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Everything posted by ich777

  1. That's really strange since I installed it from the beginning on and never had such a problem. Have you done a upgrade to another version of Unraid or anything? That's by default, think of it like if you pass it through to a VM, it will be the same, just turn on the Passthrough switch and it will be not editable. Nice Yes that's no problem. You should never connect one iSCSI target to multiple initiators (computers).
  2. It's up to the user which network mode is used, I always use bridged to avoid confusion, but I would strongly recommend you to give it a static IP via the Custom network. You always have to look at it at a developer perspective or at least a non experienced user view, if I'm using host mode and the user has already a port assigned on the host that is already assigned to this docker this will cause a lot of headache... That's why I recommend Custom mode, to give it a dedicated IP and also all ports are exposed.
  3. The iscsi plugin was gone? That should't happen, the plugin should stay in place. Uodate the plugin and you will have now a save button on the first page after you've created all you disks, volumes,... Click the save button and everythin should be saved and is restored after a reboot. You can always use the unraid termnial... Btw please mark me in a post or quote me otherwiseI don't se your comments here.
  4. Can you give me a screenshot what it says after the plugin is fully downloaded (the windows where it installs the plugin)? Also what is in the folder packages? There should be a subfolder with the actual Kernel version and in that folder should be the package and some kind of a bzimage. What plugins have you installed? Eventually something other does prevent the download. Got no problems here since I also had to download the plugin this morning after you reported that issue and it went without a problem. You always can put the files in manually and the plugin will install the file on the server start.
  5. Have you also deleted also the file '/boot/config/plugins/dvb-driver.plg'? What files are in /boot/config/plugins/dvb-driver after the installation of the plugin? Have you waited until the plugin is installed successfully and the 'Done' button appeared or did you close it with the red 'x' button on the top right corner? I think it doesn't or at least can't download the package that needs to be installed... Have you PiHole installed in your network somewhere? What is wrong with this? beta35 is on Kernel 5.8.18.
  6. I don't see that the plugin isn't even trying to install... Can you please try the follwing: Delete the plugin if it's in your plugins tab Delete it from the Error Plugins Go to /boot/config/plugins and look for the file 'dvb-driver.plg' and delete it if it's there In /boot/config/plugins look for the folder 'dvb-driver' and delete it if it's there Go to /boot/config/plugins-error and delete anything that is relate to the dvb driver like in step 3. & 4. Reboot your server (this step is optional but I would recommend it) Go to the CA App and redownload it from there Reboot your server I think there is something left in a folder that is preventing it from installing. You have to also go to the plugins page in unraid and delete it from the Plugin-Errors
  7. That's really weird if it works on a fresh installation. Can you try to boot with your default usb stick and install the plugin once again (of course first remove the plugin that errors out) and reboot. After you rebooted go to Tools -> Diagnostigs and click on the bottom on Download and upload the file here. EDIT: What you also can do is after you did the steps from above is to remove the errored out plugin, then look if the folder /boot/config/dvb-driver exists on your Unraid machine.
  8. Java 11 should also work but I don't tried it because I don't wanted to make a dedicated Oracle account for that... EDIT: Just be sure to also remove the .tar.gz file from the runtime folder.
  9. Are you sending the server to sleep while it's transcoding? I read somewhere that on certain systems Nvidia cards don't wake up successfully after sleep. Have to investigate further, can you give me a little bit more information about your system specs? You can try to append this to your syslinux.cfg: 'pcie_aspm=force' (this forces devices to use ASPM=PCIe Active State Power Management - this can may be bad and lead to system lock ups, but at least you can try...)
  10. How did you trigger the sleep? Can you give me the output of 'nvidia-smi' before and after the sleep is triggered?
  11. I went to this site and downloaded the Java Development Kit 15 (since I don't wanted to create a dedicated account for Java 11 to download). These are the steps I did: Download the app from the CA App Changed the serverfilename to: 'paper-1.16.4-318' Changed accept EULA to: 'true' Let the container start and download the runtime Put the file that I downloaded above in the runtime directory Extracted the file in the runtime directory and deleted the .tar.gz file Changed the runtime name to: 'jdk-15.0.1' and restarted the container Waited for the EULA accept and that the world was generated and everything works I attached also the log (papermc.log) and two screenshots:
  12. I use the Tvheadend Docker from linuxserver. Never used or needed Oscam. I'm also planing to adding support for these cards from their closed source drivers but no garantuee that this cards will arrive...
  13. Just upgrade to beta35 and follow the steps in the first post and everything will work as usual.
  14. Okay. Yes, actually there are prebuilt images available on the bottom of the first post so you don't have to build it yourself.
  15. On which unraid version are you? I would recommend to use the libreelec drivers becazse this drivers are also included there.
  16. This is another plugin! If you want to use thia plugin you have to first uninstall your old plugin, the upgrade to beta35, reboot, go to the CA App and download the Nvidia-Driver plugin and restart once agaim or at least restart the docker service. Please read the first post for detailed instructions.
  17. This is perfectly fine, have you also tried to transcode another file? I think the GTX 980? Eventualy a file that has not the profile high 10? What seems off to you from the output?
