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Everything posted by ich777

  1. That is really weired, does this card's need any boot arguments like the DD Max S8? Can you post the Diganostics from your server? Also please try the LibreELEC drivers just for testing. The next thing you can try is to build custom images with the Unraid-Kernel-Helper...
  2. Are you using 6.8.3 or 6.9.0RC2? I know very littly about ESXi7 so I really can't help here. Eventually this can help: Click Glad to hear that everything is working.
  3. I can't mark it as alpha since PhotoPrism is Alpha, anyways, this isn't my App, this is the official PhotoPrism container, I only made the template and put all the effort in to create the descriptions... I don't get the point why you need a second webinterface for setting up containers, I feel more comfortable making it on my own and learn something how containers work, that's where I startet and later became a Community Developer. Also you will have all container on the Unraid Docker page and also in Portainer another disatvantage is that you have to install Watchtower... But the setup is up to you and not my usecase. For example Portainer is for me a tool that runs on my RaspberryPi's or Odroid N2+ where I run a Minecraft server or IRC server with my docker containers to have a GUI like in Unraid but not with the comfort of that many templates. Not much, eventually create a non root user in the database and a inital database for the container and then connect to it. Are you sure that you know what the docker-compose.yml does?
  4. I tested it only with a TBS-6902 and it works just fine with the TBS-OS drivers. What drivers are you using? Have you rebooted after you installed the plugin? This seems fine to me, have you the folders 'demux0', 'dvr0', 'frontend0',... in the folder /dev/devb/adapter0/? EDIT: Please keep in mind that you also have to reboot if you change the Packages from one to another.
  5. What should happen, this is the official image... Yes this installs the latest version also use the CA Autoupdate to check for updates automatically. EDIT: This is a unraid specific app and you don't need watchtower on Unraid. I don't understand, why did you install portainer photoprism works fine on unraid itself. Would recommend to connect it to a dedicated database like MariaDB.
  6. I don't think that it's fully compatible since it has no HW encoder or has at least not very much capabilities in terms of de-/encoding.
  7. The PotoPrism container is available in the CA App.
  8. What Unraid version are you running? If you are running 6.8.3 you need a custom build from my Unraid-Kernel-Helper thread with Nvidia enabled (prebuilt images are in the first post of this thread on the bottom). If you are running 6.9.0RC2 go to the CA App and search for 'Nvidia-Driver' and follow the instructions. I would recommend to upgrade to 6.9.0RC2 but please keep in mind that you have to upgrade to 6.9.0RC2 reboot the server, after that you are able to find the 'Nvidia-Driver' in the CA App. EDIT: Keep in mind that the container from Tdarr has to support Nvidia HW acceleration, is this a official container from the CA App or a self imported from DockerHub?
  9. I've now looked into this, just go to the CA App and do the following: Type in 'crewlink-server' in the search box Click on 'Click Here To Get More Results From DockerHub' Download the first entry from 'ottomated' Click on 'Add another Path, Port, Variable, Label or Device' Change the config type to 'Port' Enter at containerport and hostport '9736' Click on Apply The server starts and should be reachable on port 9739, since I don't own Amaong us or how to test this I really can't help further (here also is the link to the DockerHub repo)
  10. Bitte ein bisschen Geduld beim starten bei ein paar Containern, zB die SteamCMD Container (GameServer) können beim ersten Start lange brauchen je nach Internetgeschwindgkeit da der Container die ganzen Gamefiles lädt teilweise auch 24GB je nach Spiel. Immer das log im Auge behalten.
  11. Hallo, sorry für die späte Antwort. Die 6.9.0 ist mittlerweile eine RC (ReleaseCandidate) also steht kurz vor der veröffentlichung. Natürlich gehst du beim installieren einer beta oder RC immer ein gewisses Risiko ein aber ich hab die von Anfang an auf meinem Server und hatte bis dato noch kein Problem damit.
  12. Hast du den container evtl mal neu gestartet nachdem er nicht gleich gestartet ist? Meine Container laden immer die App bzw. updaten bei einem Container start/restart, dadurch dauert der start beim ersten mal ein wenig länger. Bei dir hat er wahrscheinlich java nicht richtig installiert. Probier bitte mal den "runtime" ordner aus dem jdownloader2 ordner in deinem appdata verzeichnis zu löschen (vorher container stoppen) danach startest den container wieder und machst das log auf, normalerweise sollte er dann anzeigen das er die runtime nicht gefunden hat und downloadet diese neu und entpackt die. Würde dir aber empfehlen das du alles aus dem jdownloader2 ordner löscht und nochmal von vorne beginnst (wie oben auch container stoppen).
