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Everything posted by ich777

  1. I don't know what you mean with this, you have to understand that in this package no ffmpeg is included... First of all what do you want to do with your card in Unraid? This plugin installs the drivers and necessary tools so that you can make use of the Nvidia card inside of Docker containers (multiple containers also possible).
  2. Have you passed through the device in the VM Manager? This could be an issue with the VM, the card itself or with the signal. I try the drivers with DigitalDevices Cards and DVBSky cards and they both work fine. Try to upgrade to 6.9.0 we are now on RC2 and I'm on the betas since day one, also on my productive server and have no problems whatsoever. Then you can try if everything is working properly. I think so because I build it from their source.
  3. Is it possible that you don't change the values in the 'defaults.cfg'? Also I would recommend to create a file /boot/config/plugins/YOURPLUGINNAME/defaults.cfg with the changes that the user makes and save/read it from there since it will survive a reboot if it's in this directory: Example EDIT: The abillity to hide things would be very nice since the Power Draw is broken on most GTX1050Ti cards like on mine and I would like to hide it because it's simply useless.
  4. Exactly. EDIT: do you write the settings in a file? Haven't looked at the code that closely...
  5. This is the official container, I'veonly made a template for it. I will take a look at this later that day. EDIT: Looking at the github issue and your provided answers this seems like a Photoprism issue. Did I understand that correctly that your server is connected over WLAN?
  6. Ganz einfache Lösung, Unraid braucht mindestens eine Datendisk im Array, entweder du nimst eine übrige Festplatte oder du kannst auch einen extra USB Stick dafür nehmen und dem Array zuordnen dann kannst das Array starten und alles sollte normal funktionieren.
  7. This patch isn't finished yet and has problems on Navi cards so that the HDMI audio isn't properly reseted so it won't be integrated for now into Unraid. Yes write me a PM.
  8. That makes sense... I think this is because they are streaming it from a bash output or a bash script, but I could be also wrong...
  9. Tried the plugin, the plugin doesn't save the settings that you choose.
  10. He told me that he will contact you on discord, he has no problems using the container at all... He uses the container from day one I think.
  11. Have you solved the problem with @Spectral Force? I will push an update to the container to revert the changes that I've made, he told me that the container worked fine even without the changes.
  12. No, you can turn off security as much as you want, some devices needs to be authorized at least on Kernel level.
  13. One side question, why are you stopping the container for the backup, this isn't necessary and can be changed in the CA Backup at the bottom when you turn on Advanced view. Can you please link me to the content? This should not be a problem since my container is not updated like theirs... I'm now thinking about depricating the container since it gives me too much trouble. I've wrote @Spectral Force a PM about that and will wait until he responds.
  14. That's up to your preference. The main advantage is that if you run BTRFS in the Cache Pool it is somewhat of a RAID1 with more than one drive (somewhat because you have the ability to mix different drives - type, size, vendor - to on Volume)
  15. Ich würd hier mal vermuten das USB3.0 hier Probleme macht nachdem du hier schreibst das auch der USB Stick nicht mehr erkannt wird bzw. das Keyfile. Probier mal das du den Boot Stick an USB2.0 anschließt (es wird nur beim Start von Unraid selbst - also beim Booten von Unraid, nicht verwechseln mit dem aufwecken von Sleep, vom USB Stick gelesen da das Betriebssystem vom Arbeitsspeicher ausgeführt wird). Hat das board keinen nativen M.2 Anschluss? Du könntest auch mal versuchen eine Konsole von Unraid nach dem aufwecken zu öffnen Symbol: '>_' rechts oben und dann 'ls -la /boot' einzugeben was er dann ausspuckt, wenn er einen Fehler oder nichts ausgibt weißt du das irgendwas mit USB3.0 nicht stimmt (natürlich wenn der Bootstick noch an USB3.0) angeschlossen ist). Das '/boot' Verzeichnis ist in dem Fall der USB Stick selbst und wird von Unraid benötigt da dort eben der Key oder auch gewisse Konfigurationsdateien (Shares, Disks,...) liegen. Pack die Kommandos in das file '/boot/go' dann wird es bei jedem Start von Unraid ausgeführt.
