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Everything posted by ich777

  1. This is only the internal IP within the container but you have to connect to your server IP because it's routed to your servers IP if you use bridge mode (use always the IP that i displayed on the right and not on the left). Try to connect to: and it will work just fine...
  2. Yep that's actually the wrong thread but you can click on the container and select WebGUI then you should be able to access it. Also I would recommend to use Plex, Emby or Jellyfin (first two are poid and the last are free versions) for media management and watching.
  3. A VM under a container is not possible, I think if it's based on Unix there is a chance it can run but no guarantee. What is the problem? Can you connect to the servers? Have you ever run a RUST server on a dedicated machine? Appreciated and very glad to hear that everything is working. I will look into it but it can take some time... I will report back.
  4. What that shouldn't happen. But I only can think of a game problem since the container only downloads the game and starts it.
  5. If I recall correctly FreeBSD is a Unix based system and not Linux and if the game is only designed to run on Unix based systems it would not be possible... I can't really find guides on how to setup the server have you a link to a dedicated server guide? It's not different so a Dedicated Server on a Dedicated root server but without the hassle to set all up and download everything this is the job of my Containers. It should be enough to forward the ports with the right protocol in your router/firewall and you should be good to go, but please make sure that your ISP isn't blocking any ports also make sure that you can connect from your LAN to the server first, everything is working and then do any further steps in your router/firewall. Some games also need a Token from Steam itself but that should be in the description of the Container itself and also how you create the Token.
  6. You can use whatever networktype you want in the OpenVPN-Client, I personally use bridge and then in the other container set the network type to None and in the extra parameters be sure to set '--net=container:OpenVPN-Client' (or whatever name the container has) in the other containers. It may be that you have to set a also a DNS server in your OpenVPN-Client container in the extra parameters so that it can resolve the hostname of the server that it has to connect to, you can do this also with an entry in the extra parameters for example: '--dns='. Also don't forget to assign the ports in the template to the OpenVPN-Client container from the other containers that your route through.
  7. Eventually this is the part where it errors out, if you place a new server .jar in the main directory please be sure to remove everything in the minecraftbasicserverfolder except for the new server .jar that you want to install.
  8. Yes, exactly the same jar file v1.16.4 I personally don't use forge anymore since it gaves me a lot of headache in the past. Got a server running for about 4 days then it crashed and I never got it to recover again and so the installation was usesless I then switched over to Spigot and never got a problem since then, I know this is some different kind of server and the mod system is very different but on the upside the clients can connect with the vanilla installation of Minecraft and don't have to have the same mods on their machines as the server does. I recommend to start over again (also delete everything in the minecraftbasicserver folder that is located in your appdata folder), delete the template and then redownload it from the CA App.
  9. Is this a complete new installation or have you already mods installed? I can't reproduce the error with the exact same binary file that you've provided... The server just starts fine.
  10. Exactly. I made the plugin mainly to add 'intel_gpu_top' to monitor your iGPU usage but I also added the modprobe and chmod since it would make no sense to use 'intel_gpu_top' if the driver isn't loaded.
  11. That's a thing you have to try, have you bound the card to VFIO? If so the plugin won't be able to see the card.
  12. Those are two different things, the driver is loaded yes but no X (window process) is started. So I don't think it will work what you try to accomplish, but at least you can try, if it doesn't work simply uninstall the plugin. The BIOS is always active but how the manufacturer implemented the fan curve is different, some need a load on the GPU to activate the fan profile others don't need that
  13. Yes and no, Unraid will detect the card but it will not stop the fans. Yes, but don't let a Docker Container use the card and then fire up a VM, this can lead to a system crash. This is a completely vendor specific behavior and is set in the BIOS of the GPU from the vendor itself.
  14. From the output of your 'lsmod' the module 'dvb_core' is definitely loaded, I think it has something to do with the initialization itself, what you can do is try to generate a Custom build of Unraid with the DVB-Drivers included with the Unraid-Kernel-Helper (it's a really simple process):
  15. I don't think that this is possible since most dedicated servers are even doesn't require a dedicated GPU and are not designed to use a GPU at all. I don't think that TheForest Dedicated Server is capable of utilizing a GPU.
  16. You can integrate every patch, simple as possible, with the Unraid-Kernel-Helper into for lets say Unraid 6.9.0RC2 but please keep in mind that this patch has to be compatible with Kernel 5.x (You have to turn on User Patches)
  17. Can you try to remove this parameter from the Game Parameters? Isn't this a Java command, if so please add a new variable with the Key: 'EXTRA_JVM_PARAMS' and your '-XX:PermSize=512' as Value.
  18. Are you sure that you selected the right protocol? You have to forward the port UDP not TCP. No I'm not very familar with UniFi but I think this should not be different than any other Router/Firewall, just be sure to forward the IP:PORT (UDP) form your server to your external IP:PORT (UDP) and you should be good to go. Tested it now on my server and I can connect to it from "outside" without a problem.
  19. Is it working on the LAN? You can always select Connect to IP and enter your servers internal IP address (and eventually the port). One thing to note, it should also work if you forwarded the ports correctly in your router/firewall so that it is reachable from outside and one of you friends enters your PUBLICIP:PORT at the Connect to IP section of the Game. The public option only displays it on the Public Server list ingame. Are you sure you forwarded all the necessary ports with the right protocoll? Eventually your ISP is blocking the ports, even if you forward them correctly, some ISP block specific ports or even all ports to "protect" their customers...
  20. I think because the server is set to LAN only, have you entered your Factorio Account to the dedicated server and also have your friends a Factorio Account that is linked in the game otherwise online play isn't available. This is a bit of the 'server-settings.json' file (in this case you have to set the visibility and also your credentials): ... "visibility": { "public": false, "lan": true }, "_comment_credentials": "Your factorio.com login credentials. Required for games with visibility public", "username": "", "password": "", "_comment_token": "Authentication token. May be used instead of 'password' above.", "token": "", ...
  21. The kernel modules are present but you still need the plugin from the CA App that installs all necessary software (targetcli-fb,...)
  22. Can you please post the diagnostics here? Are you sure that you have a Quadro P600 and not a Quadro 600?
  23. Genau, sichere einfach den gesamten USB Stick irgendwo lokal auf deinen Computer. Du kannst auch von der WebGUI wieder zurück auf die 6.8.3 nur musst du die Cache Platten (falls du welche benutzt) neu zuordnen, Daten gehen nicht verloren, schreib dir nur auf welche Festplatte in welchem slot im Cache ist - oder mach ganz einfach ein Foto. Cache Pool neu zuordnen musst aber nur wenn du von 6.9.0 auf 6.8.3 zurückwechselst weil mit 6.9.0 ein neues Feature eingeführt wurde das man mehrere Cache Pools erstellen kann.
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