  13. Re released the Unraid-Kernel-Helper and should be available in the CA App within the next few hours. Build is now limited to 6.9.0 beta's and RC's (and also for the stable when it's released somehow). Currently supported drivers/modules: Nvidia, DigitalDevices, LibreElec, TBS OpenSource, iSCSI Target, Intel iGPU, ZFS, Mellanox Firmware Tools, Navi Reset Patch, gnif/vendor-reset, Intel Relax RMRR Patch
  14. Please always attach the full diagnostics, the output of lsmod would be also really helpfull (but without the adapters repluged). The firmware is available after the installation of the plugin and after that the plugin tries to load the modules/firmware for the adapters otherwise no card will ever work. It's more of a USB thing I think. Here you can see that the adapters are initialized successfully (actually this is one of them): Jan 4 12:03:30 Tower kernel: usb 3-9: dvb_usb_v2: found a 'Afatech AF9015 reference design' in warm state Jan 4 12:03:30 Tower kernel: usb 3-9: dvb_usb_v2: will pass the complete MPEG2 transport stream to the software demuxer Jan 4 12:03:30 Tower kernel: dvbdev: DVB: registering new adapter (Afatech AF9015 reference design) Jan 4 12:03:30 Tower kernel: usb 3-9: media controller created Jan 4 12:03:30 Tower kernel: dvbdev: dvb_create_media_entity: media entity 'dvb-demux' registered. Jan 4 12:03:30 Tower kernel: i2c i2c-1: Added multiplexed i2c bus 2 Jan 4 12:03:30 Tower kernel: af9013 1-001c: Afatech AF9013 successfully attached Jan 4 12:03:30 Tower kernel: af9013 1-001c: firmware version: Jan 4 12:03:30 Tower kernel: usb 3-9: DVB: registering adapter 0 frontend 0 (Afatech AF9013)... Jan 4 12:03:30 Tower kernel: dvbdev: dvb_create_media_entity: media entity 'Afatech AF9013' registered. Jan 4 12:03:30 Tower kernel: mxl5007t 2-0060: creating new instance Jan 4 12:03:30 Tower kernel: mxl5007t_get_chip_id: MxL5007T.v4 detected @ 2-0060 Jan 4 12:03:30 Tower kernel: usb 3-9: dvb_usb_v2: will pass the complete MPEG2 transport stream to the software demuxer Jan 4 12:03:30 Tower kernel: dvbdev: DVB: registering new adapter (Afatech AF9015 reference design) Also where did you get the error that dvb_core is not found, I can't find anything related to that in your syslog.
  15. Images now updated, eventually you have to delete the browser cache since I changed the links internally.
  16. Completely correct. No don't think so, this is the basic procedere if you are on 6.8.3 but this is something for the Kernel-Helper thread since this thread is for 6.9.0beta35+ and you can find the Plugin in the CA App. If you are planing on installing my build wait a few more hours I will release a updated version of the 6.8.3 files.
  17. I can look into this but keep in mind that this Github also states this: so I don't think Limetech will integrate this in Unraid. What does this tool exactly (haven't got the time to read everything here). Isn't this changed on the controller itself? On my HP ProLiant Gen6 I had to boot into a "old" live DVD and change the mode of the controller, this change was also persistant after updates.
  18. Can you try to at least connect one client via a LAN cable and thest the download again? I got a similar issue when syncronizing with Nextcloud over WLAN and webdav that the downloads are sometimes slow. The last message mentions that you send them a huge video file and they will test it again. Click I don't think it's related to Unraid since this is the first time I see such an error. Which database are you using is it the builtin one, MariaDB or some other kind of external databse?
  19. Isn't there a live boot disk with all the tools included to change the mode?
  20. Thank you for the heads up, everything is now working.
  21. I will look into this ASAP, have not much spare time at the moment, give me a little bit on this. Is Halo PC or Halo CE what you want?
  22. Are we talking about a Halo dedicated server or dedicated servers in general for games? If you are talking about Halo I don't have a server for this game but I could look into it but I'm not 100% sure if there is a Linux Dedicated Server out for this game. If you are talking about dedicated servers in general go to the CA App and search for my Repository or click on 'Game Servers' on the left side. If you got a request for a dedicated server feel free to ask here and I will look into it.
  23. Correct, I hade to remove it due to some weired posts on page 22, the container will come back but give me some time to redo it. Eventually Github wasn't reachable that's the only thing I can imagine... I'm currently thinking of making a mirror on my personal server and implement something that if Github is not available it tries to download it from my server but I'm not 100% sure. That can be possible since the Nvidia driver is provided by Limetech itself and it's hosted on AWS.
  24. Have you updated to a newer verison of Unraid or something like that? The Nvidia plugin checks actually if it can get the latest version, if not then it checks if the appropriate version is locally available and installs it if both checks fail you get such an error. The other plugins checks basically if a file for the current Kernel version is locally available and if not it tries to download it, if the file is not available locally and no internet connection is available it will also produce such an error.
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