  18. Warum nicht? Du kannst doch auch ein Synology oder Qnap nutzen. Diese frage verstehe ich nicht wirklich, sicher bleibt alles gespeichert nur kannst du Unraid nicht mehr nutzen und die VM dadurch auch nicht mehr starten wenn du sie auf Unraid erstellt hast. Sei dir auch bewusst das du die Testphase 2x um je 15Tage verlängern kannst. Ja, hab ich schon mehrmals gemacht, vorausgesetzt du baust die Festplatten auch mit um. Mindesten eine im Array, nein müssen nicht leer sein jedoch werden sie bein hinzufügen formatiert. Ja zählt auch als Festplatte siehe -> Hier (unten bei "Lizenzschlüssel info") Nicht ganz, bei einer VM hast du meisten ein wenig Overhead da es nicht auf dem Bare Metal läuft, meistens aber nicht spürbar (ich will hier keinen Krieg anzetteln, hier gehen die Meinungen stark auseinander). So wie bei der erstregistrierung nur das dann extend test period dort steht. Siehe Link Antwort 4 Das kommt auf den Einsatzzweck und welche Bedürfnisse du hast an müsstest nochmal genauer ausführen was du vorhast damit, Datengrab, Nutzung als NAS, Videoschnitt, Gaming in der VM? Schau mal hier vielleicht hilft das weiter, ich kann dir nur sagen ich hab keine VM mehr und alles auf Docker umgstellt -> Klick Unraid oder die VM nachdem Unraid gestartet ist? Bitte gib auch an ob du eine Vdisk dafür erstellst oder eine komplette Festplatte dafür verwendest und wenn du eine Vdisk verwendest ob die dann auf einer SSD liegt oder einer HDD. Bezahlung ist per PayPal möglich, USD werden in EUR umgerechnet. Ich würde prinzipiell zu USB 2.0 greifen, maximal 32GB, sieh dir mal die SanDisk, Transcend,... an. Wenn du normal bootest bist du in der Konsole und du kannst nur Befehle eintippen, es gibt aber auch einen GUI mode, der sollte aber nur zur Fehlerbehebung verwendet werden. Dafür musst du einen ganzen USB Controller durchreichen, zuerst müsstest hier mal mehr Hardwarespecs deiner Maschine posten (Motherboard, CPU - genau Modellbezeichnung), prinzipiell ist das möglich. Ja, aber bedenke das manche Spiele das Spielen in einer VM nicht erlauben (leider bin ich da nicht sehr bewandert) Valorant ist zB eins solcher Spiele. Da verlierst du ziemlich sicher Leistung. Aber wie gesagt wenn du performante hardware hast ist alles möglich, du kannst einer VM 4 Kerne zuteile und der anderen 4 andere Kerne der CPU wenn du einen 8Kern CPU hast. Ich schätze mal du willst einen Monitor anschließen and die Grafikkarte und benutzt die so oder, wenn ja dann ist es so wie wenn du einen normalen PC verwendest, unter bestimten Voraussetzungen. Du musst jede Festplatte Formatieren bevor du sie in Unraid benutzen kannst außer du reichst die Festplatte der VM durch. Ja aber nur wenn du 2 Grafikkarten in deinem PC verbaut hast. Bitte mach nichts unüberlegtes, wie ich oben geschrieben habe du müsstest zuerst mal die Festplatten formatieren bevor du sie überhaupt in Unraid verwenden kannst... Erstellen ist eigentlich relativ simple, poste aber bitte mal deine Hardware (CPU, Motherboard, Grafikkarte). Hoffe ich konnte dir fürs erste mal weiterhelfen. Du kannst dir auch Videos von The Geek Freaks auf Youtube ansehen bezüglich Unraid wenn du deutsche Videos beforzugst oder sonst natürlich auf englisch die Videos von @SpaceInvaderOne
  19. I will test this out after the weekend if that's ok for you, weekends are family time for me.
  20. Please note that I only provide the Plugin, @limetech builds and provides the drivers itself. I think when Unraid reaches 6.9.x stable that the drivers are updated frequently if a new driver is released by Nvidia. I can theoretically build you the driver v455.45.01 and you could insert it into the plugin but this is more of a hack and not how it should work.
  21. I don't know if it would break something if I upgrade it in general so that the container always pulls Java 11 (jDownloader would completely break if I do that - also uses this runtime). But of course you could do this: Download the version of java that you want to use for (Linux 64bit!) Got to your Minecraft folder in your appdata directory and open the runtime folder and delte this folder: jre1.8.0_241 Extract the downloaded into the runtime folder Go to your template, click on 'Show more settings' and change 'Runtime Name' from 'basicjre' to the exact folder name that lives in your runtime folder The server should then use the new java version, below is an example but for jre1.8.0_241 just as an example.
  22. Can you give me the outpur from 'nvidia-smi' while transocding a file? Have you also tried another file? Ebentually the card can't decode the file because the codec isn't supported.
  23. This plugin is for Unraid v6.9.0 beta35+, but you have to upgrade to beta35 first to see it. If you are on v6.8.3 you can use this (prebuilt images are in the first post on the bottom):
  24. @mgutt wie gesagt ich weiß das es verschlüsselungen gibt ich hab auch den container dirsync pro mit dem cryfs erstellt (sieh dir cryfs mal an - ist aber auf v 0.10.2 oder so, ansatz is super). Ich synchronisiere/clone auf mir unbekannte Server einfach nicht.
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