  16. Du hast hier den Nutzer über die MSC erstellt so wie ich das sehe oder liege ich hier falsch? Würde dir empfehlen das du einen Lokalen Benutzer über die "Einstellungen" hinzufügst (Einstellungen -> Familie und andere Benutzer -> Diesem PC eine andere Person hinzufügen -> Ich kenne die Anmeldeinformationen für diese Person nicht -> Benutzer ohne Microsoft-Konto hinzufügen -> DEINUSER & PW) da dies noch immer am Schmerzfreiesten funktioniert und nicht anders macht als wenn du einen Benutzer über MSC bzw. 'lusrmgr.msc' erstellst. Ja genau, wenn 'Kennwort läuft nie ab' nicht ausgewählt ist wirst du by default nach 30 Tagen aufgefordert dein Kennwort bei der Anmelung am Benutzerkonto zu ändern, falls du dich aber nicht anmeldest wird das Kennwort dennoch zurückgesetzt und es kommt zu diesem "Problem".
  17. The main problem with Thunderbolt that it has different security levels and when a device is not autorized then Unraid can't detect it because it's not autorized. Unraid is capable of Thunderbolt and can query the security level, is also capable of autorizing the device and seeing it on the Kernel level since it's implemented but a userspace tool is missing to authorize the device so that you or better speaking Unraid can detect and see it.
  18. I would strongly recommend to license the VM, but keep in mind that you are not allowed to run every edition of Windows10 in a VM (but that's completely up to you). No, please look in the VM subforums or on Youtube, I recommend searching a tutorial from @SpaceInvaderOne on Youtube how to setup a VM (without discrete graphics, he also has a video on how to setup a VM with a discrete graphics card).
  19. Just set up a Windows 10 VM and create the server inside the VM. SteamOS is a desktop replacement and meant only for playing games on your computer and is based on Linux, think of it like a Windows 10 but only for games. If you need to host dedicated servers for games that are only available on Windows I wold recommend, like said above, setting up a Windows 10 VM and install the dedicated server there, if there are Linux versions of the dedicated server available for Linux I would recommend to host it through the containers that are available in the CA App.
  20. Yes this is totally possible. Sadly enough some game developers doesn't create dedicated servers for their games... EDIT: There are many guids how to create a dedicated server for Empyriom out there just search for something like: 'empyrion dedicated windows server'
  21. I now also downloaded and installed the container and it starts just fine and I can query it from the Steam Server Browser, attached the log here: garry.log Can you try the following: Delete the container entirely Open up a command prompt from Unraid itself and type in: 'rm -rf /mnt/user/GModTest/' (without quotes) Also 'rm -rf /mnt/user/Steamcmd/' (without quotes) - I recommend leaving SteamCMD in the appdata directory... Download it again from the CA App What filesystem is your Array formated with? Can you eventually try to setup a Unassigned Devices disk (if you got a Disk somewhere lying around) - the path would then be something like '/mnt/disks/DISKNAME/garrysmod'
  22. So if you set it in the template and change it in the WebGUI the password from the WebGUI is ignored and it changes back to the password from the template page? If so, try to change in the template itself...
  23. Redis starts now with the recommended parameter, hope that fixes the error, please update the container (force-update on the Docker page with advanced view turned on) and report back. No, actually the developers doesn't released a Linux version of the dedicated server yet. I know that it is possible to run it through WINE but that's not my preferred way of doing it since it can add much overhead and also lead to other problems... I recommend to post on the official Empyrion forums if there is any progress... Have you installed a Cache drive in your server? If not can you send me a screenshot of you docker template page? Keep in mind that if you have no cache drive installed that you have to specify the exact path of the gamefiles for example '/mnt/disk2/appdata/garrysmod' and not with the 'user' prefix since this game needs to know the physical location where the files are (also please keep in mind that it has to be on one disk and should not be spreaded over multiple array disks).
  24. Thank you for reporting that. So you have your cache formatted in XFS and not in BTRFS and Plex is on your cache drive?
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