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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Can you attach a log or anything? It is very difficullty to troubleshoot with nothing. Also please attach a screenshot of the template page and a screenshot from the error (full window screenshot would be best). EDIT: Oh sorry or do you want to connect with a VNC client? EDIT2: If you want to connect over a VNC Desktop client do the following: Go to the Docker page and click on the icon of the container and click on Edit Click on 'Add another Path, Port, Variable, Label or Device' Select 'Port' Enter '5900' at Container Port Enter your preferred port number at Host Port for example '5910' Click on 'Add' Click on 'Apply' Then you should be able to connect to the container over the port number that you've entered in step 5.
  2. Is this the same card that you posted about in the other thread about 1 year ago? Was the transcoding working on Windows with Plex? Can you try to run 'nvidia-smi' and wait for a really long time (about 5 to 10 minutes) and see if it outputs something?
  3. Click You actually can extract the microcode from beta35 and inject it to RC2 or whatever version you want... If it's the microcode.. But if 6.9.0 stable releases this isn't resolved I think...
  4. Was the card working before or is this the first time you want to use it? I also got such a problem with another user a few pages back here in this thread with a GTX960 I think, can you please give post your syslog as an attachment here or the Diagnostics from your server? Also another user has got such a problem with a P2000 turns out that it was defective.
  5. Currently I don't think that the vendor-reset isn't working properly and it will even break compatibility if Unraid with higher Kernel version than 5.11 is released for now and I haven't got time to look into it yet, look also at this issue here for the Vega20 cards. It would be best to open a new issue for your card. The system log should display everything relevant.
  6. Sorry I really want to help but I don't know much about ESXI. Eventually @StevenD can help, isn't there also a subforum here in the forums about virtualizing Unraid?
  7. The acceleration from the iGPU should still work fine (transcoding) or am I wrong, are you having IOMMU enabled? Was the Intel-GPU-Tools container working or haven't you tried it yet? EDIT: What iGPU are you using - processor model? Yes, simply create the volume with the path to the "old" volume and it should just work fine. (For sefety reasons I recommend you to back up the "old" image. iSCSI should create only the mapping inside of targetcli and should not change your existing volume (but as said above create for safety reasons a backup of the "old" 2TB image)
  8. To solve this issue you can setup OpenVPN so that you can connect directly with your home network and also connect to Unraid, there are many options out there, you can do a reverse proxy with a strong password,... I'm really not much into Barotrauma and I will take a look at this ASAP
  9. You don't have to do that because it's integrated, it is designed to be as easy as possible. Is this a Windows VM? I don't have any kind of AMD hardware but I will contact @giganode about that eventually he can help out. Have you already created a IQN? Please post a screenshot of what is sowing up, don't know exactly what you mean.
  10. Einstellungen -> Sicherheit -> Serverseitige Verschlüsselung aktivieren | Zur Dokumentation Sei dahingestellt was performanter ist... hab beides noch nicht ausprobiert aber wahrscheinlich wird es schneller sein wenn die BTRFS encrytpion verwendet wird.
  11. Simply go in the template from PP and go to the bottom where it says 'Add another Path, Port, Variable, Label or Device' and click on it, then select 'Variable' as Key set 'PHOTOPRISM_ORIGINALS_LIMIT', as your Value set your preferred value (you can also set a name but that isn't required) and click on Add. Then click apply and the variable is set.
  12. Looked now into it and can't get the servers to run correctly, think it has something to do because I have to run it through WINE because there is no native Linux Dedicated Server app available.
  13. Can you give me the link to a guide on how to do that, eventually a parameter is wrong so it prevents joining a game if it's currently running or something like that it pauses the game if nobody is on the server. Have you read that you can actually connect to the games console with this in the description of the container itself: Please give me a little bit more information, can you post the log output from RUST is the server even correctly running? I think it can only be a little problem because @wyattbest wrote a few posts above that he has a working RUST server.
  14. Yes, if you move files around you also have to change the permissions or copy it with the files. This is totally doable because the container is running the Windows version since the developers never released a Linux dedicated server version for the game, that's why it's marked as beta because the container runs it with WINE Where did you want to pull up the console ingame or in the container?
  15. @PlanetDyna Also die Docker Lösung wäre meiner Meinung nach die beste Lösung für dich da du dadurch erheblich felxibler bist als in einer VM. Ja, du kannst mit der unRAID 6.9.0rc2 mehrere Cache Pools anlegen, jedoch nur ein einziges Array. Wie @mgutt schon sagte die Verschlüsselung die du jetzt nutzt, nutzt ja im prinzip nur gegen Diebstahl des Systems, da könntest du auch die Verschlüsselung verwenden die in Nextcloud eingebaut ist. Du kannst natürlich auch die Pools, oder nur einen Pool verschlüsseln nur musst du das gleich von Anfang an für den jeweiligen Pool auswählen, ich bin mir jetzt nicht mehr ganz sicher wie das genau funktioniert aber du musst den Pool den du verschlüsseln willst in BTRFS encrypted formatieren. EDIT: Gefunden, also in etwa... Klick
  16. You can just use the default 6.9.0rc2 and download the iSCSI plugin from the CA App since beta35 intruduced a change so that you can install everything now with plugins. This thread or Docker container is for people who want a AiO solution and integrate everything into the bzroot. Yes, before you can compile new images you have to actually delete the "old" output folder from the kernel directory that lives in your appdata folder. EDIT: I would strongly recommend you to use the Stock build of Unraid and install the iSCSI Plugin from the CA App.
  17. What version of the Unraid-Kernel-Helper plugin have you installed? May I ask why you don't use the Plugin that is available in the CA App instead of creating custom images? EDIT: It should look something like this:
  18. Have you clicked on save on the main page? If not the iSCSI changes are not saved and now lost, but the images are still on your machine, you have to recreate the configuration and click on save on the main page... Hope this solves your problem. EDIT: try first to create a IQN and then look at the main screen if something of your settings survived.
  19. Have you installed the GPU Dashboard? Try to uninstall this plugin first. nvidia-smi isn't active if you install the Plugin and shouldn't use any CPU power, something must use it.
  20. Just go to the Plugins in Unraid and then click on the Nvidia-Driver icon. Or do you mean in the Plex dashboard? EDIT: I now got it, you mean the GPUStats plugin, this is also a plugin.
  21. The drivers are compiled and provided by limetech, I simply created a plugin and the instructions page so that the installation is as easy as possible.
  22. I'm really not into 7DtD since I personally don't own the game, eventually @Spectral Force can help or someone else that owns the game and run a server. It should not be any different to a normal Linux dedicated server, don't know if there are differnt mods for different platforms (Windows/Linux) are available or if the path (upper case and lower case) makes any difference.
  23. Try also to do: chown -R 99:100 /mnt/user/appdata/7dtd/Mods
  24. I will look into this ASAP, weekends are usually family time for me...
  25. They introduced a new dependencie, added it now and it should start just fine, please force a update of the container on your Docker page in Unraid.
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