due to some really strange requests from the last days (see comments above). Eventually it will come back someday but I'm not sure... Can I help in any way?
  7. Have you clicked Refresh in tge Server Browser after you addet it? From the system usage perspective it looks like everything is running, I will take another look ASAP. Will take a look at it ASAP.
  8. Yes, but I recommend using a GTX 1050Ti, slightly more vram and aslo capable of 3 simulaneous transcodes. Yes.
  9. You have a Quadro 600 and not a P600, this is a major difference... The Quadro 600 is not supported by this driver. Click
  10. These are some typical WINE errors and should not affect the server in any kind of way, can add the server in the Steam Server Browser and see if it's there? How much RAM and CPU does the container consume?
  11. Don't understand that part completely you should put your domain in the variables of the template from CSMM (eg: csmm.yourdomain.net), then you should configure reverse proxy in swag to point to your internal IP:PORT to CSMM and then it should work fine.
  12. Here also @Spectral Force can help. What have you done exactly in swag? Something might be missing in the configuration itself.
  13. If that's the case something is wrong with the port forwarding if you can reach it from your local network but not from 'outside'. You don't have to switch to host mode, I always run the games in bridge mode and it works just fine (sometimes I'm choosing a wrong protocoll and I troubleshoot for hours ). Eventually @Spectral Force can help here. What are we talking about exactly? Have you installed my CSMM for 7DtD or from something else?
  14. Who is we? I don't rewrote the script from them, I have to learn/discover all myself because I mainly needed a way to integrate the Nvidia drivers and also DVB drivers into one image. You can also use the prebuild 6.8.3 from the first post that I made, keep in mind you can only choose between things that are available. That's a thing you have to ask linuxserver.io. They don't have to shutdown their plugin but they did. This is not a Plugin this is a Docker Container where you can compile custom builds for Unraid with whatever you want. Linuxserver never made their sourcecode available to the public, can't help with that, I stand in no relation to them. Sorry don't get me wrong, but why should I rewrite the script for an outdated version of Unraid, I'm currently on Unraid 6.9.0 RC2 and I love it so far, this is not my only Container that I have to maintain here and I'm not interested in making modifications, as I said, for an outdated version (only to let you know this would mean I had to downgrade to 6.8.2 to test everything if it's working correctly and I'm really not interested in that because it's really time consuming and I got a life too ). This is completely out of context, I have to present nothing only because someone pulled his Plugin from the CA App... This is also out of context, if someone leaves and deletes his content I'm not responsible for that. No, I said I won't rewrite the script for 6.8.2 I'm also no fool... Sorry but this is a dead end, I won't rewrite the script.
  15. This is the usecase of most users here. No because I have to rewrite the container or better speaking the script. Yes you have the right to choose, but please don't compare me to anything like Google, Apple or Microsoft... This is a community driven project and stands in no relation to Unraid itself. You can stay on whatever version you want. EDIT: Keep in mind that Unraid implemented the Nvidia driver feature at version 6.9.0beta35+ before that everything was community driven as I said above, I even recommend in the first post to upgrade to 6.9.0beta35+ because it's easier to install.
  16. No. Upgrade your system to something recent and you are good to go.
  17. Yes, here is a link to how you edit the settings or in general changing the settings (not differnt to a default dedicated Server on a root server): Click It says that you should also specify a different container port, please keep in mind that I created the container on request and I actually didn't own the game personally, but it works from outside, it's queryable and you can connect to it but you have to create completely new port entries (please also don't forget to select the right protocoll TCP/UDP) and also change the game config. Especially steam ports don't like it if you set the containerport to 27015 and the hostport to 27016 or something else, I run on my server for example 3 servers (not 7DtD) with the first container owning the port 27015 and the last one 27017 (this has to be done manually). Just asking because anyone here that uses Unraid knows what a template is (in terms of Docker Containers). You can also run my containers on portainer I also run for example a Minecraft server on Portainer on a Odroid N2+ but you have to create everything from scratch...
  18. No, the config files for the game that are in the gameconfig folder in your appdata directory. Click on the Docker Container and edit, that's the template. Delete the existing one for example let's say 'UDP5 - Registering at server list' and create a new port with the containerport 27016 and hostport 27016 udp (instead of 27105). But you are running Unraid or am I wrong? Because you mentioned OMV...
  19. You have to change all ports in your config to not overlap with the first container and then you have to delete all port mappings in the template and redo it with the same container and host ports. Most gameservers doesn't like it when you just change the port in the template itself like container 27015 and host 27016 <- if you do it like this you can query the game but you will get a timeout since the game thinks it's on port 27015 and tries to connect throught that port but can't because it's actually 27016, hope this makes sense to you...
  20. As I said, that's normal because it's designed to work only with 6.8.3 and up. No because this container is also at EoL at least for version 6.8.3 I update it now for version 6.9.0 if someone is in need of a "complete" version with everything builtin.
  21. If you want to buy something used a GTX1050Ti should do the job just fine (but keep in mind that you are limited to 3 parallel transcodes on consumer cards), I also have a 1050Ti and I buyed it for Eur. 80,- A 1060Super or Ti? I think the 1660 has the Pascal NVENC transcoder, correct me if I'm wrong. EDIT: Yes, I was wrong, the 1650 has the Pascal NVENC encoder, the 1660 has the newer Turing NVENC encoder.
  22. Which game are we talking about? Just be sure to change the name of the container itself in the docker template and also the Game Directory, the SteamCMD directory can be used for multiple containers at once.
  23. Why did you want to stay om that version? Prebuilt images with Nvidia in the first post you don't have to build it on your own... Keep in mind that I designed this tool for use with 6.8.3+, never tested it with a version below. Also you say you want to build for 6.8.2 and it builds 6.8.2 whats wrong with that oris it just a typo?
  24. The plugin doesn't support installing the legacy driver. May I ask for what did you install the driver? You can't use this card in docker containers to accelerate transcoding.
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