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Everything posted by ich777

  1. I also tried it here and no problem so far (I also changed only the password), can you try to change the network to host? Eventually something in the network settings is messed up...
  2. Mono or WINE? These are two different things... Also isn't ComicRack a GUI application for Windows? How would you display it through Unraid? I will look into Lutris.
  3. Have you tried Proton? Proton also works with other games that are not directly Steam. One sidenote, I would give it a differnt name than Game-Server since it's something to stream games to avoid confusion. I think something Game-Streaming-Container or something like that, but that's up to you. I will look into this. I also got Wine baseimage where Wine is preinstalled or also a Wine baseimage with noVNC preinstalled (of course you need to write the scripts yourself to make it run). I will also look into this but notice that my time is really limited and it can take some time.
  4. I think if you want to learn how to build a Docker Container it would be better to start with something simpler and not that complex, both Windows applications and also my Debian-Buster-Nvidia Container could be very complex for starters... Why not use the script itself and share it as a tutorial? What variables? You have to give me some more info or the Dockerfile/Script that you use changed... No, you don't have to build it with the Unraid-Kernel-Helper itself because I build all my Docker Containers in a VM that is headless and don't have access to any GPU of the host itself. I'm also not sure if it's good to learn how to build Docker Containers with my images because I got a slightly different approach to updates of the applications that run inside of the Containers.
  5. That should be no problem but you can also do this with a script at the container start. For more information feel free to contact me again. I don't understand that completely... You want to build a fork of Debian-Buster Nvidia and use the Unraid-Kernel-Helper-Plugin as source? How did you build the Docker Container or better speaking with what?
  6. I don't think that would solve the issue, who said that? This is just a warning that you are seeing in the logs and not relevant for SteamCMD. But you can try it by opening a console for the container (be sure to be root) and type in: apt-get update apt-get -y install libsdl2-2.0-0
  7. Normally the UUID doesn't change since it's a UUID of the GPU itself. I always recommend to use the Unraid-Kernel-Helper-Plugin since it's the plugin created for the images you build for and it gives a little more information about it. EDIT: Another user said that not me.
  8. Can you do me. a favour and tell me if it would be enough if I make a variable where you could put in the workshop contemt numbers and the container downloads it at the start like the Conan Exiles container does?
  9. Yes, that's the default behavoir because no browser is installed in the container one thing you can do about that is to copy the hyperlink and on the left side there should be a little arrow from noVNC, click on that and then on the clipboard, this should actually give you the link that you've copied. Or you install a VNC client and create another port mapping in the template from the container port 5900 to whatever host port you like (anything else than 5900 because it's eventually already used by a VM) and then you connect with this VNC client to the container then you have real copy and paste. I made the container only to view mails and not to open attachements (because they could be malicious) or follow links. Hope that makes sense to you...
  10. Puh... Think so, but don't count on that...
  11. Don't know if that's really the problem but at least try it. One recommendation would be to also try another mod. Sorry but there my knowlege ends because this is more a network or Steam problem than a problem with the container itself. But I think you now got how this works
  12. Then there is an error with the connection, there I really can't help, have you somewhere installed PiHole or something else? This has something to do with Steam or your network itself but there I can't really help...
  13. Oh sorry my fault, don't read two different threads at the same time... The right command would be 'su $USER' Try it with the right user account, because if you don't type in su $USER it could mess up privileges and such...
  14. I would do it this way: Connect to your server via SSH or open the web terminal window. Type in 'docker exec -ti Left4Dead2 /bin/bash' Type in '$USER' <- I think this part you forgot to type in and that's also important so that you are the user 'steam' and not 'root' And then give the command a try '${STEAMCMD_DIR}/steamcmd.sh +login anonymous +force_install_dir ${SERVER_DIR} +workshop_download_item 550 2032670332 +quit' I think the right app id for L4D2 is: 550 Click 222860 is the dedicated server itself
  15. Whatever you want, you can also try to build it yourself if you want to
  16. Have you even tried my command? I think you should never use anything else than $SERVER_DIR (/serverdata/serverfiles) as the install directory
  17. These are permission issues from luckybackup itself because it's running currently and you are backing it up at the same time. You can't do anything about it.
  18. This is what the option "Delete files on the destination" does but also for this to work "Recurse into directories" have to be used, but also the tooltip says that.
  19. From which Container are you talking about? I got multiple backup containers. EDIT: I think you are talking about luckyBackup No problem here, have you saved the task after you clicked Okay?
  20. Create a password with the command 'x11vnc -storepasswd' and when you are asked to save it press enter (it should save it to '/debian/.vnc/passwd'). In your 'Debian.sh' add the line: 'sed -i "/until x11vnc -display/c\until x11vnc -display :99 -rfbport 5900 -shared -forever -rfbauth /debian/.vnc/passwd; do" /opt/scripts/start-x11.sh' (without the single quotes) The line above will patch the start-x11.sh so that it uses the password file that you saved above to /debian/.vnc/passwd. Now restart the container and your VNC Viewer is secured.
  21. That should give you an idea how to setup a password: Click
  22. No, but you can do this since my approach to reading out the UUID and some other things is a little different. You can get it with the linuxserver.io plugin or you install the Unraid-Kernel-Helper Plugin Not really, it's basically the same. Read the first post very carefully. If you are building it on your own then make sure to turn off every container that can use the graphics card (if some process is using the card the installation of the driver will fail at build time). You have to manually place the files that beeing created on your USB boot drive (always backup the existing files to your local computer in case something goes wrong). A full nVidia build with the latest driver is about 250MB in size in terms of the 'bzroot' file. Wait for the container to stop then the build process is over, keep an eye on the logs. For further questions I am here but on weekends not really all the time... You can also download a prebuilt one from the bottom of the first post.
  23. Sorry you have to wait for @Cyd since I'm not very into ARK modding, I'm sure he can help Actually really simple, open a console for the container and type ine '$USER' then the command line prompt should say that you be steam (something like steam@VARIOUSNUMBERSANDLETTERS) and then do this: '${STEAMCMD_DIR}/steamcmd.sh +login anonymous +force_install_dir ${SERVER_DIR} +workshop_download_item 222860 2032670332 +quit' (without quotes) Then it should start to download it. (Quick explanation: ${STEAMCMD_DIR} is a variable handed to the container that tells it where SteamCMD lives the same goes for ${SERVER_DIR} - these are the gamefiles - I'm not 100% sure if the command is right for workshop items but at least I think it should work) So everything is working for you? Sorry for that, I could implement that the container downloads template files for this but the risk that it messes something up is rather high...
  24. Steht im Hilfe thread wie das genau funktioniert, ist momentan alles Englisch, die Deutsch Community muss mal einen Start finden... In den Einstellungen von Unraid hast du einen neuen Menüpunkt ganz unten der Unassigned Devices heißt, dort musst du reingehen und den Destruktivem Modus (weiß leider nicht mehr wie ich es genau übersetzt habe) aktivieren, dann kannst du Festplatten in UD löschen und dann formatieren. Wenn das Feld ausgegraut ist brauchst du noch das Unassigned Devices Plus (Addon) das ermöglicht dir dann erst das formatieren. Dann hast du da ein anderes problem wenn der Punkt ausgegraut ist aber dann dürfte sie nicht gemounted sein. Du musst auf das + klicken und dann auf den Namen der Partition und den ändern und wichtig, Enter drücken (bitte pass auf wenn du den Destruktiven Modus aktiviert hast was du machst), anschließend wieder auf Mount klicken dann wird sie richtig unter /mnt/disks/... eingehängt. Wenn du Auto-Mount angeschaltet hast schon ja. Das ist kein Problem ich benutze auch 2 Festplatten so und auf einer sind sogar Verzeichnisse von Docker Containern die gleich beim Starten von Unraid benötigt werden und wenn Auto-Mount an ist funktioniert das wunderbar. Diesen Satz versteh ich nicht, wenn du sie in UD drin hast kannst sie nicht einmal dem Array hinzufügen und dann wieder in UD und andersrum (also möglich ist es aber sehr Sinnbefreit ). Wenn gar nichts hilft den Server rebooten, achte aber darauf das du Auto-Mount ausschaltest wenn du sie vorher umbenennen willst, nicht das du wieder ein Problem hast. Als Format würd ich dir wenn du eine Mechanische Festplatte verwendest ebenfalls XFS empfehlen wenn du sie formatierst, oder bei SSD's btrfs (btrfs kannst natürlich auch bei Mechanischen Festplatten verwenden).
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